
He is in the garden, relaxing while sipping some tea. He feels very at ease in that environment, he doesn't mind the Luofu so far, regardless all the particular technology they have. It is not Liyue, but not too distant.
He is just waiting for the moment others will all be ready to move, but he has no hurry since they are all safe now and they can finally be at ease.
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1 | Jul 5th 2023 11:26
MORAX "Correct. I just need a few days for the ingredients, it shouldn't be a problem to stay hidden for a small amount of time while I get everything done." He then nods. "Fully a woman, yes. You might want to ask General Jing Yuan to lend some money to buy a pair of clothes here, to be prepared. is difficult and I like to spend money too much..." He spoils himself beyond his own limits, never considering money.
Shin «You are really kind… I hope I can repay you for it… somehow…» He thinks he could go to clean ZhongLi's house!
«G… General Jing Yuan?» He gasps. He wouldn't even ask for money to one of his friends!!
«I never buy anything, work whole day and still never have any money…» He sighs. «I don't know what I do wrong… why can't life be a little easier…»
MORAX "There is no need to repay me. All I ask in exchange is to try to avoid troubles, it would be very unfortunate if efforts for your safety went wasted. You look like a reasonable boy, so I don't think you'll do anything wrong.
Him. I like him very much, I'm certain we will be great friends in the future.
How is that possible?" At least he himself doesn't work at all and has no money!!
"Life is not easy but it can be beautiful in many ways...there is a certain balance of everything."
Shin «I usually try to avoid troubles, but they always find a way to find me…» And that way usually has a name and a surname: Hung Kun.
«I… will have to think about it…» Now he has anxiety and is less likely to accept, since he is not sure he won't cause himself troubles!!! XD
«Oh…» He thinks ZhongLi means that he LIKES Jing Yuan. XD
«My life has not been beautiful in many years, though…» In his eyes, it stopped being beautiful the moment he parted from his father. When the hardship begun.
MORAX "No is not easy but this time we might have a solution. We will do our best to make sure you are fine and stay safe.
Take your time to think about it. Discuss with your friends if you need, I won't force you but I find it indeed a safe idea."
They are like brothers, he could never!!
"You'll see that things will get better. You...can see us all as a family. We might not be blood related but we can take care of you."