
He opens his eyes and as every morning, it's him. He sits up and looks around, the room is totally dark. Nothing new.
He groans. The pain is so sharp that he regains lucidity almost right away. Almost every single part of his upper body burns like fire. He hurries to get up from the bed and each for the shelves where all the potions and elixirs are, in the bathroom. He drinks up a vial of painkillers, trembling and panting during the few minutes it takes to have its effects. What could have happened this time, to reduce his body to this state? What did WuQing do?

He returns to the bedroom, approaches the window and moves the curtains to let some light in. It isn't much, on that mountain there is always clouds and mist, the sky is never clear for long.
Like every morning, he goes to check the diary, with tail between legs. He hates to do it, but he has to know what the main personality has been doing while he was away. It makes him sick, in a way, but it has become an habit by now. And he needs to find out why everything hurts so bad.
WuQing writes everything he does or happens to him in a very detailed way, in his diary.
He turns the pages to the last he read and proceeds with the story. "He really got angry..." he mutters to himself while reading. "Not good."
Shockingly, among the sentences full of hate, anger and frustration, there is a portrait. The face of a young boy. | I'll catch him/I'll make him pay/I'll kill him no matter what... | And the sort.

He states at the portrait and gasps. Whoever that person is, he is in serious danger. He knows what WuQing is like.
Both himself and the main identity know of each others, but unlike him, WuQing is quite tyrannic. He didn't give him rules. To discourage him from doing anything when it's his time, he just tends to threaten, hurt and damage whoever he tries to approach. He is scared of WuQing more than he is of anything or anyone.
For that reason, he didn't leave that lonely residence on the mountain for a very long time, worried that he could be responsible of someone getting hurt. But this time it's different. That boy is probably in danger and needs to get warned before something tragic happens again.

He approaches the closet to get some clothes. It had been a while since he took off the night clothes. "Only black, as always..." The only colorful thing is the IA uniform and of course he doesn't dare to touch it.
He heads to Shiirhuang, to look for information about the boy. He knows that WuQing and another IA were after him, but they both failed to catch him and got defeated by the boy in a 1 vs 2, which caused the IAs to get punished and all the fury in WuQing. He also knows that the not was saved by the Prince and couldn't be imprisoned even. He just needs to find out where he is staying.
Searching around, he learns that Prince SongYu is on Earth with his father and sister, and thanks to a friend he has, he manages to get a portal right in the place. Someone is in danger, could there be a better reason to bother the Imperial Family during their holiday?

He brought WuQing's diary with him, so that he can show the portrait to ask for directions. He doesn't even know the name of that boy and he could, absolutely.not, tear off the page and bring just that one. He can't risk to let WuQing know he left the house and did something on his own.
When in Seoul, his friends points him to the house where the Prince is known to be and approaches it, with a bit of hesitation. Of course he is wearing Xhuanghen clothes, full black, he couldn't do otherwise.
He knocks on the door and waits.
Heart this
2 | May 2nd 2020 09:13
Aventurine "You are trained? Are you really strong? Would you really be able to defeat him?" He sounds so hopeful.
"I won't fight him, if I did something unusual he would get suspicious and I fear he could find out I came here and why..." He shakes his head. "I can not let it happen, never."
He blinks. "But I want to report to him..." He points at LaNi.

LaNi. "You know why I am in troubles with a crazy IA...?"
He looks away. "Who is this friend?"
Aventurine "You are trained? Are you really strong? Would you really be able to defeat him?" He sounds so hopeful.
"I won't fight him, if I did something unusual he would get suspicious and I fear he could find out I came here and why..." He shakes his head. "I can not let it happen, never."
He blinks. "But I want to report to him..." He points at LaNi.

LaNi. "You know why I am in troubles with a crazy IA...?"
He looks away. "Who is this friend?"
Irya "I am trained but I am not confident of myself, knowing he is an IA..." He looks away, being realistic. He might be good in martial arts but doesn't feel at the level. "Alone, I wouldn't make it. I would need help.
Ye, don't make him suspicious in any way. Don't do anything. Just keep reporting to me." He then moves his gaze on LaNi. "Or him...fine too, but let it remain only between us three.
I am not sure. Do you want to tell him why he is so angry at you?
His name is Rain...no one knows he is my friend, I believe he is trustworthy." Without knowing it would be like the logic 'the closest to your enemy, the safest'.
Aventurine "I wouldn't be able to stand a chance against him. He even went to war, he is no joke..." He looks down, never feeling sorry fo break his hyung's privacy like that.
"Nay!" he says enthusiastically. "I will not make a word with anyone, I won't even be meeting anyone else beside you here!"
He tilts his head. "I know why. It's because he defeated him, he can't stand it, he feels so ashamed that he could explode. It's the first time someone defeated him."

LaNi. "I will think about it..."
Irya ''IA and war veteran, he is really no joke.'' He snorts, not being happy to hear the details. ''I really have no chance...need someone else to help.
You...'' He looks at LaNi with widen eyes. Seeing him so small and innocent, he thought he was no match for an IA. ''You defeated him already? Wow...I thought...nevermind, I'm a little relieved to know.
Can you...please decide before night falls? I won't be avaliable for the night, I really can't make it...''