Ulla Nehemiah

Gender: female

Age: 14

Birthday: may, 22, 2001

Sexulaity: she doesnt know or care

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 113

Skin tone: she has a dark mocha colored skin tone

Eyes: her eyes are two toned: bright brown and blue

Hair: short curly midtone brown hair

Scars: none

Birthmarks: she has a red tinged birthmark across one cheek and a similar one on her stomach they almost look like paint splatters

Marking: none

Clothing: anything bright and colorful but has to be comfy

Anything interesting: she is a chimera

Personality: random, bright, mood swings, eager, reckless, not so brave. . . very compassionate, upbeat, not easy to please or handle.

Likes: reading fantasy books, bossing people around, singing (not in public)

Dislikes: anything furry, darkness, loud noises

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0 | Feb 21st 2018 22:06