
He returns to the teapot when done with everything else, meeting with Xiao while the children are still asleep. He explains him what happened and how the situation is safe again for the children, but also: "Do you like it here? If you do, you can stay..."
Xiao is very surprised by his words, but the time with the children...instill it was pleasant even if he wouldn't admit it. "I'll keep it under consideration..."
"Stay for a couple of days..."
"The children. They want to see this year's Lantern Rite..."
Zhongli tilts his head at his words then smiles slightly. "Why don't you take them with you to Liyue for the festival?"
Xiao is shocked but fails to refuse the offer. "As you wish..."
And Zhongli also warns the family and friends about the matter, telling them anyone can go with them. He'll join later, as he can't leave for long periods of time.
Heart this
1 | Feb 7th 2024 04:21
Cyno «It is an amazing game, you should consider to give it a try.» And a better try than making Aether win on purpose!!
«I believe that he feels frustrated because he didn't recognize that she was a threat and risked that… well, that she could have harmed WooPil badly, because of this failure.» In a way, the fact WooPil went through the chaos portal could be what saved his life, as otherwise Iulee would have had a very easy time killing him, before the arrival of Zhongli.
«There won't be need, the children are used to sleep with dad so they surely won't want to sleep by themselves now. You can rest comfortably.» He assumes that Xiao doesn't want to share bed with him.
«Ah… I don't know these places nor the people they want to meet, but okay. I will come along. I like to visit new places.»
Evilconquering "I'll consider it if that's what you want." He will do anything, except let Aether loose against him, his bae.
He remains silent and thoughtful at the explaination. "...some things are beyond our power. Before I served Morax, I was a slave to another God. I had to do unspeakable things for him. The Chi was an evil God.
I don't need rest. Karma doesn't rest." Moments of awkward silence.
He slightly nods at his words. "You won't regret it."
Cyno «It isn't really… about me, it should be you to decide if you are interested in the game and want to try it. Although I highly recommend you do.» At least he is trying to be less abusive about TCG.
«I am sorry to hear…» He looks down. It instantly brings to his mind the potential messes he caused as Deshret in his previous incarnation. «But what really matters is not what we are forced to do, but what we choose to do. I'm sure that you have proved plenty that you are a just warrior, on the side of good.»
He blinks. «Karma…?» It is a concept new to him.
He will regret it because at least one of the locations will be full of big breasted women!!
Evilconquering He lowers his gaze, thinking about it. He can't say he has real interests in general, due to his duty. "I'll give it a try..." As long as he won't be shamed by old men, like in chess. XD
"I have served Morax for a thousand years, with my brothers." He avoids to mention they fell one by one, not wanting to kill the mood even more.
"Evil lurking in every corner due to the amount of sealed Gods in this area."
He leans his back against the wall and crosses his arms while waiting for others to tell him they can get going to the said locations.
Cyno «If you want someone to teach you, I can be the one. I take pleasure in doing so and I've already done many times, so I'm quite experienced.» And Xiao, being his brother-in-Christ, should not get intimidated easily by his natural seriousness.
«I see. He indeed seems pretty fond of you and clearly trusts you a lot. I can't say I have been by his side for long and I'm nobody to even compare to you.» He acknowledges the fact that Xiao is certainly more experienced and skilled than himself.
«That evil… causes you some sort of… bad luck?»
New starter for that RP.