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Mens sana in corpore sano?

> ShiHao 石豪 - Disturbs. <

• Antisocial personality disorder (Sociopathy):
disturb defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others.
Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.
They may display arrogance, think lowly and negatively of others, and lack remorse for their harmful actions and have a callous attitude to those they have harmed.
Irresponsibility is a core characteristic of this disorder: they can have significant difficulties in maintaining stable employment as well as fulfilling their social and financial obligations, and people with this disorder often lead exploitative, unlawful, or parasitic lifestyles.
Those with antisocial personality disorder are often impulsive and reckless, failing to consider or disregarding the consequences of their actions. They may repeatedly disregard and jeopardize their own safety and the safety of others and place themselves and others in danger.
They are often aggressive and hostile and display a dysregulated temper and can lash out violently with provocation or frustration.

• Hyperacusis: a highly debilitating rare hearing disorder characterized by an increased sensitivity to certain frequencies and volume ranges of sound (a collapsed tolerance to usual environmental sound). A person with severe hyperacusis has difficulty tolerating everyday sounds, which become painful or loud.
In hyperacusis, the symptoms are ear pain, annoyance, and general intolerance to many sounds that most people are unaffected by. Crying spells or panic attacks may result from the experience of hyperacusis. It may affect either or both ears.
Hyperacusis can also be accompanied by tinnitus. Hyperacusis can result in anxiety, stress and phonophobia. Avoidant behaviour is often a response to prevent the effects of hyperacusis and this can include avoiding social situations.

• Tinnitus: perception of sound when no corresponding external sound is present.
While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, buzzing, hiss, or roaring. Rarely, unclear voices or music are heard.
The sound may be soft or loud, low or high pitched, and appear to be coming from one or both ears.
In some people, the sound may interfere with concentration or cause anxiety or depression.

• Phonophobia: fear of or aversion to loud sounds. It can also mean a fear of voices, or a fear of one's own voice. It is a very rare phobia which is often the symptom of hyperacusis.

• Dissociative identity disorder. (We all know.)

• Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD): mental disorder in which a person feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called "compulsions"), or has certain thoughts repeatedly (called "obsessions").
The person is unable to control either the thoughts or activities for more than a short period of time.
ShiHao OCD categorizes into the "symmetry factor" correlated with obsessions related to ordering, counting, and symmetry, as well as repeating compulsions.

> Leo 里昂 - Disturbs. <

• Claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces. It can be triggered by many situations or stimuli, including elevators, windowless rooms, and hotel rooms with closed doors and sealed windows. Even bedrooms with a lock on the outside, small cars, and tight-necked clothing can induce a response in those with claustrophobia. It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder, which often results in panic attacks.
Claustrophobia is typically thought to have two key symptoms: fear of restriction and fear of suffocation.
Additionally, the fear of restriction can cause some claustrophobes to fear trivial matters such as sitting in a barber's chair or waiting in a queue at a shop simply out of a fear of confinement to a single space.
Being enclosed or thinking about being enclosed in a confined space can trigger fears of not being able to breathe properly, running out of oxygen, and anxiety of being restricted. It is not always the small space that triggers these emotions, but it's moreso the fear of the possibilities of what could happen while confined to that area.
When anxiety levels start to reach a certain level, the person may start to experience:
- Sweating and/or chills;
- Accelerated heart rate and a rise in blood pressure;
- Dizziness, fainting spells, lightheadedness and frozen in fear;
- Dry mouth;
- Hyperventilation;
- Hot flashes;
- Shaking or trembling and a sense of "butterflies" in the stomach;
- Nausea;
- Headache;
- Numbness;
- Choking sensation;
- Tightness in the chest/chest pain and difficulty breathing;
- Confusion or disorientation;
- Fear of harm or illness.

• Nyctophobia: phobia characterized by a severe fear of the dark. It is triggered by the brain's disfigured perception of what would, or could happen when in a dark environment.
Instinctive parameters, such as breathlessness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly or sensation of detachment from reality and death. Nyctophobia can be severely detrimental physically and mentally if these symptoms are not resolved.
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1 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2020 06:53


The next morning, punctual like a swiss clock, he heads back to YiXing's house. It's barely 6 am, he headed there right after waking up and reading the diary updates.
He knocks on the door, but at that time the only people awake are the yokels in the garden.
Leo isn't sure if LaNi Is still there, since he said he could move elsewhere, but hopes to still find him there or be pointed to the new location.

