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Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Yemi smiled from ear to ear, "Well I just hope it's something we can all do together," she said, her tail wagging after the compliments her friends gave her.

Yemi wasn't one to like or dislike sleep. Sometimes she really liked bundling up in her warm cloak and falling into an amazing dream, but other times she'd rather not waste the day with it and instead, be up and about. This was one of those times.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be better than sleeping," she said, trying to cheer up the others. Not that they were sad or anything, but both Uni and Priloji really wanted to go back to bed.

Yemi followed Priloji into the meeting room, glad that at least she knew where she was going. If it was just Uni and herself, they would have surely gotten lost.

Apr 15th 2020 06:44

Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Yemi figured Uni hadn't answered her question because soon after she asked, Priloji ran up to them,

"Good morning, Priloji!" Yemi cheered, looking up to greet her other good friend. Both Uni and Priloji seemed still somewhat tired, Uni more than anyone.

Yemi started to wonder if maybe she wasn't supposed to be there. Uni had been called out and it seemed that Priloji had been too. But no one came to Yemi's room and shouted at her, she'd just heard Uni leave and followed like she always did. Well, whatever was going on, Yemi would be a part of it. She didn't want to be left out of Uni and Priloji's... whatever it was they were doing.

After what Uni asked, it seemed neither of them really knew what was going on.

Apr 15th 2020 02:36

Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Yemi had been awake for a while, simply chilling in her literally chilly room. She was usually up early though wasn't used to waking up in an actual room. It was very different from her previous life out and about with Uni.

A while later, shouting sounded from outside her room. Yemi's ears perked up at the yelling and she listened, hearing something about a Meeting Area. All she knew for sure was that whoever was shouting, they were shouting at Uni as the term 'Viking Reindeer' was heard. In an instant, the small being was off her bed, throwing on her cloak and skipping out the door, quickly catching up with Uni,

"Good morning, Uni. Where're you heading?" she asked cheerfully, her short legs moving quickly to keep up with her much taller friend.

Yemi looked around as she waited for a response. She hoped to see her other good friend, Priloji, though maybe only Uni was shouted at. Still, she kept an eye out, after all, Priloji was the only other person Yemi knew within the Khatsuzori other than Uni.

Apr 14th 2020 19:41

Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Name: Yemi Burr
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Unknown

Personality: Upbeat and cheerful, having a bouncy and friendly personality. Easily excited, always looking for something fun to do. Unlikely to find her down or upset. She’s an optimist; always trying to stay positive in whatever situation comes her way. Helpful, though this can sometimes burden her. Tends to take issues on herself, thinking she has to help everyone which weighs her down. Pushes down her negative feelings in order to help others, not revealing how she feels so that it doesn’t burden anyone or get in the way. Sympathetic; she understands people and is able to look at things from many different perspectives. She never sees heroes and villains, only people who need help. Rarely ever angry and is actually scared of people when they get angry.

Skills/Abilities/Powers: Yemi has a few powers, though none that really help in battle. She is able to speak, understand, read and write in every single language known. This power was one with which she was seemingly born with and definitely comes in useful when traveling. She also has the power of her fluffy cloak. Not only can it change form (i.e. it’s mostly a cloak but can become things such as a hood, poncho, things like that), but it also acts as some sort of pocket dimension. Yemi is able to put anything into it to use later or go into it herself (kind of like Lion’s mane from Steven Universe). Yemi is connected to the cloak in a way so this power is a combination of her own magic and the cloak’s. She uses the cloak mostly to store all her instruments as Yemi has learned how to play many, many, MANY instruments (though not the accordion, the only instrument she despises). Yemi is a pretty good distraction as she stands only 3ft tall and is very flexible and agile.

Weaknesses: Heat, meat, cacti and fighting


Apr 14th 2020 01:33

Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

(Woo! Here's a character sheet for everyone to fill out before we get started)






Apr 14th 2020 01:11