Astral Express

They are forced to leave the station after not finding any track of WooPil, Haitien and the others. Even after checking cameras, they find nothing useful, as everything disappeared for some time after Silver Wolf hacked the system. They can only see the last moments of WooPil and Haitien walking together near Herta's collection. They even investigate around there to find clues, but the only things they find are signs of fight, like bullets; one good thing is, there is no track of auriold blood, only that of those filthy monsters. Everything seems to point to the fact they left with someone.

There is no way they can return to Nortrig yet, so for now they stay with the Express to proceed with their investigations. Too bad that their last jump is interrupted.
From the windows they can see a planet, it is not too different from Mars from outside, except there are signs of civilization. While they try to figure out the situation, they can see a few small starships flying towards them. Enemies trying to get on board.
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2 | Jun 13th 2023 17:07
MORAX "Chan, don't jump so fast on those conclusions and you, Cyno...try to change attitude with Chan." He sighs at their behaviour. "We really can't afford splitting and arguing now."
He starts to take the clothes. "Exactly my least we will pass more unnoticed and they won't try to rob us just by looking at us."
He changes his clothes, not happy, but at least it should be safer from them. "Don't leave anything of value behind."

Jingyuan picks Leadlf up after changing clothes. "Stay well hidden..." He fears he might look even too juicy if they come across starving people.

Zhongli approaches the motorbikes to have a look. He can see better the way ahead from there. Metal pieces, broken cars and bikes, trash, it is full of those and there are some people searching among them.
Cyno «I have always had the same attitude for my entire life.» He was a very authoritative child.
«I won't make further proposals concerning him, from now on.» He doesn't find any pleasure in arguing nor in wasting energies.
«They should learn how to read people better, if they thought that by our looks we were easy targets.» He will never admit that his dwarf size might make him less threatening than he would like.

Chan. He sighs and with some disgust, eventually wears the clothes from the corpses too.

Leaf tries to sneak inside any pocket he can reach from Jingyuan's clothes. He definitely doesn't want to become anyone's meal.

Chan. He approaches the motorbikes too and takes a look. He turns one on and mounts on it. He has never driven one, but he is confident it won't be difficult for him.
MORAX "Don't talk to Chan for now, long as you don't start arguments now. Keep them for when we return to the Express.
Tell me first." He will then try to tell Chan in a way that won't annoy him. XD
"They probably saw us in unknown style clothing and thought we might be from another world, have something useful with us. What other reason there might be."
He already cannot wait to get changed but he is not even sure it will be possible.
He looks at Chan once by the motorbikes. "How is it? How do we use them?" He is not very sure, he is tempted to walk till there.
Cyno «I won't speak anymore.» It's not like he couldn't stay silent for three days without difficulties.

Chan. «Whatever they thought, they will not try again.» Unless they get reborn and won't remember how they died so they will attack a squad of death again.
He makes some moves, causing the motorbike to make noises. «Not so different from the ones from Earth. Just a little twist here and it speeds up. Half of you would probably crash into each others in the first try.» He is not so sure others would be able to drive them and they sure can't all go on one.