
Wyverns are sub species of dragons and have silver blood. They are a slightly smaller dragon, females being bigger than males. They are also shifters as they are guardian species, their loyalties laying with angels.

They primarily in dense forested areas with large trees such as red woods or on cliffsides. Not only are wyverns amazing flyers but they are good climbers as they have a sharp claw-like bone at the join of both wings that they use to hand onto vertical surfaces.

Wyverns are carnivores and enjoy a diet that consists mostly smaller flying creatures, one of their favorites being the common red blooded bat.

Wyverns are intelligent and agile creature but they often prefer to follow others and are rarely independent. Occasionally they will take on a bigger hunt and work together to take down their pray. Wyverns are very social creatures and very curious.

Like most other dragons they typically choose to stay in their beast forms when pregnant or in great distress.

A peculiar trait that most other dragons don't have is that wyverns produce a highly toxic venom that they insert into their victims via their long sharp teeth. They have fangs in their humanoid form as well.
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