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Chan's Blog


After parting from Zhongli, he contacts Lani and organises to take him to the place where the skeletons are.
It takes a while, since Lani wants to check many of the remains to get a better idea of the situation, beside collecting samples for his tests. Naturally a real autopsy would be impossible, he can only interpret what the bones can tell him and it's not little.

Chan follows Lani closely, wanting to help and to record everything he says, so that he can make Zhongli know what they find out.
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1 | 81 Comments | Apr 7th 2024 16:12


Since it's an unknown place they have to visit, and they have no idea what to expect, they decide that the best course of action will be to fly there on dragon. They don't know how far north-east from Zae the location Aventurine meant is, nor they know if it would even be safe to ask the locals about it, before knowing what it is. Plus, it will be surely easier to spot from above, even if it will take a little longer than going with portals.

Zae is among the hills and it's probably the biggest city in Lianxi, as it was the biggest feud before the unification. It's pretty far from Guyun, so it takes a few hours of flight, to finally spot the city.
Once reached it, they proceed in the direction indicated by Aventurine and keep flying for at least another hour, until they spot something like a "belt" of vegetation that surrounds a small valley, looking quite secluded thanks to the plants surrounding it all around.
At that sight, they start to soar down, to give a closer look to the ground, and a grim sight unfolds before their eyes: many skeletons. And nothing else. No villages nearby, no other settlement or ruins, just skeletons dumped all together and covering the ground.

They land nearby, moving cautiously as they approach the site. It's unlikely, but they can't fully exclude they could be undead, until they get close.
On top of the small hill, at the end of which is the open sky "graveyard", lies a single makeshift tomb, consisting of just a wooden stick with a shells necklace wrapped to it.b
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1 | 24 Comments | Apr 6th 2024 04:28


As they return to the city, they still find Elton, Xiao and WonPil in front of the gates, waiting for someone to check on them to make sure they didn't get infect.
There is still the lingering stench of the fishes, mixed with the smell of burnt and the signs of it that surround the whole area.

All the kitsune, of course, left before there the chance for any of them to have to report or explain anything.
Lani came along with them, to make sure that there would.not be need for his intervention in the matter.
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1 | 42 Comments | Mar 26th 2024 16:38

Father's day.

When Zhongli returns to the palace, he finds his residence empty, as Chan brought the children over to his own residence and they are all sleeping together on Chan's bed, with also Cyno. Cyno is living in Chan's residence since weeks, by now. It can be said they are at all effects in a more or less secret relationship, but of course they have never tried anything dirty.

As the kitsune — SunDust — warned, it's going to be a kinda busy day for Zhongli, since his brats have been up to something.
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1 | 50 Comments | Mar 20th 2024 17:55


After mysteriously not appearing at Hoon's birthday party, he and Cyno go out of the palace with WooPil. They didn't manage to convince Yang to get up from the couch. Even WooPil was strangely hesitant about going out, but he is not one who opposes as fiercely as that little keg of his brother.

After paying a visit to a couple of places, including the tailor and a barber to give WooPil an haircut, the three stop by the tables in the square. Cyno and WooPil sit down while Chan goes to buy some snacks for everyone.
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1 | 33 Comments | Mar 11th 2024 19:11