Evil Twin

The fear in Chan's eyes towards him troubled him greatly. He has never ever wanted their relationship to possibly head in any negative direction. He really wants to do his all to solve the matter and put all of his people to safety from the mysterious Morax.

He is wandering the teapot after making sure everyone left the palace. The only thing still troubling him is that he couldn't find Daniel and Martin, meaning they either left as he hopes or are still there somewhere.
He hopes to find Morax soon but so far only his geowishaps or however it is written.
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3 | Aug 3rd 2023 17:02
MORAX "We are friends, we are traveling and living all together, we are like a family.
It is only embarassing because you want to see it that way. He has many other features to be proud of." Probably nothing he would consider a good thing. XD
He lowers his gaze, becoming more gloomy at the confirmation of who is behind it. "Try to buy as much time as you can, Daniel. We will get there soon...
Martin. The boy who came here with us. Thank you very much for your help..." He thinks it will be a big advantage to bring an extra Morax.
QiuWu He raises a brow, looking suspicious. «What kind of friends? I did not think he was your type.»
He crosses his arms. «Do not try to take me for a fool, now. We Gods have a reputation to defend. And I have plenty of enemies who would be ready to take profit even if the slightest weakness.»

Daniel. «If they hurt my dad I will kill them all.» Maybe that's an overstatement, but the risk he makes a mess with him is easy.

«My concubine? The one who was in this room, was kidnapped by this Dottore?!»
MORAX "He is just a friend. He is indeed not my type for that kind of thing." Two tops rarely work together.
"I'm well aware, but what can you do, ruin WooPil, making him sad and unhappy or let him be who he is? We can deal with all our enemies. Our level is much above theirs.
Try warning your dad to submit...that way, should we be late, he will get hurt less...tell him to talk with him and get on his soft spot..." He tries giving helpful suggestions while they prepare to go.
"Yes. We have to hurry, there is the child too..." He takes a breath. "Morax, let's head to Liyue. We will need Childe's help."
QiuWu «I thought so.» He thinks ZhongLi's type is cute innocent boys, like himself.
«… Sad and unhappy…?» ZhongLi is putting weird concepts in his dick head. «My child… could be feeling that way, because of me…?»

Daniel. «I… I can not let my dad see what I can do… unless…» He wonders if he could manage to enter Skylar's dreams and communicate to him that way.

«That filth took something that is mine, I will show no mercy.» He goes to wear his war outfit and comes back after some minutes, spear in hand.
MORAX Zhongli ruins everybody. "He could...depends on you. Everything you tell him has a weight. They always remember more the negative than the good." He sighs.
He looks at Daniel. "You try to find a way, it is important he agrees to Dottore's will." Just so that he can survive and maybe not get a harsh treatment.
He looks at Morax as he returns changed. "I believe we will give Childe a heart attack this way..."