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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid RP.

BanditGamer77 replied to BanditGamer77's topic

Please note: This isn't a post for a group RP. This is intended for normal 1 on 1 RP's.

If your reading this, you probably have an interested in the crazy, whacky and wholesome series that is Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. I to love the series, and as such want to do some RPs about all things Dragon Maid! If your interested in doing such RP's with me, please respond to this post/hmu in DM's and we can discuss all the important stuff. (themes, plot, etc.).

Sep 10th 2021 20:05

Girls Und Panzer Roleplay!

BanditGamer77 replied to BanditGamer77's topic

''...EAH?'' said Kasumi, turning to see two members of the Public Morals Committee standing right behind them, clipboards in hand. '',.W..what..d..don't be so ridiculous'' said Kasumi, trying to keep a level head and act as if nothing was amiss. ''I am..surprised your..accusing some innocent students of..being spies. Pah, nonsense!''

''Say that to your uniforms'' stated one of the morale's committee women, as she pointed at her uniform. It was at that moment that Kasumi noticed their error. Each of the uniforms had some form of stich on them, resembling a badge of sorts. More than likely it was some form of ranking badge, to tell students apart from the upperclass women. However..neither Yulia or Kasumi's outfit had any patch badge's..instead lacking one entirely.

''.....Um....g..good bye!'' said Yulia with a nervous laugh, as she turned and legged it towards the ship loading area once more, hoping Yulia had thought of an escape route by now.

Oct 3rd 2020 06:28

Girls Und Panzer Roleplay!

BanditGamer77 replied to BanditGamer77's topic

Kasumi glanced about, scanning the landscape like a hawk for any form of map...and she did indeed see one. ''..Due west of us, there's a map on a building wall..but I can't understand any of it from here. Judging from the text, it's in either Norwegian or Ancient or the other, I can't say for sure, but I do see what could be a garage on the map'' mummered Kasumi, keeping her voice low so nobody around them would catch their attention.

Sep 30th 2020 06:12

Girls Und Panzer Roleplay!

BanditGamer77 replied to BanditGamer77's topic

''Hmm...We could steal one of their boats, but that'll be hard to get away. That or we..wait no we couldn't swim back. We would freeze...dam it I don't know what to do!!'' said Kasumi as she rubbed her head a little out of fustration.

''Okay..okay keep cool. I'll try to think of something soon enough..don't worry.'' she said to Yulia with a weak smile..she was clearly out of place and didn't know what to do. She looked worried.

Sep 27th 2020 10:29

Girls Und Panzer Roleplay!

BanditGamer77 replied to BanditGamer77's topic

''...Centurions MK1's..those are an actual threat. Powerful Tanks with great maneuverability, great firepower and great armor..only tank I can see taking on something like that easily would be our IS-3, and even then that's a stretch. My..tank could kill it quickly, but only from a good spot. If those rumors are true, this is going to be really hard'' said Kasumi.

She then nodded about the uniforms as well. '''That'll help us get some better front line information. Hopefully, they won't notice who we really are.''

Sep 24th 2020 16:06