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WithdrawnWriter's Blog


Hey everyone, I've been giving it some thought lately, and I reckon it's time we lay down a few guidelines to keep things running smoothly around here.


Content Warning: Hey, just wanted to give you a heads up before you dive into this page. You might come across what we call "potentially extreme content," which could cover themes like graphic violence, explicit sexual content, depictions of self-harm, eating disorders, or other sensitive topics. I totally get that these topics aren't everyone's cup of tea, so if it's not your thing, that's totally okay! Your well-being is super important, so make sure to take care of yourself and prioritize what makes you feel comfortable and safe.


Mental health issues Paxton may be experiencing( don't mean he has them unless stated as being so) :
Anorexia Nervosa - we know for a fact that he has this
Self-Harm (Suicidal/Non-Suicidal Self-Injury) - we know for a fact
Fear of Abandonment - again this one
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Anxiety Disorders (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) -maybe unless its social anxiety
Depression -yes unless it more like bpd
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Social Anxiety Disorder - maybe unless just anxiety disorders
selective mutism - yes at times he has this

These mental health issues contribute to Paxton's complex personality traits and emotional struggles, including sensitivity, anxiety, self-harming behavior, unpredictability, and withdrawal. His inner turmoil and coping mechanisms reveal a deeply troubled individual grappling with profound emotional pain and psychological distress.


Genres that match Paxton's profile:

Psychological Thriller
Gothic Horror
Crime Fiction
Psychological Drama
MXM Romance only
Supernatural Suspense
Psychological Horror


Constructive Feedback: Provide feedback in a constructive and supportive manner

Respectful Communication: Let's make sure we talk to each other respectfully and kindly, always considering each other's feelings.

Collaboration: Stay open to working together and contributing to plots, making sure everyone pitches in fairly.

No Spamming: Feel free to stay connected, but let's try to avoid bombarding each other with messages for replies.. If I don't respond right away, I'll catch up with you soon! Also, please try to limit bumping posts to once every couple of days.

Quality Over Quantity: I prioritize quality here. Instead of writing a lot, focus on depth and substance in your posts. Also, if I'm putting effort into longer posts, I'd appreciate more than just a few lines in return. Let's make our interactions meaningful.

Friend Collector Rule: Quality Over Quantity. I prioritize forming genuine connections over accumulating a large number of acquaintances. It's not about the quantity of friends, but the quality of the relationships/stories we build. Let's focus on nurturing meaningful connections that enrich our experiences rather than simply collecting friends for the sake of numbers.

Additionally, to maintain an active and engaging community, if we haven't plotted or interacted in any way within a month, I may remove inactive connections. This ensures that our circle remains vibrant and dynamic, fostering genuine engagement and collaboration.
If you're the one who sends a friend request, I'd appreciate it if you could take the lead and send the first message. I believe in the importance of mutual communication, so you can count on me to reciprocate by doing the same. This approach ensures that our interactions start off on the right foot, maintaining a sense of balance and mutual respect from the outset.

Closing Rules

Before we wrap up,

let's circle back to our Content Warning. As we part ways, please keep in mind that our page may contain "potentially extreme content," including graphic violence, explicit sexual content, depictions of self-harm, eating disorders, or other sensitive topics. Your well-being matters, so if any of these themes make you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to prioritize your mental and emotional safety. Thank you for your attention and understanding.


Let's dive into our roleplaying adventures, weaving tales that bring our characters to life. That's a wrap for now. Got any ideas for our next adventure? Take care, and see you soon!"


Bio :-

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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 22nd 2024 08:23

random journal entries


Dear Journal,

Today felt like an intense battle from the moment I entered the school gates. The halls were filled with the usual hordes of students, their conversations blending into an indistinct murmur that made me dizzy. I tried to blend in with the crowd, but every step felt like I was walking through quicksand.

Breakfast was a struggle, just the thought of food made my stomach knot. I would grab my food and force myself to swallow small bites as the weight of my eating disorder weighed heavily on my mind. The whisper of my soul echoed in my ear, drowning out the noise of the crowded cafe.

