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Kha'thlek Larkastylian {Alien has Landed}

Kha'thlek Larkastylian - Lieutenant Commander

Nicknames: Khal, Stylian
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Species: Centaurian (Their home planet is within the Sagittarius constellation)
Height: 7 ft 3
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Powers/Abilities/attributes: Centaurian men are incredibly strong, dextrous and have the ability to regenerate whole limbs in a month or two.

Appearance: Khal is pale for a Centaurian, most have a skin tone closer to a cobalt blue yet his is more so pasty white with a blue hue. His sclera are red, and his irises a vivid orange like the sky at twilight. His hair is harder and thicker than humans and is a pale white too. He has pointed ears and sharp teeth much like those of a shark. With multiple rows that replace his old ones every year or so. His skin is smooth yet thick without any hairs. On his back there are what seems to be violet wires that plug into his back, shoulders and neck.

Personality: Khan is a proud soldier, he is strong both physically and of temperament. He is dutiful and respectful. Surprisingly inquisitive for a male of his species, adaptive and considerate. He has a natural curiosity and a reverence for the natural state of things. But he is also fierce and not afraid of violence, and will not stand for disrespect to himself, his fellow soldiers or more importantly his matriarchs.

Backstory: The Centaurians are an ancient race of long lived sapient humanoids that live on the star system of Kaus Borealis, their planet is called Mlyse (Mi-leese). The Centaurians are a matriarchal species the females are highly intelligent and manage the society whereas the males are strong and brilliant fighters, builders, and menial labourers since time immemorial. What their matriarchs say, goes. The women of their society are revered for their intelligence and the men are subservient to their matriarchs. They are highly protective of them but ultimately what their matriarch orders, they abide. As such their is a natural hierarchy with women at the top and men on the bottom. However this hierarchy is not one of tyranny, the men have the means to overthrow the women if they wished, they are stronger after all. But whether it is a conscious understanding or a biological innate drive they are sworn to protect their women and listen to their guidance, as such, thoughts of usurping them never cross their mind, they couldn't even fathom a reality where that would be a viable option . Though in the past a few days a year during the spring on their home planet. Their mating seasons. This specific time when the females are in heat and release hormones and scents that make the males insatiable. It is this time where the females are dominated and mated with. Luckily the women of this species evolved robust bodies that can heal quickly, as the insatiability makes the males quite rough, often resulting in injury to the women that fight back. Though that was how it was when they were more primitive. Since their technology had gotten more advanced the females of their species managed to take stimulants and medication to prevent these hormonal changes. However, this resulted in an incredibly low birth rate.

Khal is a lieutenant commander upon a Centaurian star ship, Lieutenant commander being the highest rank a male Centaurian can hold. Khal is a anomaly for men as he is reasonably intelligent, a trait rare in Centaurian men. On the star ship he is posted, his Matriarch considered promoting him to commander, though there has been push back on such a decision from the higher ups. There had never been a male commander of a star ship in Centaurian history. Khal didn't mind this push back however, he was simply happy and content to serve his people and defend their system and homeworld from what his people call the Torkai.

The Torkai were disturbing kind of creature. Originally a sentient parasite that infected other sapient life forms. It infects the brain stem and takes control of the host. Hosts shown by the changes the parasite does to their body, their eyes go cloudy white, and their skin becomes dry and flaky. While the parasite's they have their own thoughts, they are all under the control of what they call the 'mother'. On their home world of Tork, which is made of salted brine pools in which the parasites spawn, there is a large biological mass the size of large city. This is the 'Mother' and it speaks psionically and orders the parasites to spread.