Just like the other time, since nobody told him anything, he came in the black hanfu from ShiHao's closet.
After waiting for almost an hour, he tries to open the door on his own and finds out that it's actually not locked, so he can access.
He walks inside, looking around, but there is nobody in sight, so he goes straight to the basement-gym where he met LaNi the other time.
Leo kneels next to the blanket-bed in which he is sleeping and shakes him, smiling like a cute child.

LaNi wakes up as soon as he feels a touch and sits up, clearly startled.

"Annyeonghasimnikka!!" says Leo, with his usual cheerful tons and hand wave. "How are you?"

The other doesn't reply, he keeps staring in panic and disbelief.

"Look here!" He hands LaNi something wrapped in a cloth. "It's my favourite!"
The other hesitantly unwraps the messy packet, uncovering two baozi.
"They were hot when I bought them, but they have become cold. I've waited outside for some time..."
"Who let you in?" LaNi asks with a trembling tone.
"No one, the door was open. Eat!" He points at the baozi with a cute smile.
And there I thought this place was the safest... - LaNi thinks and looks at the food. He doesn't trust Leo, of course he won't eat anything from him. "First I have to prepare, I will eat it later. Why did you come?"
"You forgot? I came to report! I've checked the diary, he didn't have the time to do anything, only work. You will be safe today!" He smiles so warmly and happily, bit LaNi keeps serious and cold.
"Gomapseumnida. You may go, now." He stands up and aims to head to the stairs, but Leo gently takes his wrist when he walks by.
"Can you show me this place? I would like to see it, but I know nothing about it, so I am worried to be on my own. Can we go together?"
LaNi Is surprised by the request, but not reassured. What if it is just an excuse to take him somewhere and try to kill him? He has these kind of thoughts all the time. "Ahm... let me just... you'll need different different clothes to walk among the humans."
Leo looks at himself. "Oh? These clothes aren't nice. I hate them too. Where can I find some different ones here?"
"Wait here, I'll go to find some clothes for you." And he goes upstairs.
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0 | 41 Comments | May 4th 2020 11:18

求 - Officer Trainer witness.

"I have no clue how those boys ended up in that hell. I've checked the registers several times, you see, all the boys brought there were registered. We'd know which camp they were sent from, the Officer who asked for the disciplinary action and, naturally, the reason. You wouldn't send a boy to a place like that for refusing to wash his dish after dinner... it was for serious crimes committed by trainees. Really high insubordination, extreme and uncontrolled violence, robberies within the camp... crimes. Actual crimes."
He still has the register and turns it's pages to the right one, then points the names. "Qiu ShiHao and TiHao. There is the date of their transferring, but all the other spots are empty. I even asked to other officers of the time, but nobody had a clue which camp where those boys from or what they did to deserve to end up in there."

The man sighs. "I was young at the time and not particularly lucky. You see, us officers weren't happy to be there either. Horrors were in the order of the day. Besides, the boys themselves were quite dangerous. And our... practices weren't supposed to make them any better. The Colonel didn't want to correct them, he wanted to worsen them to the point they'd become animals. Beasts only capable of hurting and killing. It wasn't the kind of place where you'd normally see some kids from rich families, not even middle-class, let alone some Sacred Blood. You can only imagine our shock, when the Qiu twins were taken there... it made no sense." He shakes his head.

"There weren't dormitories in that camp. The boys had to sleep in some small rooms, totally empty and dark, without windows. We had to lock the kids in those cells every night and sometimes we'd even receive the other to keep some of them locked for days. It was dreadful, the Imperial Prison is soft compared.
Naturally, no kids wanted to sleep in there. We had to force them, beat them... they'd cry and scream, vomit, piss themselves..." He massages his forehead. "Then those two arrived. They walked inside their cells like they liked it. They didn't struggle, did not make a breath. Even when they were kept locked for two days, without food and water, they didn't make a noise the whole time. Nor they tried to escape."

"Starving the trainees was common. We'd often receive the order to not feed them for days, sometimes weeks. They were forced to fight each others for food, undergo exhausting and inhuman treatments... most kids wouldn't survive, only especially strong ones could get out of there alive. But even those... once they'd set a foot in that camp, they would never be the same." Sighs. "We didn't form soldiers, in there. We made those boys into war criminals... But it wasn't up to us. Colonel Zhou was in charge, we were forced to obey or we'd risk our lives too. I'm only glade that bastard found death and that camp was erased from existence."

