
Eventually, Childe manages to force Zaiyi to return to the palace, in hope to find a way to convince him to invent a common lie and not tell the truth, when they will be questioned about the little Prince's disappearance.
What Childe didn't know is that the guards are already waiting for their return, as XiFan didn't waste a chance to be the usual vulture and went straight to ZhongLi, as soon as he returned, to tell him how Zaiyi and Childe plotted to kidnap WooPil.
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1 | Nov 21st 2023 11:07
XiFan «So, in the end, I am supposed to take all the blame for this whole situation? Apparently, someone is too coward to take his part of the blame», he says, looking at Childe.

Zaiyi. «I take full responsibility over my actions and I will accept any punishment I deserve for my wrongdoings…» He prostrates himself.

He nervously looks at Zaiyi. Even if he hates to, he realises that it's better not to cause more troubles and just accept his guilt. «… I am guilty too…» he grumbles. He will never kneel or prostrate though.
Karm °What Zayi said is real, the prince disappeared and I have no idea of where he went to. I have no clue of what could have happened, I thought the prince maybe teleported somewhere but I am not sure about it too.° He doesn't prostrate too, he is too a dick to do it.
°Look who talks about being coward, you are the one who returned back to frame us.°
MORAX He moves his gaze on each of them for some time at their words and behaviour. "You are all to be punished, don't doubt that. Tell me what were the real intentions, what you would have done to WooPil." He narrows his eyes.
Suddenly someone walks in and rushes to whisper something to the king. Zhongli's attitude doesn't change though. "The two of you, on your knees. I'm tired of hearing your fights...prepare yourselves for your punishment." He summons Vortex Vanquisher.
XiFan «I would have done nothing to him! It was his plan, no matter how he keeps denying the truth! What reason would I have to want the little Prince outside the palace!»
His eyes widen. «Punish me? I am… I am a Prince from a different land! You can not do that!» He gasps.
He realises that shit just got serious and despite being the worst dick of the room, he thinks it's better to avoid making his situation worse.
Reluctantly… he kneels, but doesn't prostrate, only Zaiyi is humble enough for that. «It is more their fault than mine, though…» he mutters.
Karm °I just know they needed my help but now I understand it was just to frame me.° he kneels too with a sigh.
°And what about me? Why would I want the prince outside the palace?
The king decides, princes have lower power and you are from another land.°