The Torkai had ravaged many home worlds until they finally reached a substantial resistance in the home world system of the Centaurians. Centaurians were naturally resistant to most know viruses, bacteria and parasites so infected Centaurian's immune systems could kill the parasites before they matured. However the female Centaurians do not have as strong immune systems as the males so some parasites were able to infect them. It was this that caused an all out war between the parasite collective known as Torkai and the Centaurians. And it was a starship battle between Khal's ship and several Torkai ships that resulted in his current situation in a escape pod in stasis hurtling through the universe only to be headed toward a planet unknown to him

Khal's Theme
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3 | 0 Comments | Aug 22nd 2023 08:38

Quinton Haink {Dead guys and Dogs!}

Quinton Haink - First Son of the Alpha

Nickname: Hank, Quint.
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Species: Werewolf
Height: 5ft 11
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Versatile)
Relationship status: Single
Powers/Abilities/attributes: The ability to turn into a large wolf. He can also partially transform if he sees fit. He is skilled with swords and daggers and is quite agile

Appearance: He has short mousy hair, dark circles around his eyes with a stubbly jaw. He is toned and a little muscular and quite excessively hairy in terms of body hair. His wolf form is about as large as a horse with dark fur on his body and lighter around his muzzle.

Personality: He is very nonchalant, easy going and lax in most everything he does. Though he seems composed more than often he is no stranger to dealing with people who try their luck or get a little too big for their boots. He is a honourable man and thoroughly dislikes those who act like their above him without proof of it before hand. Other than that to his friends he is warm and loyal.

Backstory: He's apart of the werewolf clan held up in the northern kingdom, they came to a truce with the silvernight many years ago during the golden era when Van Hellsing was the leader of the silvernight where they eradicated some of the strongest mythical creatures on Mavis. Though still active to this day they are far from the strength of the glory days but are still revered among the citizenry especially among humans, elves and orcs. The silver night protect the northern kingdom and its holds from vampires, wild werewolves, thralls and creatures like goblins, demons and imps. The werewolves offered their prowess to hunt the more problematic creatures and ever since have worked in tandem with the silvernight and they two have garnered a form of respect among the citizenry though people often let them do their own thing.

Most of his clan keep to them selves. Despite the many years of his clan serving the kingdom, and more so Quinton's father having a seat on the council there are still many who are apprehensive about his clan. After all they are monsters in many peoples eyes, it only makes sense they be concerned. But those of his clan that are of the silvernight tend to have a bit more prestige among the citizenry, after all they keep the land within the kingdom safe.
And Quinton has made somewhat of a name for himself. He is a successful hunter of feral's and monsters. He has completed many a contract so much so the people of the capital in which he lives don't treat him like a monster but with the same respect they give everyone else, for the most part.

Though currently things are in a state of flux in the northern kingdom. Putting his clan under considerable strain. With whispers of the chosen of Tenebris heard throughout Mavis meaning for more monster sightings and even worse necromancer and demon cults cropping up. Further the continued income of demi-human refugees, and what may be perhaps more disturbing for his clan are a sect of vampires that actually wish to live among them as citizens. Their ancient enemies living with them? This was something that would be most difficult to get passed, especially with one of these vampires managing to get a seat on the council of the king.

Quinton's Theme
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2 | 0 Comments | Jan 14th 2023 12:01

Gendri Fallstone !Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Gendri Fallstone

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Nationality: British

Languages: English

Relationship status: Single

Height: 5’11

Race: Half Wizard and Muggle.

Personality/Extra: Gendri is a quiet guy that keeps to himself. He is intelligent and a skilled wizard and prefers his own company. He isn't socially awkward or lacking in confidence or any of the sort. He is simply the kind of guy to prefer to keep to the outskirts. After all there are many who think him being a mud blood are grounds for him not to be a wizard studying at Hogwarts. So he prefers not to bring anymore attention to himself that he has to.
He is a Ravenclaw and specialises in charms, botany and potions. Though in truth he is pretty well versed in most forms of magic knowing niche little things that even most of the teachers do not know. Likely because he mostly keeps to himself, not really having any friends to speak of. It has always been that way through out his time at Hogwarts. He was always a bit more mature, a bit more closed off. And he never really changed on that front.

Gendri was the son of a muggle man and a witch. His father died when he was seven years old. Though he missed him his mother was an amazing woman. She was gentle, caring, beautiful and the most light hearted and compassionate woman one could ever hope to meet. Even as she was shunned by many wizards and witches for choosing love over blood she still kept such vim, vitality and contentedness about her life. She was a brilliant witch in her own right. Perhaps not in renown as she preferred a more quiet life running her little apothecary in Hogsmeade. But she was known for her amazing potions, in fact Hogwarts have been seeking her as potions professor for a few decades now. But she always turned it down.

