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71 Friends



21 / Male / Single
Greetings. I welcome you to my profile. Been roleplaying relatively consistently for the past 8 years now, and have no plans to stop anytime soon. Please, have a short read of my profile details, for they are of importance.

I seek people who look for a sense of adventure and story focus from RP's. Long term tales of all sorts, from mediveal fantasys and slice of life goodies, to dystopian worlds and cyberpunk futures. If thats what you are searching for, then you've come to the right place. Thankfully, I am open to most roeplay genre's.

I can roleplay a a large amount of pre-existing worlds, be they from anime's or game verses. The same applies for characters, though I am by no means against creating custom worlds or characters for RP's. In fact, a very much enjoy doing so.

Furthermore, crossover plots are openly welcomed. For the ful list of pre-existing universes that I can RP, please refer to the relevent blog post. The list is often updated with new shows or games, so do check in on it from time to time.

Full Universe List:

Lastly, I would appreciate those who go and read through my rules blog as well. Too many times have I had people approach me, asking to RP things I simply am not comfortable with, or merely do not know enough about. I wish to keep these incidents to a minimum for the future.

Rules List:

Now, enough of an introduction from me. Let us go and create some wonderful stories.

══╗ Put this on your profile
║╔╗║ if you love anime!!

Put this
on your page
║ O ║
if you LOVE ~ music ~

Start roleplaying with members like BanditGamer77!



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Latest Status

New PC has been set up. Still need to iron out some things, so again, responses will be delayed until tomorrow.
0  11 hours ago

Latest Questions

Q. do you have discord, by chance? I'm much more responsive there because RPme is still being glitchy and will barely load my messages
A. I do have discord. Would you want to swtich DM's over to there?
 Dec 16th 2022 01:09

Latest Comments

Hope we can rp.
Aug 16th 2019 08:24