
Neither Elton nor WooPil know exactly when the others are supposed to return and it would also be complicated to tell, due to the fact that the Teyss islands belong to a different time-zone with 6 hours difference from Guyun time.
Elton doesn't intend to let WooPil be alone for even just one minute, even inside the palace, so they are both in his residence.
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0 | May 19th 2024 16:43
Woopino Yang. «I don't do that because I'm such a good boy. If I was evil, I would make WooPil fall everyday. Not that he isn't good enough at it by himself, since he always runs.» He is judgemental towards people who run.

He hugs Zhongli back too, being careful not to dirty him with his slightly oily hands.

Yang. «Next party will be for my birthday, obviously. And I will want a gigantic cake! And tons of chips. Millions of sausages…»

«I… I like these very much, dad. The… they are strange but I like them a lot!» He eats his two liver arrosticini smoothly.

Yang. «I don't like the smell of those ones…»
MORAX ''You are a good boy when you want to be indeed. When little brother falls, you have to help him getting up, though, okay?''
He holds him for a bit, then just lets him sit on his lap as they eat the rest of the dinner.
''Since it is your birthday, I will do my all to make my Yangie happy!'' He smiles at his requests.
''Indeed, they are interesting, WooPil!'' He then moves his gaze on Yang. ''You proabably wouldn't like these, Yangie, they are a bit too fancy for your tastes.
Woopino Yang. «If he is close enough that I don't have to get up.» WooPil should know the limits, where to fall if he wants help.

He feels much more light hearted now and appreciates to be on Zhongli's lap while finishing their dinner.
He takes another pickle, eating it much more enthhsiatically now. XD

Yang. «I will need a pool with balls and a lot of candles too. And those fluffy castles!» Luckily WooPil has no requests for his birthdays, since Yang would spend for 10. XD

He nods and takes another normal arrosticino. Elton can't complain that they eat too little.

Yang. «What does it mean, fancy?»
MORAX ''How can he come to fall where you are lying down though...'' He sighs.
He pats his head, noticing the mood changed. He is glad he could explain WooPil and he took it well. ''Eat as much as you like.
Huh?'' He looks towards Chan, hoping he knows what Yang is talking about. XD
''I mean, something particular, not something bad, but more like out of the ordinary, interesting...you can give it a try if you want to, to me, the taste is excellent.''
Woopino Yang. «He has to make sure to run near the couch, so that I could even try to catch him before he hits the ground!» At least the thought. XD

He nods again and continues to eat a bit of everything, but especially pickles and bread, as those are the natural foods foxes hunt in the wilds.

Chan. «You sure want a lot of stuff for your party… wouldn't it be easier to just go at the Luna Park?»

Yang. «I don't like Luna Park! There is too much to walk! Maybe if I'll have my pony, by then…»
He shakes his head. «No, I don't want to try it. Even not even you lie saying I would like it, it must mean I would hate it.»