Kha'thlek Larkastylian {Alien has Landed}

Kha'thlek Larkastylian - Lieutenant Commander

Nicknames: Khal, Stylian
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Species: Centaurian (Their home planet is within the Sagittarius constellation)
Height: 7 ft 3
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Powers/Abilities/attributes: Centaurian men are incredibly strong, dextrous and have the ability to regenerate whole limbs in a month or two.

Appearance: Khal is pale for a Centaurian, most have a skin tone closer to a cobalt blue yet his is more so pasty white with a blue hue. His sclera are red, and his irises a vivid orange like the sky at twilight. His hair is harder and thicker than humans and is a pale white too. He has pointed ears and sharp teeth much like those of a shark. With multiple rows that replace his old ones every year or so. His skin is smooth yet thick without any hairs. On his back there are what seems to be violet wires that plug into his back, shoulders and neck.

Personality: Khan is a proud soldier, he is strong both physically and of temperament. He is dutiful and respectful. Surprisingly inquisitive for a male of his species, adaptive and considerate. He has a natural curiosity and a reverence for the natural state of things. But he is also fierce and not afraid of violence, and will not stand for disrespect to himself, his fellow soldiers or more importantly his matriarchs.

Backstory: The Centaurians are an ancient race of long lived sapient humanoids that live on the star system of Kaus Borealis, their planet is called Mlyse (Mi-leese). The Centaurians are a matriarchal species the females are highly intelligent and manage the society whereas the males are strong and brilliant fighters, builders, and menial labourers since time immemorial. What their matriarchs say, goes. The women of their society are revered for their intelligence and the men are subservient to their matriarchs. They are highly protective of them but ultimately what their matriarch orders, they abide. As such their is a natural hierarchy with women at the top and men on the bottom. However this hierarchy is not one of tyranny, the men have the means to overthrow the women if they wished, they are stronger after all. But whether it is a conscious understanding or a biological innate drive they are sworn to protect their women and listen to their guidance, as such, thoughts of usurping them never cross their mind, they couldn't even fathom a reality where that would be a viable option . Though in the past a few days a year during the spring on their home planet. Their mating seasons. This specific time when the females are in heat and release hormones and scents that make the males insatiable. It is this time where the females are dominated and mated with. Luckily the women of this species evolved robust bodies that can heal quickly, as the insatiability makes the males quite rough, often resulting in injury to the women that fight back. Though that was how it was when they were more primitive. Since their technology had gotten more advanced the females of their species managed to take stimulants and medication to prevent these hormonal changes. However, this resulted in an incredibly low birth rate.

Khal is a lieutenant commander upon a Centaurian star ship, Lieutenant commander being the highest rank a male Centaurian can hold. Khal is a anomaly for men as he is reasonably intelligent, a trait rare in Centaurian men. On the star ship he is posted, his Matriarch considered promoting him to commander, though there has been push back on such a decision from the higher ups. There had never been a male commander of a star ship in Centaurian history. Khal didn't mind this push back however, he was simply happy and content to serve his people and defend their system and homeworld from what his people call the Torkai.

The Torkai were disturbing kind of creature. Originally a sentient parasite that infected other sapient life forms. It infects the brain stem and takes control of the host. Hosts shown by the changes the parasite does to their body, their eyes go cloudy white, and their skin becomes dry and flaky. While the parasite's they have their own thoughts, they are all under the control of what they call the 'mother'. On their home world of Tork, which is made of salted brine pools in which the parasites spawn, there is a large biological mass the size of large city. This is the 'Mother' and it speaks psionically and orders the parasites to spread.

The Torkai had ravaged many home worlds until they finally reached a substantial resistance in the home world system of the Centaurians. Centaurians were naturally resistant to most know viruses, bacteria and parasites so infected Centaurian's immune systems could kill the parasites before they matured. However the female Centaurians do not have as strong immune systems as the males so some parasites were able to infect them. It was this that caused an all out war between the parasite collective known as Torkai and the Centaurians. And it was a starship battle between Khal's ship and several Torkai ships that resulted in his current situation in a escape pod in stasis hurtling through the universe only to be headed toward a planet unknown to him

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3 | Aug 22nd 2023 08:38