
He summons Xiao to explain the situation. He knows of his loyalty and skills, thinking he is the best possible choice to send to the Great Huang with Chan.
When they are about to teleport, Hudie manages to grab them to go with them. They don't teleport straight inside the palace, as they need to understand the situation to get in more safely.
Xiao takes a look around, not as bothered by the cold as much as heat. He realizes Hudie is with them and blinks. "Who is this?"
"We have to find Furina!" Hudie frowns at Xiao.
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2 | Feb 25th 2024 15:29
Chan «Yeah, my thought exactly… I don't want to make my dad mad and disappointed at me…» And he is kinda coward so he is going to hide as soon as he gets the chance.
Lani takes the name Furina as a confirmation that he was right in his assumption. They should just neuter Hudie so that he stays near the house!!
«Come on, Xiao… please let's go in the portal… the doctor will find a way to cure you, you'll see…» He keeps trying to push Xiao, kinda fearing that he will attack him.
Evilconquering "Even though, we protected these people from mercenaries, why is that a bad thing to be mad about...". Hudie is starting to worry as well. "It's like what that Won-guy said, he'll crush us under a mountain?"

Xiao doesn't cooperate, but as Chan insists, he pushes him. "Get out of my way!" He swings his spear towards Chan but he is quick to interrupt his attacks.
Chan «It's… I don't think that we did a bad thing, but… we didn't ask them first…» And he fears that Zhongli and Jing Yuan would have most likely acted in a completely different way.
«… Won-guy? Well… he didn't crush me under a mountain when I accidentally unsealed that evil God, is he really going to do that for this…?»
He gets pushed away by Xiao and raises his hands as he points the spear at him. «Sorry, sorry… if you want to stay here, you could just say…» He is very clueless on what to do with him.
«Do you not want to go back to Rex Lapis…?» He hopes that hearing that name will trigger something in Xiao.
Evilconquering ''Fuck it...'' Hudie just feels like swearing, as he is feeling anxious.
''If you unsealed a God and he didn't crush you, then maybe not...'' He mutters.

Suddenly around Xiao, a golden aura - leaving little doubt whose magic it is - appearing and making the evil karma surrounding him fade. He falls in his knees and pants a lot, taking his head in hands. ''Those memories...'' Eventually he takes a look around, starting to regain focus.
Chan «It was an accident, though… an old woman tricked me and the Traveler…»
He freezes for a moment at the appearance of the golden aura, thinking that Zhongli is coming there.
Feeling a complete mess, he teleports away just like that.