
As they return to the city, they still find Elton, Xiao and WonPil in front of the gates, waiting for someone to check on them to make sure they didn't get infect.
There is still the lingering stench of the fishes, mixed with the smell of burnt and the signs of it that surround the whole area.

All the kitsune, of course, left before there the chance for any of them to have to report or explain anything.
Lani came along with them, to make sure that there would.not be need for his intervention in the matter.
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1 | Mar 26th 2024 16:38
LaNii «If it had been easy to convince him of that fact, his existence would have been much more pleasant. But he denied that possibility, refused out help and closeness. All to pursue his revenge.»
He raises a brow. «I can't imagine a more noble purpose than that, to recover such an invaluable lost relic.» It can also be used to watch live action porn of their favourite couples.
«I mean that if they simply pretend that someone else is doing good to them instead of Elton, that's not going to take them out of that stalemate. His son will not get any closer to him, while thinking you are the one doing those things for them.»
He nods. «I'll focus on the ancient ones first, then the rest. But I believe that the only one who can control decay power, among the ancient ones I'm aware of, is Elton himself, although that's not one of his original elements.»
MORAX He sighs at his words. ''Indeed...he could have actually achieved his revenge, had he allied with you others. I understand his pain very well.'' He would have helped Elton to seal Hoseok and BangSul. XD
He makes a slight smile, amused. He already knows where it is, but he won't say.
''Do you think his son doesn't realize by himself Elton is doing it for him? If he is not getting it, someone will tell him directly. I won't let Elton's efforts go to waste.
And we know well Elton wouldn't do such a thing...'' The possibility sends a shiver down his spine, though. ''Could it be...'' He doesn't want to believe it.
LaNii «We were not seeking revenge. We didn't do anything, even if we knew what they did. That's why he hates us, hates me. But… what could we really do? Start a war with two Avatars? What would have been the price, to avenge someone who was already dead? I don't know if it was the right or wrong thing. It's just how it went and it's not like anything can change, at this point.»
He shrugs. «As you implied, he may know but pretend to believe in the farce. It depends whether he wants to fool Elton or himself, though.»
He shakes his head. «I don't know what to make of this matter. But better to keep your eyes open, if they try again, that might be the only chance to truly catch the culprit.»
MORAX ''You are not that particular moment, with the situation getting worse and worse, you couldn't possibly go against your own, you were forced to ally, only that way there'd be a hope and indeed...those Avatars also had to give their lives to give Nortrig that small hope.
I'm not sure...maybe he appreciates Elton instill. To be honest, I don't know Blade very closely, that'd be Jing Yuan.
I'll be very on guard and I'll be sure to not leave the city at all in the next weeks. At least in reality.'' He thinks someone acted on purpose while he was gone, he is not even close thinking it could have been bad luck actually.
LaNii «Maybe he figured out a thing or two, when he became Emperor on a whim. Still, I have to say that he tends to excel in everything he does, one way or another. I guess he could really have become a great man, had things not taken that turn. But alas, it's always pointless talking. That's why nobody cares about the Book of Ifs.» It's like the Remembrance, nobody cares about it.
«I don't know him either, but he was looking for Qiu, at one point, so maybe he is not entirely careless about his roots.»
He nods. «I guess I should head back and get to work, then.»