
Once they have everything packed and the dogs leashed, they can return to Mt Aocang. Not before he changed WooPil from that dress, or he would cry if forced to leave the room.
Jing Yuan is still playing Animal Crosses with his glasses on, while he is being transported back to Liyue too.

When they are there, Xianyun allows them to access her abode, without needing to do all the puzzles, but maybe the dogs will have to, at least Hudie would get his fight even if against slimes.
As they return, they also find out that they missed the Lantern Rite entirely, since several days passed from the main event.
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1 | Feb 18th 2024 16:29
MORAX "That can be forgiven. As long as he remains inside his room while undressed." He can let it be while he is still a child. XD
"He has quite an unusual story...I honestly hope he can learn to enjoy his life. He is a good child, he has done even more than what Rex Lapis asked. What would you think if we brought Xiao back with us, WooPil?
That's good. I really don't want to punish you, LeYang, today it wasn't your fault but now that you know those words, you have to keep them for yourself only.
For me, you can take the situation in your hands, Xianyun. Should you succeed, I'm sure his father will bless you." Hudie will have to lower his head as the ultimate mommy takes over.
Woopino «H… he was in your room, though…» Of course he'd confess all the crimes his brothers commit to Zhongli without second thoughts!!
«Sh… shi, he should come with us so… so he doesn't have to fight all the time anymore and we can teach him to eat delicious food an… and be happy too… no one should always fight…»

Yang. He slightly hunches his shoulders, terrified at the mention of punishment, after all the things Xiao said. XD

Xianyun. She pats Yang's back and cradles him a little. «Do no be afraid, only those who deserve shall be punished, one will see to it!»
She looks around. «One will just have to find an appropriate tool, like a bamboo flexible enough. Someone will have to hold them still, while one proceeds with their punishment.»
MORAX "Well, you were by yourselves so it doesn't really matter. It would be rude if there was someone outside the family...but he is still a child, so no one should get worked up.
I agree. He needs to learn all these things...his duty is over, he can have rest." He didn't think ending their contracts would cause so much pressure. XD
He slightly nods. "Of course we wouldn't punish an innocent, there is no Honour in that.
I understand what kind of punishment you are considering...I don't think they would dare reacting to you."
Woopino «I… I don't want to be undressed even if I am alone…» he says in a low voice. He will grow up into someone who washes with at least one layer on.
«Wh… when we go, we make him eat a croissant too, s… so that he will know that they are delicious!»
Zhongli should just take all the adepti and bring them to serve him in Nortrig, especially the old fossils.

Yang. «You can't cut my head and take it!» He hides his face against Xianyun's shoulder.

Xianyun. She shuts her eyes. «Yes, one needs to find a bamboo quickly», she mutters.
She puts Yang down. «Dinner preparations will have to make do without one's assistance.» She is determined to find a stick and use violence.
MORAX ''You can do as you feel comfortable, my child. It is fine if you want to stay dressed even when on your own.'' He pats his head.
''Yes, definitely. We won't go anywhere without Xiao from now on!'' He smiles slightly.
He'll tell them all to end their contracts, it is not his fault if they love him so much they'll want to follow him wherever he goes!!
He sighs at Yang's behaviour. ''What's even the point in scaring a child...I'll have a lot to work on.'' He also approves Xianyun's idea.
''Alright, we'll proceed with the meal, you can go ahead. Don't come late for dinner, though.''