Gendri Fallstone !Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Gendri Fallstone

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Nationality: British

Languages: English

Relationship status: Single

Height: 5’11

Race: Half Wizard and Muggle.

Personality/Extra: Gendri is a quiet guy that keeps to himself. He is intelligent and a skilled wizard and prefers his own company. He isn't socially awkward or lacking in confidence or any of the sort. He is simply the kind of guy to prefer to keep to the outskirts. After all there are many who think him being a mud blood are grounds for him not to be a wizard studying at Hogwarts. So he prefers not to bring anymore attention to himself that he has to.
He is a Ravenclaw and specialises in charms, botany and potions. Though in truth he is pretty well versed in most forms of magic knowing niche little things that even most of the teachers do not know. Likely because he mostly keeps to himself, not really having any friends to speak of. It has always been that way through out his time at Hogwarts. He was always a bit more mature, a bit more closed off. And he never really changed on that front.

Gendri was the son of a muggle man and a witch. His father died when he was seven years old. Though he missed him his mother was an amazing woman. She was gentle, caring, beautiful and the most light hearted and compassionate woman one could ever hope to meet. Even as she was shunned by many wizards and witches for choosing love over blood she still kept such vim, vitality and contentedness about her life. She was a brilliant witch in her own right. Perhaps not in renown as she preferred a more quiet life running her little apothecary in Hogsmeade. But she was known for her amazing potions, in fact Hogwarts have been seeking her as potions professor for a few decades now. But she always turned it down.

Wand: 10" Adler wand with a Phoenix core. It is more simple in looks but if one looked closely it seems to have growths from the wood at the handle sprouting small buds, some even with little leaves. As if it were almost alive.

Familiar: Felix, an Alpine Fox from the northern Hebrides. Retrieved by him and his Mother when they spotted it injured and bleeding on one of their trips to find a specific rare ingredient. It had been his familiar ever since.

Spell craft: Gendri while being a brilliant wizard in his own right, is only because he recognises his own weaknesses. His sweet gentle temperament were just not one for actionable and harming spells. Even if he wanted to cast spells of the dark arts, his wand would refuse to obey him. As powerful as it was, it had a mind of its own. Olivander made that clear. Any offensive spells he attempts to put out often are weak and lack the force to win in a duel of strength versus strength. And so he has to be creative. While his curses and forceful spells are lacking his charms and cantrips are top notch. Resulting in a peculiar but effective version of wizarding combat.
Further Gendri has one of the strongest Patronus' for a student his age.

Patronus: A Timber Wolf.

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