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Questions for Yourstruly_Ange

Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Did you miss me while you were gone?
A. Of course,I did, they a stupid question :)
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Would it be weird if I said I missed you?
A. Awwe, No! I had a busy day.
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. What do you prefer with a peanut butter sandwich grape or strawberry jelly?
A. Strawberry jelly!
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Are you happy knowing I think your amazing and like how close we are getting
A. Of course I am, you are a great guy and also knows how to cook and sing!
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Are you attracted to me?
A. Maybe? ;)
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Am I on your list of favorite people?
A. Yes, you are!
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Can you twerk and bump and grind?
A. Yes, maybe play that music and you can see for yourself! ;)
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Favorite type of music
A. To be honest anything on which I can dance!! And enjoy my time.
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Is there anything you can't do
A. I can't sing even if my life depends on it. Lol
Heartlessnobody91 asked the question
Q. Shut I almost forgot what's your favorite food?
A. Lol I eat literary anything that's tastes good, but for now make whatever you can find in my kitchen. :)