求 - Officer Trainer witness.

"I have no clue how those boys ended up in that hell. I've checked the registers several times, you see, all the boys brought there were registered. We'd know which camp they were sent from, the Officer who asked for the disciplinary action and, naturally, the reason. You wouldn't send a boy to a place like that for refusing to wash his dish after dinner... it was for serious crimes committed by trainees. Really high insubordination, extreme and uncontrolled violence, robberies within the camp... crimes. Actual crimes."
He still has the register and turns it's pages to the right one, then points the names. "Qiu ShiHao and TiHao. There is the date of their transferring, but all the other spots are empty. I even asked to other officers of the time, but nobody had a clue which camp where those boys from or what they did to deserve to end up in there."

The man sighs. "I was young at the time and not particularly lucky. You see, us officers weren't happy to be there either. Horrors were in the order of the day. Besides, the boys themselves were quite dangerous. And our... practices weren't supposed to make them any better. The Colonel didn't want to correct them, he wanted to worsen them to the point they'd become animals. Beasts only capable of hurting and killing. It wasn't the kind of place where you'd normally see some kids from rich families, not even middle-class, let alone some Sacred Blood. You can only imagine our shock, when the Qiu twins were taken there... it made no sense." He shakes his head.

"There weren't dormitories in that camp. The boys had to sleep in some small rooms, totally empty and dark, without windows. We had to lock the kids in those cells every night and sometimes we'd even receive the other to keep some of them locked for days. It was dreadful, the Imperial Prison is soft compared.
Naturally, no kids wanted to sleep in there. We had to force them, beat them... they'd cry and scream, vomit, piss themselves..." He massages his forehead. "Then those two arrived. They walked inside their cells like they liked it. They didn't struggle, did not make a breath. Even when they were kept locked for two days, without food and water, they didn't make a noise the whole time. Nor they tried to escape."

"Starving the trainees was common. We'd often receive the order to not feed them for days, sometimes weeks. They were forced to fight each others for food, undergo exhausting and inhuman treatments... most kids wouldn't survive, only especially strong ones could get out of there alive. But even those... once they'd set a foot in that camp, they would never be the same." Sighs. "We didn't form soldiers, in there. We made those boys into war criminals... But it wasn't up to us. Colonel Zhou was in charge, we were forced to obey or we'd risk our lives too. I'm only glade that bastard found death and that camp was erased from existence."

"I don't know what impact it had on the twins. It was hard to tell if there had been a chance at all, in them. Never once I recall to have seen them desperate or traumatized. They always looked eerily calm, no matter what they went through..."
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1 | May 3rd 2020 10:49