The lessons were not better. The pressure to speak and participate in debates felt like a heavy weight on my chest. My flesh clung to my throat, silencing me amidst the sea of ​​sounds. Fear curled in the pit of my stomach and grew stronger by the minute.

During lunch, the crowded kitchen became my personal nightmare. The cacophony of voices, the pressing of bodies overwhelmed my senses. I retreat into a corner and seek solace in the quiet shadows, away from prying eyes and probing hands.

The afternoon went on, Each cycle lasted forever. I felt the weight of everyone s expectations on me, crushing me under their relentless control. The fear of judgment, of rejection hung heavy in the air and suffocated me with its oppressive presence.

When the final bell rang, I felt worn and worn out from the days trials. Every interaction, every moment of discovery left me raw and vulnerable. And yet, amidst the chaos and struggle, there is a glimmer of hope, a tiny spark of resilience that refuses to be extinguished.

With a heavy heart and a weary mind,
Paxton Graves

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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 22nd 2024 07:14

PAXTON'S PLOT IDEA'S.. Will be adding too over tim

story plot tile:- 'Passengers of Time: Saving Paxton'

Trigger warning: This post contains sensitive subject matter such as sexual abuse, self-harm, and emotional well-being. The mention of sexual content can be avoided if necessary, and open discussion is encouraged. Moving on to the topic at hand.

Time travel has been a topic of fascination for centuries. The idea of being able to go back in time and change events or witness historical moments has captured the imaginations of many. While time travel remains a hypothetical concept, it has been a popular theme in science fiction and has sparked endless debates and theories. And now, with the advancements in technology, the possibility of time travel is becoming more plausible. One such example of this is the time travel program in the future, where agents known as passengers are sent back in time to save people from their tragic fates

One such passenger is.... YOUR CHARACTER, (you will bring the passenger agent to life how you wish too) their mission case is of Paxton.

He is a young boy who suffers from a troubled past, with his mother passing away when he was just fourteen and his father struggling to connect with the young boy, as Paxton push's him away due to his secretive relationship with his uncle Silas. What makes Paxton's case even more tragic is the fact that his uncle is not only sexually abusing him but also physically and mentally. This abuse has taken a toll on Paxton, leading to self-harming, depression, and an eating disorder. As he grows older, his obsession with writing about death and murder becomes his way of coping with the pain and trauma he has endured.

But this is where the time travel program comes into play. A passenger is sent back in time to help Paxton. Their mission is to ensure that Paxton makes it past his nineteenth birthday, the day he ultimately kills his uncle, in an act of self-defense, before killing himself. (if you fail, Paxton will not meet you in your future time, meaning Paxton can die in this roleplay) The passenger is not just there to prevent this traumatic event but also to help Paxton find the confidence to stand up to his uncle and finally speak out about the abuse before it's too late.

The way I see this working is that the passenger and Paxton will share the same body. It's like having two souls inhabiting one body. The passenger will have the power to take control of Paxton's actions but cannot force him to do something he doesn't want to, like telling his father or anyone else about the abuse. This shared control will create an interesting dynamic, where both the passenger and Paxton will have to work together to find a solution.

The passenger will not only have to navigate through the physical world but also delve into Paxton's mind and emotions to understand the extent of his trauma and how it has affected him. It will be a delicate balance of respecting Paxton's boundaries and pushing him out of his comfort zone to help him heal.
Through this journey, both the passenger and Paxton will learn valuable lessons. While the passenger will gain a unique insight into the complexities of the human mind and the power of empathy, Paxton will finally find closure and the strength to overcome his fears and speak his truth.

One of the most significant aspects of this concept is the idea of being able to change the past and shape the future. It raises questions about the consequences of our actions and the ripple effect they can have on the course of our lives. Is changing the past a risk worth taking? And what are the moral implications of such a power? These are just some of the thought-provoking questions that this idea of time travel and the passenger and Paxton's journey can explore.

In conclusion, the idea of a time travel program and the concept of passengers going back in time to save people from their tragic fates is a compelling one. It not only opens up a world of possibilities but also highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience in the face of trauma. As we continue to make progress in technology, who knows, maybe one day, time travel will no longer be just a figment of our imagination, but a reality. Until then, we can only imagine the endless possibilities of this concept and the impact it can have on our lives.
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Mar 18th 2024 03:03

Paxton's Bio // This is still a work in progress..

