Milo May

Name: Milo May

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Height: 5'3

Weight: 116 lbs

Likes: Archie, the outdoors, reading, writing, solving puzzles, animals, learning new magic
Dislikes: Blood, her father, being lied to

Personality: A very bubbly and light hearten girl, always trying to find ways that she can help. Does get annoyed with people that ask dumb questions or tell her that she is wrong. She get stiff when around blood and can even just freeze up completely depending on the amount. When she has something that she wants to accomplish then she will put her full mind into it and will finish it.

Backstory: Milo grew up in a loving family and was close with her brother. She wanted to be a lot like him as he was a archer so she wanted to be one as well. He taught her basis magic and she was happy with anything that she could learn. Her mother was a kind hearted person that help around their little town and was loved by all she was around. Her father was a respected man and was the leader of the hunting groups the town would send out. Milo was know though as the wonderer, she was never just in one place, you would see her in one and then somewhere completely different. The whole family was loved though and were always happy to see them all together.
One night changed this all though, Milo's father had gone on a late night hunt and wouldn't have been back until late in the morning. Milo was already in bed asleep before the moon was half way up in the sky. She was only awoken when her heard a loud crash and then the screams of her mother. Confused and scared she stayed put hiding under her covers. It wasn't until she heard her brother's yells and more crashes rang through the house. Carefully, she crept out of bed and stepped out of her room. She walked the now silent house, that felt cold and off. She found her brother's dagger on the ground and picked it up holding it close for protecting. She walked to her mother's room where she froze in terror, her mother and brother's bodies were mutilated and blood was everywhere. She ran over to them the dagger still in hand and couldn't find her words, instead her hands were being covered in her mother and brother's blood.
The towns people had heard the commotion and some of the men that were still home went to the May's house to see what happened. When they got there, weapons in hand ready to attack if needed they found the youngest child over her brother and mother's bodies, blood every where, and the child dagger in hand and blood now covering her. She looked over to them and was barley able to get a word out before they grabbed her and dragged her to the town prison. When her father returned and was told of what happened and that his own daughter was the case of it he went crazy. Milo tried to explain her innocents but no one believed a child.
So instead, she escaped and ran when she was told she'd be sentenced to death. She ran without ever looking back. She lives her life in constant hiding now as she travels through kingdoms, villages and towns, since she has a hefty bounty put on her head by her own father. She despises him, but believes that one day she'll prove him wrong and find the person that kill her brother and mother.
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0 | Dec 15th 2023 21:55