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Started by REMRoleplay , Feb 29th 2020 02:11

REMRoleplay - Mar 7th 2020 22:27

Wander quickly turned, hearing someone else speak. He had to look up to meet the eyes of someone who looked to be some sort of cowboy,

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, I was just sayin' how AMAZIN' this place is!" he declared, "I mean, have ya'll ever seen a place like this!?"

The little wanderer didn't seem to mind that he knew no one there or that he was suddenly in an unfamiliar place, Sylvia, his best friend, nowhere to be found. Well... that worried him a little bit.

Layf wasn't very comfortable with everyone drawing their weapons. With none of his own, he felt helpless. Besides his magic, of course, but that was only for dire situations.

He didn't know what to think of many of them, though he cowboy scared him and the orange furry thing was friendly enough. Looking around there were two others who hadn't spoken. Some sort of pirate... squid... thing and a girl who also appeared somewhat squid-like. Both had their weapons drawn. Hopefully they could all settle whatever was going on without killing each other.

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REMRoleplay - Mar 8th 2020 00:42

Wander was caught off guard by the squid-man's question. He looked over, his face showing signs of thought,

"Actually, come to think of it, I can't remember how I got here either," he admitted. All he could remember was relaxing on one of the new planets in his galaxy and then... well as Seaspit said... nothing.

After hearing what the pirate said, Layf felt a little safer. Everyone here was just as confused as he was. They were scared too as there was no reason or explanation as to why any of them were now here.

Finally, the boy stepped forward and spoke, "It's magic. Something, or someone has brought us all here for some unknown reason... I think," Layf tried to explain as best he could. He'd always thought it was possible for more than one universe to exist and he'd heard tales of beings capable of traveling through them or... in their case, bringing others through them. That could only be the answer.

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REMRoleplay - Mar 8th 2020 01:27

Wander looked up at the Spire, his eyes widening at the sight,

"I don't know... But I want to go there!" he shouted, also feeling that unexplained desire. He really wanted to just run off towards it, though abandoning the others wouldn't be very nice.

Layf turned his attention to the spire too, the look of it screamed 'magic' but he couldn't be too sure. That desire rose up within him, but he tried to stop it; tried to think reasonably,

"Wait... it could be dangerous," he said, not expecting the others to listen to him as some of them seemed to have ignored him already, but if they did it might be useful to think. Looking down at the strange orange creature who was vibrating with excitement made him think it wasn't going to be too easy to convince him to stop and think. It was worth a shot if it meant they'd all be safer.

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REMRoleplay - Mar 8th 2020 16:45

(Quick question @Jabberwock, can Agent 3 understand everyone there? Can she speak? If not, I might have to ask you to change them as I specifically said I want characters that are able to understand and communicate with the others. It just makes everyone's game easier)

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REMRoleplay - Mar 8th 2020 17:45

(Yes, we are, welcome! :) )

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REMRoleplay - Mar 8th 2020 18:11

(Thank you, also, I would like there to be a turn system, just so everyone has the chance to respond without two people seemingly roleplaying with themselves. So after my post, it'll be Uni's turn, then Jabberwock and, if Impish still wants to join it can be their turn next. That work for everyone?)

"Well, I'm up for adventure!" Wander declared, walking up beside Arthur's horse. He reached a hand up to pat it, though couldn't reach that high, "Well aren't you just a big adorable thing!?" he said.

The mention of weapons didn't sit right with the small orange creature, "We don't have to use weapons. I'm sure we won't run into anything that dangerous in there and if we do, we can talk it out rather than hurtin' someone."

Layf was still unsure about the whole, adventuring thing. As much as he loved exploring, he had no idea where they were and there could be danger hidden among the trees,

"Can we not just think about this for a second. Danger could lurk among the wood," he warned, though it was possible nothing was out there. Looking up at the spire again, Layf had a hard time not going along with the others as it just felt like the spire was luring them.

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REMRoleplay - Mar 9th 2020 01:32

(Sorry @Impish I really don't want two characters from the same universe. It's for the sake of the story. You can have the mascot be like Arthur's horse... if that's possible for the character of course. But you are still welcome to have two characters. :) )

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REMRoleplay - Mar 9th 2020 16:23

Layf felt almost completely ignored. That cowboy guy and squid girl barely acknowledged his existence, only the squid pirate guy and small furry one seemed to notice him. But he was used to being invisible, so he sighed and slowly followed after them, keeping a watch on everything around them.

Wander bounced beside the cowboy and his horse, "I just realised, none of us know each other," he started, looking from Layf to Seaspit and the two on the horse, "I'll start. Hi, folks call me Wander!" he greeted, "Who's next?"

Layf stepped forward at the chance to introduce himself. He was rather friendly and thought knowing each other would be better than traveling as strangers. Plus, it might finally get him noticed by some people,

"I'm Layf," he said,

"Well hey there Layf, that's an interesting name! who's next?" Wander tipped his large, green hat to the dark-skinned boy then looked around for the next to introduce themselves.

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REMRoleplay - Mar 9th 2020 17:45

Wander laughed, "Captain Seaspit? That's a funny name," he said, not at all in a mocking way but he sincerely thought it was funny. Wander also laughed at the names Seaspit gave to Arthur and Agent 3, though he found it strange Agent 3 was just called... well... Agent 3,

"Well I think it's silly ya don't have a name. Everyone deserves a name," Wander said smiling. Then he gasped, "WE should give you a name!" he exclaimed, jumping up to meet her eyes for a second before falling back to the ground.

Layf sighed when Arthur finally seemed to notice him. Well, at least he knew them all now. He found it amusing how Wander wanted to give name to that squid girl,

"Oh, Seaspit had a good name, Green Irene," Layf offered. At this point it was all kind of a joke, well, at least to Layf he wasn't sure if Wander really meant it or not.

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REMRoleplay - Mar 9th 2020 23:00

(@Impish, your character is accepted, thanks for understanding :) I always like reading long character sheets, so it's all good. It's your turn to post now if you're able to. Technically all the characters were teleported in at the same time in the same place so I hope you can slot her in there somewhere :) )

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