Wand: 10" Adler wand with a Phoenix core. It is more simple in looks but if one looked closely it seems to have growths from the wood at the handle sprouting small buds, some even with little leaves. As if it were almost alive.

Familiar: Felix, an Alpine Fox from the northern Hebrides. Retrieved by him and his Mother when they spotted it injured and bleeding on one of their trips to find a specific rare ingredient. It had been his familiar ever since.

Spell craft: Gendri while being a brilliant wizard in his own right, is only because he recognises his own weaknesses. His sweet gentle temperament were just not one for actionable and harming spells. Even if he wanted to cast spells of the dark arts, his wand would refuse to obey him. As powerful as it was, it had a mind of its own. Olivander made that clear. Any offensive spells he attempts to put out often are weak and lack the force to win in a duel of strength versus strength. And so he has to be creative. While his curses and forceful spells are lacking his charms and cantrips are top notch. Resulting in a peculiar but effective version of wizarding combat.
Further Gendri has one of the strongest Patronus' for a student his age.

Patronus: A Timber Wolf.

Gendri's Theme
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 14th 2022 11:37

Alex Blackwater {Give me time, Space and time}

Alex Blackwater

(The image below is if they are female, but the link in the comments is if they are male. Also this character is made for 'The Ultimate Traveler' plot)

Nicknames: Ally, Lex, Lexy, Al.

Age: 18
Sex: Female or Male
Species: Human
Height: 5ft - 5ft10
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Powers/Abilities/Attributes: They have the incredibly rare affinity of dimensional, Special and Time magic. Few have ever had such an affinity and even then never as strong as Alex's.

Appearance: Strawberry blonde hair, ivory skin one pale blue eye and the other brown. Slender and overall above average in attractiveness. (Will expand depending on gender you prefer)

Personality: They are adventurous and determined. Stubborn and vigorous. They have a hardy spirit and they hold onto hope even when all lights are out. They are a wayfarer by nature, filled with wanderlust. Given the chance they are just a sweet individual longing to be a normal person to rekindle the fire of their youth and innocence that had been stolen from since the day they were born. A bird longing for freedom from their cage.

Backstory: Alex, kidnapped at birth the diviners forsaw their coming millennia ago. They are one of the most powerful beings to ever have existed, not in strength. But in their ability to travel across the very thread of reality, through time and space. They were trapped in a cell for a decade. They were tested on, more or less tortured by warlocks who used mind magic to try and understand how they were able to travel through the very fabric of time and space. They continued to come up with very little, the best they could do was enable inanimate objects to travel as Alex does but nevertheless kept them in chains and continued experimentation. They were greedy for their power, to understand this power, to even have a slice of it was all they longed for. The only solace Alex had was a witch who took care of them as if they were the witches very own child. The witch by the name of Morgana. Morgana was a kind maternal woman though originally she worked with the warlocks, she was assigned to be Alex's educator to stimulate their mind to recover from the magic torture they were put under as well as indoctrinate them into thinking this was the for the good of mankind. However Morgana developed an almost primal maternal love for them. She wanted Alex to escape the Warlocks or at least get away from this place. But there was no way she would be able to get the two of them out alive. So she hatched a plan she would continue to act as their 'educator' but would begin to teach them in secret how to defend themselves, and how to escape the gaze of the warlocks and witches, and how to fend for themselves. Morgana knew Alex would be on the run for the rest of their life, but it was better than this.

Alex knew no other life for such a long time until Morgana, revolted against her fellow witches and warlocks, they were meaning to place Alex in a device to harness their powers, it would keep Alex in a lifetime of excruciating pain and then some. So Morgana after the planning and training knowing this day would come, freed the 10 year old from their chains and fought off the witches and warlocks that tried to stop her. Ever since Alex has run from place to place, timeline to timeline being chased by the clockwork machine like men that chase them across time, harnessed from their own powers the witches and warlocks have managed to cultivate.
To this day they are on the run. Never staying anywhere for long. Slipping through time in hopes to evade the clockwork men that had come to cage them once more.

Alex's Theme
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0 | 1 Comment | Dec 14th 2022 11:13

Colton Horacio Lupin #Every little thing he does..

