
Full Name: Android 1: L31L4
Alias/Nickname: Leila, LeiLei, 18, Lolita
Birthday: March 3rd
Year: 20XX
Age: Unknown - Looks around 14 at oldest
Race: Android
Height: 4'5
Weight: 97
Body Type: Small and frail looking
Hair color: White
Eye color: Blue

Being built with the thought of the Victorian era in mind, Leila wears something akin to gothic Lolita, though it's anything but, her Victorian fashion has a modern day twist put to it with the top she wears accompanying it, her parasol is made of sheer fabric, made only for slightly blocking out the sun, though somehow it can withstand storms. Her dress stops at her knees, while black and red stripped tights cover her legs, black Mary Jane's on her feet.

Any complexs?: No, but she occasionally malfunctions when it comes to over-excessive heat

Skills: Laughing at others misery, embarrassing people, hand-to-hand combat, anyhing math related.

Sexuality: ?

Crush/partner: None.

Affilitation: A simple Android living under the roof of the scientists she's come to know and love, along with her creator.

Family: Creator: Cecilia Halla

Relationships: Cecilia: Adores.

Friends: None.
(Become friends with this lonely Android p l e a s e)

Likes: Human food, snow, anything that comes on the television, and going out into town.

Dislikes: Sitting around for hours on end, she's afraid she'll collect dust, not being in recharge for days, low energy, the fact that everything on her is basically a human's besides her internal energy system. (She'd rather be either full android or full human, nothing in-between.)

Personality: Leila is a mischevious little girl who giggles too much for her own good, she likes to make jokes that can be taken as hurtful or playful, depends on how you look at it. Dealing with her is always a give or take conversation, but in the end she's a loveable android. (She's also stubborn like a mule and vain.)

Past: Being invented by her creator meant she had to travel with her as soon as her feet touched the ground, which she didn't mind since she wanted to see the world, though her mind was input with memories of the Victorian era in London, meaning she talked and acted like a fourteen-year old Victorian era girl, a noble or something more. She wasn't stuck up, but it could come off as snoody sometimes if you rubbed her the wrong way. She did grow lonely though, like anyone would without new interactment, she was made with human emotions in mind, like a real child, so she'd never expect to be static like many think Android's are to be, but she expects... more from the world.

Quotes: "What if I offered you a choice? You take what you have an flee like a coward or you stay and fight and die. The choice is up to you.~" - Leila

(This character doesn't have to be for modern day times, she can actually be put in anytime, really. Go wild lol)
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2 | Mar 31st 2018 02:01