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the_puppeteer_15's Blog


When you're young you fall in love easily, you also will do about just anything to have someone care about you in anyway. It goes no different for this human here. They were young and dumb and though they were in love with a someone that thought was just like them and were willing to give up everything just to be with them. Little did they know this was the devil themselves, who'd fallen in love with a human and this young human was oblivious and gave every to the demon, including their soul.
Years past and the human's old lover disappeared only leaving them with golden necklace. The human wanted to hate them but couldn't and soon just forgot about their old young love. The demon didn't forget them tho. And you come back to claim their lover if they wanted to come with or not. Even if they had to forcefully drag them to hell themselves.

(If you wanna do this plot just dm me and we can talk, I can give more details about it as well if this was a bit confusing kinda came to me in the spur of the moment lol)
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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2024 22:05

SCP-55978 (the living doll)


Item#: SCP-55978

SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-55978 needs to be kept in a steel walled area no bigger than 16x16ft. SCP-55978 may be give items, such as books, paper, pencils and a clock. The SCP is no longer allowed to have sewing supplies after the REACTED incident. Batteries in the SCPs clock and cameras need to be changed every three weeks. SCP should also be fed at least three times a day and two cups of tea when requested. No more than three personal may enter the room, anyone that enters the room must where a protective suit and may only enter at the instructed times. The SCP has a specific time schedule and when it is messed up it does get hostile.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-55978 is a 5’6 female, pale skin that almost resembles porcelain. The SCP looks to be the age of 20 years but after further research has been confirmed to be over hundreds of years old with out aging.
When coming in contact with the SCP you can feel as though eyes are watching you, this is because the dolls that where found with the SCP have a sort of connection to it and the SCP can see through their eyes. When angered SCP will attack and kill at any cost. It the SCP touches someone with its bare hand they will have the sensation of being able to not breathe and their own skin will start to turn to porcelain. The SCP will then claim these humanoid dolls as her dolls and will use them as if they were puppets. SCP seems to not care at all who they turn to there puppets but has been found to be soft hearted when around young children.

OLD REPORT: I am Dr. REACTED, here with SCP-55978. We have been able to get the SCP here and willing to answer some questions. So SCP do you have a name?
What is your name?
Alice, what?
“Just Alice”
Okay Alice, where are you from?
Okay and where in Europe?
“Central Europe, close to Burgundy”
Ahh I see do you know you’re not in that time anymore?
“Yes I know”
Okay, let’s move on then, when my team found you, you were in an old town with a child. Why were you there and who was the child?
“I don’t want to speak of it”
SCP you have agreed to this, so please tell us-
“I said I don’t wanna talk about it.”
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1 | 1 Comment | Jan 10th 2024 14:42


Angel Statue (based on the song hell’s coming with me)

A statue that is said to make a wish you ask for come true. Bring the statue something worth value and it will come true at price. This statue comes from a sad and dark past. A girl no older then 15 grew up in her town always helping those who needed it. They took advantage of this though and ended in her death. Years later this girl came back from the dead but not the same. She brought revenge with her and killed those who did her wrong. The heavens deemed her a fallen angel but since her good deeds in life were enough to keeps her from hell, they gave her a different sentence. She was turned into stone and to stay there for the rest of eternity granting wishes of those humans who came to her. She found a way around this though, she would grant the wishes to human but they’d always come with a price.

Broken lovers
(Based on the song can’t catch me now)

Two people who thought their love was true and they were meant for one another. Johnathan and Rose were young lovers. Rose came from no money while Johnathan did. His family was rich but died leaving him with all their money. Rose was a girl who was an orphan as well but was just abandoned. She made her money through singing and performing. She caught Johnathan’s eye and he took her in and they grew close to one another. Though Rose soon found out Johnathan’s dark secrets, he hired people to kidnap the poor and would make them fight in a arena till only one lived and they’d get to leave with a prize of course. Rose hid that she knew this and planned to run. Johnathan found out that she knew and was gonna run and planned to kill her because he loved her too much that it was she’d stay or she die, he couldn’t imagine living with knowing she’d be out in the world with someone else. The two got into a bad fight leaving Johnathan with a scar on his back and side from where Rose fought him off. And Rose was left with a slash across her face and many other hidden scars. Rose got away and now runs tormenting Johnathan with notes saying “catch me now” and other things he’s finds driving him insane. He’s put bounties on her head and no one seems to be able to catch her, they say she’s a snake but no one know the truth.
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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 27th 2023 22:31

Milo May

Name: Milo May

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Height: 5'3

Weight: 116 lbs

Likes: Archie, the outdoors, reading, writing, solving puzzles, animals, learning new magic
Dislikes: Blood, her father, being lied to

Personality: A very bubbly and light hearten girl, always trying to find ways that she can help. Does get annoyed with people that ask dumb questions or tell her that she is wrong. She get stiff when around blood and can even just freeze up completely depending on the amount. When she has something that she wants to accomplish then she will put her full mind into it and will finish it.

Backstory: Milo grew up in a loving family and was close with her brother. She wanted to be a lot like him as he was a archer so she wanted to be one as well. He taught her basis magic and she was happy with anything that she could learn. Her mother was a kind hearted person that help around their little town and was loved by all she was around. Her father was a respected man and was the leader of the hunting groups the town would send out. Milo was know though as the wonderer, she was never just in one place, you would see her in one and then somewhere completely different. The whole family was loved though and were always happy to see them all together.
One night changed this all though, Milo's father had gone on a late night hunt and wouldn't have been back until late in the morning. Milo was already in bed asleep before the moon was half way up in the sky. She was only awoken when her heard a loud crash and then the screams of her mother. Confused and scared she stayed put hiding under her covers. It wasn't until she heard her brother's yells and more crashes rang through the house. Carefully, she crept out of bed and stepped out of her room. She walked the now silent house, that felt cold and off. She found her brother's dagger on the ground and picked it up holding it close for protecting. She walked to her mother's room where she froze in terror, her mother and brother's bodies were mutilated and blood was everywhere. She ran over to them the dagger still in hand and couldn't find her words, instead her hands were being covered in her mother and brother's blood.
The towns people had heard the commotion and some of the men that were still home went to the May's house to see what happened. When they got there, weapons in hand ready to attack if needed they found the youngest child over her brother and mother's bodies, blood every where, and the child dagger in hand and blood now covering her. She looked over to them and was barley able to get a word out before they grabbed her and dragged her to the town prison. When her father returned and was told of what happened and that his own daughter was the case of it he went crazy. Milo tried to explain her innocents but no one believed a child.
So instead, she escaped and ran when she was told she'd be sentenced to death. She ran without ever looking back. She lives her life in constant hiding now as she travels through kingdoms, villages and towns, since she has a hefty bounty put on her head by her own father. She despises him, but believes that one day she'll prove him wrong and find the person that kill her brother and mother.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 15th 2023 21:55

New Plots

"The sad thing is, today is the day they die"
A plot that starts off pretty sad. A teen has their whole life ahead of them but the gods can already see that their final day is coming and they will not be getting to do all they wanted. A young god see this though and takes interest in the human. The god above all gods tells the young god, the human will not have much longer. The young god finds this unfair for the human and despite what the young god is told, the young god saves the human in their last moment, rewriting what was meant to be. This leaves problems for not only the teen human but the young god as well.
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1 | 0 Comments | Nov 30th 2023 22:19