Colton Horacio Lupin

Nicknames: Colt, Loopy-Lupin.

Age: 31
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Height: 6ft 1
Nationality: British
Race: Caucasian
Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship status: Single
Powers/Abilities/attributes: A capable sorcerer with great knowledge of the realms of the spirits and demons.

Appearance: Bluey green eyed his hair a soft black. It being rather long he often simply slicks it back out of his face but there are often stray hairs that simply will not obey. He is often dressed in quite the smart dapper fashion. Long brown coats, shirts, waistcoats and ties with smart brown narrow-toe shoes. He is rather tall and wide shouldered though slender and indeed rather well built, it is clear he looks after his body physically. He often has a stubbled neck and jaw simply because his bear grows quite quickly he finds it difficult to keep on top of.

Personality: Colton is an eloquent and most intelligent man. Oxford educated. He is rather traditional, more used to the old ways of manhood. He carried himself like he is of the upper classes but does not look down his nose as one might expect. He is warm and friendly to most no matter their creed. He is a natural born teacher and man of gentle authority. He carries an air of grace about him that one simply must have to work for. Though most interestingly he is quite whimsical in his mannerisms preferring talking of philosophy and the wants of the heart rather than anything surface level. Once you get to know him he is actually quite the eccentric individual, his well kept smart outer shell that is reminiscent of a young university professor is perhaps a minor deception to his perhaps boyish bravado that often worms its way out when he is attempting to impress.

Backstory: Colton was born to a noble family, his father Earl John Lupin. His family bloodline is one of the oldest, the Lupin family’s sons were once the ruling petty Kings of old Mercia before the uniting of the isles under William the conqueror. To this day his father sits in the house of lords in London’s parliament, an avid politician though he is getting on in age now. Though unbeknownst to most. Only the upper echelons of British society since the forming of the petty kingdoms. After the pagans of the past know of the realm of magic, spirits, fae and demons. Before a cordial and organised society when the British isles were naught but pagan druids, humans on this isle lived in harmony with the spirits of the forests and the plains. Those with the abilities to manipulate magic and mana were the druid leaders who revered great Gaia and his bounty. This ancient civilisation was accustomed to human sacrifice and communing not only with the spirits of good but also of evil. This was dated even before the stone circles of the ancient era, Stonehenge and the ring of Brodgar. In which the druids of old would come to commune with spirits good and evil.

Though as society advanced and romans invaded the reliance on magic was pushed under the floorboards. The Romans with their own ideas saw this pagan magic as heresy and killed any practicing druid they could find. But there were those that stayed hidden, hiding their abilities and biding their time. They have seen the fall of the grand Reich in their visions and saw an isle that would withstand conquest for a millennia. And after the last successfully conquering of the British isles when William the conqueror united the petty kingdoms those with magical ability were kept secret and defended the isles from the threat of the supernatural and used their powers for King, Queen and country to defend not only from malevolent spirits and demons but also from the side lines to aid the country against outside threats.

Since William the Conqueror the British isles is one of the only countries that have stood the test of time in a warring Europe who withstood tyrant after tyrant, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm the second and of course Adolph Hitler. And created the grandest empire the world has ever seen. The Lupin family have served the monarch come hell or high water. Colton’s great grandfather served in the second world war in defence of Queen and country and his father before him in the first. And so his family and Colton are quite the patriots and very much respectful toward the monarchy.

The Lupin family have not always held the propensity for magic. It often skipped generations in fact it had been over a century since one of magical ilk was born to the Lupin family. That was until Colton was born. When he was quite young he went to train with a mage of another noble family. An older man who taught him spellcraft and the dangers of the realm laid upon the reality most others see. That Colton is to be a man under her Majesty's defence against the supernatural (HMDATS). A reality that the public should never be concerned with, a very much underground association of mages and sorcerers that defend the British isles from threats of demons, fae and spirits. Often working directly with the protestant church of which of course her Majesty is the head of.

Though when he is not attending to such issues Colton is simply a part-time philosophy professor at Oxford university where he got his degree, masters and then his PhD. Of course his spell craft takes precedent but he had to have a job to act as his guise for the public.

Colton's Theme
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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 14th 2022 10:55