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Aventurine's Blog

Change of plans.

[Spoiler alert]

ShiHao has mixed feelings about having to face TiHao's man, but he has no intention to lose either.
* In the end, MoonPil, with the power of the Silver Crystal, managed to fix his mental issues, but he didn't turn him into a flower of mercy and love.

He saw WonPil fight against Sasori, so he has some expectations about their duel. He is competitive but also likes to have a good fight, since his main element turned out to be Strength.
The fight start and at least at the beginning, everything seems regular. it would seem that their level of skill is very close, the only difference is that WonPil relies more on agility and ShiHao on strength.
Suddenly, though, his brother-in-law pretty much stop putting effort and he ends up hitting him a few times without the other even trying to avoid it, until he kicks him out of the ring.

WonPil just stands up like nothing happened and starts to walk away with nonchalance. It was quite clear he lost on purpose, both for the audience and ShiHao, who is left baffled.
He starts to follow the other, who heads outside the arena.
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0 | 59 Comments | May 24th 2021 04:46

Letter to ShiHao.

* All written with a green glitter gel pen, words in capital letters are also highlighted with a shocking pink highlighting pen.
There are many glitter yellow stars drawn all over the paper.

| Seriously Hyung, REALLY? How could you do this to me? I've almost (this word written very tiny) obeyed to ALL your RULES, even if they were hurtful and suppressive towards me! I've always done everything you told me to do and warned you when there was the need, WARNED, you know that word? Have you ever heard about it? That's the key word here, WARNING! You should have at least ASKED me before taking this decision!!
You always forced but this body isn't only yours, it's MINE TOO! How so you think I felt after waking up in here, eh? I almost bumped against HIM as soon as I set a foot out of the room! Can you imagine how SCARED it was for me to wake up in an unknown place? Then how do you think I felt when I found out this is HIS place?!
You never even WARNED me that you have a twin! How could you never tell me that, where you know EVERYTHING about me?!
It's not fair! I demand you move elsewhere, before I wake up next day! I can't live in this place, that man is even SCARIER than you! I want to go back to our home!!!
Also, don't tell him about me, I don't want him to try to approach me to know me!!! I swear I'll pretend to be you if he comes! To your OWN risk.

Ps. Aniyo, jebal make sure he doesn't come!! I'll treat our body better if he doesn't come! Jebal!!! I'll do everything you want, if we just go home now! Will we? Q.Q | Sad face drawing included.
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1 | 1 Comment | Jun 4th 2020 12:22


While TiHao is not at home, he arrives at their apartment. He waits in front of the door till SangPil walks out and just pushes him away to get inside, because knocking is way too mainstream!

He walks in without saying a word, without announcing himself nor anything, and just parks himself on the couch, where he sits and takes his head in hands.
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0 | 38 Comments | May 19th 2020 18:34


Uki speaks a lot about people, but in truth, he knows nothing about them. He doesn't know the real way they think, live and behave. He sees it all from a very cold and distanced, emotionless point of view.
To his perspective, the only logical thing someone in LaNi's position could have done, would be to seek the help of the enemy in hope to gain an advantage for himself. But obviously, he is totally wrong.

He can't have any idea what's going on inside LaNi's mind at the moment, how much he is suffering, how deeply Uki's revelation hurt him. To know that he IS the cure, not someone who has to find it. He is just something, not someone. It all really adds to his complexes of not being a person, due to the way he was created.
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1 | 37 Comments | May 8th 2020 18:20

The unavoidable.

Leo keeps visiting LaNi every day, with the diary matter not even being needed as an excuse anymore. Clearly LaNi doesn't mind his presence and starts soon to appreciate him and his care.
How could he not? It's something he never experienced before. Someone totally committed to him, without any apparent secondary reason behind it. Just someone showing him love, someone who simply likes him.
In such circumstances, it took no time for LaNi to trust Leo and to like him back. Even if it felt too good to be true, he decided to abandon himself to it, but it was a big mistake.
And the fact it all happened in a particularly tough moment for LaNi, only helped it to get stronger faster. Not being alone in that condition of constant worry about what would happen once the news of what he tried to do would reach the wrong people was a huge stress for LaNi, but the vicinity of Leo somehow managed to ease his burden.

In the last days, LaNi and Leo often spent time together in the gym of Lay's home, where the first is still staying. Sometimes they'd even just lie on the blankets and cuddle, other times LaNi would just take a nap while Leo looked at him. They didn't do anything dirty though.
One particular day, LaNi was asleep on top of Leo, in his arms. Leo had always been confident that he'd manage to stay awake and not fall asleep by accident, but he didn't calculate how hard it could be. No wonder Leo is quite naive and childish.
Leo fell asleep.

ShiiHao opened his eyes shortly after.
At first, he just looked around that place full of light, unfamiliar and that he certainly didn't reach on his own. Guessing how he got there wasn't hard: Leo. That bastard indeed restarted to leave the house.
Only after thinking of all the ways he'll use to punish Leo, he realised his situation. His own arms wrapped around that boy, asleep on his body.

In the previous days, due to Leo's bond growing stronger, even ShiHao started to have feelings for LaNi. Something totally new to him, that on his own he would have never been capable of.
Still, even ShiHao started to show the signs of being in love, without even realising or knowing how, before that moment.
He even drew LaNi's face a few more times and his thought turned progressively less homicidal in his regards, until he simply stopped to wish his death.

ShiHao remained motionless in that position, quite enjoying it in truth. He had never been like that with anyone before. But even if he likes something, it doesn't mean he would be able to do it again on his own.
He didn't interfere with the situation until LaNi started to wake up. At that point, he pushed him off of him and quickly stood up, grabbed his wrist and roughly pulled him with him. ShiHao opened a portal, leading near the city of FengShii, and crossed it together with LaNi, whom officially disappeared after that moment.
In that city, that pretty much belongs to Qiu family, as much as the whole County, he had already prepared all the needed documents to get FengShii, all a Qiu needs to do is to want something, in order to have it. It's not that a functionary would betray the Qiu and report to Shiirhuang, or the Crown, if something irregular, like an homosexual marriage, was performed.

Since LaNi is underaged, has literally no rank of any kind, no ID, no position, any Sacred Blood could pretty much do as they want with him. The only opposition would come if he had a legal tutor or an adoptive parent, but he has none. He is literally like a nobody, in Xhuanghen, a ghost.
Therefore, nobody tried to oppose, or to advice ShiHao not to do that, as who would even come to complain?

The wedding itself wasn't a wedding. Just ShiHao putting his seal on the documents, a couple of words from some priest, Sethi's mark and a ring. It all happened so fast that to LaNi It felt irreal. Like a nightmare happening in front of his eyes but to which he couldn't react in any way.
He was undergoing severe panic attack during the whole time, but nobody tried to stop that and help. Nobody would go against ShiHao or slow that mess down for his sake.

As it can be imagined, there was so party. After that cold and brief ceremony, ShiHao simply dragged LaNi to his remote residence...

* LaNi disappeared at least 3 days before the arrival of SooHyeon.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 7th 2020 12:20