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Questions for Yourstruly_Ange

Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Would goddess of sex and destruction be suitable for you?
A. I guess so! ;)
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Your a goddess!did you know this?
A. I did not, :) *blushing* maybe the goddess of destruction?
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Have you always been this gorgeous ?
A. I was once quite chubby and with lots of baby fat and if you call that too gorgeous than yes! :)
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Halloween or christmas?
A. Christmas, it's all about gift and looooong vacation. I love winters and Christmas is all about comfort. Though Halloween is a sprit of it's own!
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Which can you not live with out?communication or weed?
A. Communications! If it's with a certain someone special than I can pass on my weed in a heartbeat.
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. How are all the answer you have me close to the same ones if answer
A. Lol, maybe we have similar preferences like the one we share for a nice bowl of marijuana! ;)
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Beer or hard liquor?
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Ever play videogames?
A. Yes, currently hooked over fortnite lol.
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Horror or comedy?
A. Comedy for now, but old classic Horror are to die for.
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Which flavor you preferred cookie dough or peanut butter cup?
A. Cookie dough any day!