"I don't know what impact it had on the twins. It was hard to tell if there had been a chance at all, in them. Never once I recall to have seen them desperate or traumatized. They always looked eerily calm, no matter what they went through..."
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1 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2020 10:49

求 - IG witness.

"It was Winter, a particularly harsh one. I was on night shift at the headquarters, when we received a sudden, emergency call for reinforcements from the leading guards of the village of JinTie village, in Fengshii county. Normally we wouldn't even know of such a place, if it wasn't the the Count of Fengshii and his family lived in there. It still haunts me... why in the world would the Count decide to live in such a Gods-forsaken, mining village? Why not live in the city of Fengshii?" The old IG shakes his head and sighs.
"We responded to the call and gathered a squad to reach the village as soon as possible, but it wasn't so easy. Who would have ever been to that place? There wasn't a single guard able to teleport us there, nor there were teleporters. It was a place literally nobody would be interested in visiting, not a trading place, nothing useful or particular..." He takes a breath. "It wasn't before dawn that we finally managed to find a man, a merchant who was born in that village but moved to Shiirhuang. He teleported us all there." Break.

"There was barely any light yet, since the sun had not yet rose. There isn't much light in those areas, anyway. It's always cloudy and foggy...
We were expecting the worst, since we arrived so late afre the call. Yet, the village seemed totally calm and tidy. Not a single sound, not a sign of battle or ruckus of any kind. But there was nobody. Not a guard, not a peasant. Where did the guards go? Was my first thought. They all died? There was a raid of some sort? I couldn't figure out. We were on our guard, there was something absolutely off in that whole matter and place... you'll think I'm crazy." The man rubs his face.
"We cautiously moved through the deserted village, a small place, less than 200 people lived there, including the children. We knocked on every door, made all the possible noise. Some smoke still came out of various chimneys, yet nobody coming to the doors. At that point, I have the order to break inside a few houses to see. I myself kicked down a door and walked inside. Nobody. Not a soul. Fireplaces still lit, there was even half eaten food on some tables... cold teas, messed beds... but not one, single, godsdamned person." He shuts his eyes.

"At that point, I went a little crazy. I ordered my men to search every inch, of over single house. It couldn't be possible. It was as if people had simply vanished from their houses. Not a sign of fight, not a drop of blood. Not a single clue that would point at a sudden emergency, an attack or whatnot.
While my men checked the average people's house, together with a few others, I headed to the Qiu residence." Pause.
"Needless to say, the place was just as silent and empty as the rest. No guards by the gate, no servants preparing the house for the awakening of their masters. It wasn't a good sign. Even if I loudly announced my arrival multiple times, nobody answered nor came to welcome us, thus we proceeded inside. That place was... eerie. A big residence, but not what you'd expect from Sacred Blood. There was a sense of decay, in there. It wasn't particularly clean or as luxurious as what you'd see in Shiirhuang. Yet, the Qiu have always been among the richest."

It's clear the old IG has some heavy feeling regarding Qiu family.

"Fortunately, we searched everywhere in that place too, because otherwise there would likely be no way in the world we could possibly notice them... the twins." He shakes his head, like about to say something even he would struggle to believe, if it had not been that he saw with his own eyes. "We found one locked inside the cellar. The other one was locked inside the attic. Two toddlers, how in the world did they end up in those places? Who would lock those small children alone in those dark and icy cold places? I still can't believe it, for the love of me." He hits the table with his hand. "They were 2 years old. Two toddlers of that age, locked alone in those terrifying places... not making a breath. Even the most quiet of all children would scream and cry their lungs out, they'd hit the entrance and try to catch anyone's attention at all cost... but nothing. They were silent and as quiet as ever... what kind of circumstances could make children that way?" So baffled.

