torture and tea

I gasped for breath my thoughts slowing my vision blurring and my heart pounding. I could feel myself drowning, feel the water mixed with my own blood filling my mouth with the taste of matalic rust. Then my eyes closed and my I could hear my heart. THUMP. the sound was loud in my ears and it hurt my head, THUMP. With each time my heart bear it pumped more of my crimson blood into the water. THUMP. I desprately tried to take a breath only to choke on the liquid combination that I was drowning in. THUMP. I reached a hand toward the surface above me, my fingertips brushed air. If only I could grasp it and being the oh so important oxygen that my lungs cured for back down under the water. THUMP. another wave of pain rushed through my body as harshly as a torent of swirling waved crashing into a desolate beech. THUMP. My mouth gales open and my lungs contracted one more time. Before I sucummbed to the ever tempting darkness of death. I saw no light, I saw nothing.

"I bet she will regret this..." said a muffled voice somewhere above me. I still couldn't breath I still felt like I under the bloody water, THUMP. "All for a cup of tea." said the voice. It was familiar and hard to place so stopped trying.

"Let the bratt die." seethed another voice, "no wait...let her wake up. Then lets keep her alive and see what she can take." this voice was more violent and sent chills down my already frozen spine. I didn't open my eyes. And I didn't hear my heart bear anymore. Instead I died.
Heart this
0 | Jan 12th 2016 17:59