
After the three hours passed, they head to the gates.
Chan left the others to go to give the phone to Wu and also taught him some basics on how to use it, before joining at the gate.

When they are there, eventually the physician arrives and with him, Princess Yinbok. She insists to come with them, so that if her daughter can't come back, she will at least have the chance to see her one last time.
XiFan makes his appearance a little late, with a servant carrying his belongings. His father broke his face. XD He has a black eye and his cheekbone a little swollen.
But his father comes with him to say goodbye, at least. He actually cares about his son, that's also why he got so mad for his decision.

Chan doesn't argue about the fact he will have to take the physician and the Princess back to Xi'An, he is only eager to go home, also because he worries for Miko and Aron, in that place.
When everyone is ready, Chan teleports them all to Guyun and they head to the palace.
Chan stops by the guards to tell them the situation and to warn the king, to ask the permission to bring the people inside, wanting to follow all the procedures, including checking that the guests have no weapons on them.
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0 | Sep 20th 2023 16:16
MORAX "As far as I know, the situation is stable enough. I believe it is important to give people the freedom to choose. They'll be more likely to do the right thing.
I wish the best for your people. I suppose that, should it be needed, we'll indeed share some medical knowledge." As long as no one finds out Lani is selling efficient contraceptives around. XD
"I'll send him to you. Don't mind the person with him, I don't fully approve his decision...
What is even the point to be so harsh. His son is just who he was born to be, regardless. He is not tough and manly, but it is fine, there is nothing wrong in how the Gods made him.
I will wait till he is 21 before to touch him, should it even happen. I'm not certain he would agree."
XiFan «The people of your Kingdom must be the happiest in this world…» And they probably are for real.
«Xiexie, I am sure that the Emperor himself would give anything in return, for a solution to the high mortality rate that plagues the nation. Regardless his lowliness as a man, protecting people's lives and improving their quality of life has been at the centre of his policies for many years.» Because Lian may be an asshole, but he knows that if all the people die, he will have nothing to rule over.
«I will not mind the person, nor make questions.»
He nods. «I agree with you, my Lord. Lord Feng's obsessions are only detrimental for his son's wellness and his ways have clearly not brought to the changes he hoped for.» He takes another sip of wine.
«By then, he should have accepted his position…»
MORAX "They were happy even before my arrival. Things were handled well in the past...most of the struggle nowdays comes to help Shuguang. They fell low recently, the cold destroyed all their cultivation and they have very little food, but Red Dawn is doing her all and we are all giving our support to her kingdom."
He slightly nods. "We'll bring this matter up to our doctor. He'll see how he can help.
We keep talking and barely touched any food. Let's eat before it gets cold." He slowly eats a bit of everything. He adds chillies to whatever he picks.
XiFan «Catastrophes of that entity happen quite often in Great Huang too, but thankfully we have a wide production of meat and, since recently, we can count on the support of our insular subject…» In those cases, they are lucky to have such a low population.
«Xiexie… Emperor Lian may have given an awful impression on our nation, but there are plenty good people too…»
He makes a slight smile and looks at the food. «I almost forgot.» He starts to eat as well, without additions. He doesn't even know what chillies are.
MORAX "It is a shame. Starting a proper exchange of goods among nations will benefit them a lot. Our harbour in Wutian is open for their merchants.
I don't doubt it. I wouldn't condamn a whole nation for the actions of one.
Are you liking our typical dishes?" He gave the recipes to the cooks himself, they are improving with practice. XD