"Those children were the only living thing we found in that whole village. Not even a dog, a cat or a damned rat. Only those two children. I tried to speak to them, see if they knew anything, but they were too small to even reply my questions. And they were freezing, so we urgently sent them back to Shiirhuang to be taken care of by some physician. We also sent a warning to their grandfather, but stayed longer to search more. A secret passage.connecting all the houses? 183 souls disappeared into thin air... we couldn't find a single clue. Nothing. If someone had attacked and threatened, why would nobody oppose resistance? There were weapons in many houses and no sign someone tried to reach for them. Besides, would the attackers give people the time to lock the doors? Nothing made any sense. We even searched the surroundings of the village... a totally deserted area, mountains, forests and nothing."

He covers his face with hands. "This case haunted me for years. I continued to investigate even when it made no sense anymore. When the higher ups decided to close the case, I still continued to investigate by myself in the free time.
When the twins were about 8 years old, I tried to meet with them to ask. If they had even just one memory.of that night, I needed to find out. Yet, their grandfather refused categorically to let me see them. And the next day, I got kicked out from the IG." Deep sigh. "General Zhendong lately gave me another chance, or I wouldn't be here otherwise. After losing my job, back then, I stopped to get involved. I feared Lord Qiu would attempt to my life or endanger my family, he was a powerful and dangerous man, apparently."
The IG looks at the interlocutor. "I'm surprised to have been asked about this. Only one person before you, ever came to ask about those twins: Captain Yung. I heard they have quite a bad reputation."

The IG concludes: "Should your curiosity lead you to the solution of that mystery, please let me know. I need to know, before I die, so that I will be able to rest peacefully in the otherworld."
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1 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2020 09:53


He opens his eyes and as every morning, it's him. He sits up and looks around, the room is totally dark. Nothing new.
He groans. The pain is so sharp that he regains lucidity almost right away. Almost every single part of his upper body burns like fire. He hurries to get up from the bed and each for the shelves where all the potions and elixirs are, in the bathroom. He drinks up a vial of painkillers, trembling and panting during the few minutes it takes to have its effects. What could have happened this time, to reduce his body to this state? What did WuQing do?

He returns to the bedroom, approaches the window and moves the curtains to let some light in. It isn't much, on that mountain there is always clouds and mist, the sky is never clear for long.
Like every morning, he goes to check the diary, with tail between legs. He hates to do it, but he has to know what the main personality has been doing while he was away. It makes him sick, in a way, but it has become an habit by now. And he needs to find out why everything hurts so bad.
WuQing writes everything he does or happens to him in a very detailed way, in his diary.
He turns the pages to the last he read and proceeds with the story. "He really got angry..." he mutters to himself while reading. "Not good."
Shockingly, among the sentences full of hate, anger and frustration, there is a portrait. The face of a young boy. | I'll catch him/I'll make him pay/I'll kill him no matter what... | And the sort.

He states at the portrait and gasps. Whoever that person is, he is in serious danger. He knows what WuQing is like.
Both himself and the main identity know of each others, but unlike him, WuQing is quite tyrannic. He didn't give him rules. To discourage him from doing anything when it's his time, he just tends to threaten, hurt and damage whoever he tries to approach. He is scared of WuQing more than he is of anything or anyone.
For that reason, he didn't leave that lonely residence on the mountain for a very long time, worried that he could be responsible of someone getting hurt. But this time it's different. That boy is probably in danger and needs to get warned before something tragic happens again.

He approaches the closet to get some clothes. It had been a while since he took off the night clothes. "Only black, as always..." The only colorful thing is the IA uniform and of course he doesn't dare to touch it.
He heads to Shiirhuang, to look for information about the boy. He knows that WuQing and another IA were after him, but they both failed to catch him and got defeated by the boy in a 1 vs 2, which caused the IAs to get punished and all the fury in WuQing. He also knows that the not was saved by the Prince and couldn't be imprisoned even. He just needs to find out where he is staying.
Searching around, he learns that Prince SongYu is on Earth with his father and sister, and thanks to a friend he has, he manages to get a portal right in the place. Someone is in danger, could there be a better reason to bother the Imperial Family during their holiday?

He brought WuQing's diary with him, so that he can show the portrait to ask for directions. He doesn't even know the name of that boy and he could, absolutely.not, tear off the page and bring just that one. He can't risk to let WuQing know he left the house and did something on his own.
When in Seoul, his friends points him to the house where the Prince is known to be and approaches it, with a bit of hesitation. Of course he is wearing Xhuanghen clothes, full black, he couldn't do otherwise.
He knocks on the door and waits.
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2 | 58 Comments | May 2nd 2020 09:13