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Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Yemi tilted her head, a little confused but quickly brushed it off and jumped into the elevator with everyone. She really liked the lift, it felt weird... but a good weird. Like her. Well, really, like all of the strange beings in the elevator.

Yemi was quick to turn to nib, looking down at the phone, "I have no idea," she admitted looking at her paws. She was not at all tech savvy and her paw pads would never be able to make the thing work anyway. She quickly looked up at Priloji, "You know how to use a phone though, right?" she asked.

May 26th 2020 17:07

Khatsuzori Quest (CLOSED Roleplay)

REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Yemi's eyes went from the bird, to Jheysei to Priloji to Uni and back again. She was a little confused by the conversation. First thing she understood: Nib was a new recruit and... wait, uniforms? Yemi looked down at herself; she didn't exactly wear clothes... should she be wearing a uniform?

Yemi's mind quickly went elsewhere when they were all addressed by Jhyesei. The little polar bear didn't quite know who she was but could recognise her from somewhere. Yemi thought it was a little funny that Jheysei thought Uni was their leader. She didn't think any of them were fit for that role, besides, working together as a team was much more fun.

Eventually, they were told to show Nib to... Yemi had no idea. Again, the polar bear was not at all used to the headquarters. She had no idea where anything at all was, but luckily, Priloji knew. Her mind quickly snapped back to reality when she heard Priloji's usual soft and awkward voice turn sharp. Yemi's ears folded back against her head, unsure of exactly what was going on as she'd wandered off into a daydream. All she saw now was Priloji seemingly storming off somewhere.

Yemi quickly ran after her, "What happened? Where are we going now?" she asked, her voice swift and curious.

May 23rd 2020 01:33


REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

A shriek of fright came from Joopy's bed as he was shocked awake. He jumped off the bed, landing in a heap on the floor,

"I'm up!" he said finally, catching his breath and slowly rising to his feet. Grabbing his cloak he followed the others out onto the deck to see the nicely set table and a very happy looking Pi.

"Thank you all for coming," Pi started, sounding as if he were starting a meeting, "Now I just want to say-"

The Pie Fairy was cut off by a loud, low, rumbling noise from below the ship. It sounded as if the whole earth were shaking; the ship even began to quiver from the noise. Pi didn't move, too frightened to see what it was and Joopy Mage was already hiding under the table.

Royal Aire was quick to be on his feet and running over to the side of the ship, looking over and down to the ground below the flying ship,

"What was that?" he questioned to no one in particular, curious to know what it was.

Somehow, Pen-Li had fallen asleep in his chair.

May 17th 2020 18:11


REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Pi was soon finished with breakfast and was ready to set it all up on the table outside on the deck of the ship. Using his large, feathered wings as extra support, the pie fairy gathered up all the dishes and walked them out to the table, placing them down gently and arranging them so each breakfast was in front of the right seat. Once everything was set up, he pulled out a little bell and gave it a little, ding!

Royal Aire was down the mast in a second. His large nose could smell the food from the top of the crow's nest and was desperate to start eating. Quickly, the furry creature plopped down into his seat though he didn't start eating. Pi liked it when everyone came and they all ate together so Royal waited for everyone else to come.

Shortly after Royal Aire, Pen-Li Guin came stumbling out of his room on top of the back end of the ship and tumbled down the stairs. He landed in a pile of wet feathers and bubbles so it was obvious he was in the middle of one of his bubble baths when the bell for breakfast rang. Getting up as if nothing happened, Pen-Li made his way to his seat and violently jumped onto it before settling on the chair.

Joopy Mage was still fast asleep, tossing and turning and laughing with some dream that played in his mind. The bell didn't even wake the small wizard.

May 15th 2020 17:14


REMRoleplay replied to REMRoleplay's topic

Even before the sun had completely risen, there was one particular fairy who was up and working. Pi was basically the worker on the ship, cooking, cleaning and really doing anything the team needed. He didn't mind, especially with cooking.

Pi was an expert at all things baking, cooking and preparing food, being a Pie Fairy and all. So he was up rather early, preparing a large breakfast for his friends. He was close to finishing when he heard boot steps out on the deck, ones he knew belonged to their Captain, Seaspit. Pi kept working knowing if the Captain was awake, the others were bound to wake soon too.

Royal Aire was awoken by the wind. Sleeping in the crow's nest would consist of being woken up by anything from birds to rushes of wind. At least this time it wasn't a goose to the face.

Sitting up, the dog-cat-like creature stared out over the edge of his little bedroom, down onto the deck. Seaspit was awake, well, that just meant he couldn't go down for a while. He really didn't feel like being smothered by the squid-man. The captain was strangely protective... very protective and it had become annoying, so Royal Aire lay back down on his mat and stared up at the sky which was growing brighter by the second.

May 12th 2020 18:16