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Questions for gh0st

artist asked the question
Q. Owen walked up to Zer0 with a smile, holding a box. His face plate :D
A. Zer0's hologram flickered to an exclamation point. He signed a quick thanks before taking the box.
WRENCH asked the question
Q. "I gotta study you. Like a bug."
A. "I'm...?" ``?`` "Thank you?"
SpinThatRecord asked the question
Q. “I made Christmas dinners for everyone but uh-“


“Do you eat?”
A. ``?`` "No, but I will accept it nonetheless." He didn't need anyone knowing that he does eat.
RolePlay asked the question
Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. "This isn't my first rodeo, my robotic friend." ``:)``