Name: Paxton Graves
Concept: Lonely teenage son of a prison guard
Gender: Male
Age: Adolescent
Setting: Contemporary small town

World description: In the heart of Moorland National Park lies the small village of Princetown, perched at an altitude of 1400 feet. The village is dominated by Moorland Prison, a high-security facility that houses category A criminals. The prison's presence has shaped the community, with the village mainly catering to the needs of the prison staff and their families. Despite this, the surrounding wild beauty of the Moorlands, with its vast moorland, rocky tors, and meandering rivers, holds an allure of its own. However, the villagers also take pride in the local brewery, Moorland Brewery, where unique ales such as Jail Ale and Moorland IPA are brewed using the pure waters of the moorland streams.
General Information: Always clad in an old, oversized black hoodie Paxton, troubled by his mother's death, struggles with self-harm in a new town where his father works as a prison guard. He isolates himself, documenting his dark thoughts in story form within his journal and finding solace in an abandoned church in the moorlands, he feels most at ease in the shadows.

Background: Witnessing his mother's sudden death in a car crash shattered Paxton's innocence, thrusting him into the depths of grief and sorrow during his formative years. This tragic event marked the beginning of Paxton's journey into darkness, with self-harm becoming his outlet for the unfathomable pain that consumed him, fracturing his relationship with his father. as Paxton's silent screams carved deeper into his soul, especially when they relocated to their parents' hometown. His father's work at the local prison cast an ominous veil over their strained connection, as Paxton's struggles manifested in escalating self-harm, a desperate echo of his pain.

Goal: Paxton is working on his magnum opus, a deeply unsettling graphic novel that fuses his haunting words with his chilling illustrations. Every stroke of his pen aims to grip readers with a bone-chilling tale they cannot escape.
Conflicting goal: Paxton weaves tales of darkness, creating haunting stories that mirror his own tormented psyche. He hopes to share his writing and break free from the shadows that envelop him, hoping to release his haunted past. but he is scared to show his stories. Hovering between horror and despair, Paxton vows to pen a collection of grim tales that will captivate readers, aiming to submit them to the Moorland Literary Society's annual writing competition. If he succeeds, perhaps they will recognize his talent, and he will be able to bear his dark soul to the world.
Fears: Paxton fears being consumed by the stifling expectations of his father's profession, suffocating in the shadow of the prison walls that define his family's legacy.

Beliefs: Paxton believes shattered hearts can never fully mend.

Weaknesses: Paxton Graves copes with emotional turmoil through self-harm. Each night, surrounding to the haunting memories of his mother's passing, the weight of guilt pressing him to seek solace in the painful release of self-harm. The scars that line his arms bear silent witness to his inner torment. He harbors an intense fear of abandonment, stemming from his mother's death and his strained relationship with his father, driving him further into a world of isolation and despair. Paxton has obsessive tendencies, fixating on his haunting tales and graphic novel to the point of neglecting other aspects of his life.

Personality traits: Sensitive, anxious, shy, disorganized, creative, self-harming, quiet, caring, unpredictable, kind, rebellious, withdrawn
Personality description: Unpredictable and emotionally fragile, Paxton teeters on the edge of his sanity. While he possesses a glimmer of empathy deep within, his self-centred tendencies often override, leaving him isolated in the prison of his own sorrow. His mind weaves intricate tapestries of gloom and dread, but his crippling self-doubt shatters any hope of sharing them with the world.

Relationships: Jonathan, Paxton's father, is an overbearing and distant figure in his life. He is still grieving for his wife and struggles to connect with Paxton. Their strained relationship is filled with tension and unspoken emotions. Jonathan, burdened by his own loss, is unable to fully understand or support his son's artistic expressions. while Paxton's enigmatic and eccentric uncle Silas one his father's side of the family, becomes a guardian figure after his mother's passing. Silas, who has always been the family outcast, chooses to live as a hermit in a secluded cottage on the moorlands. He becomes the only person to whom Paxton opens up about his struggles.

General Appearance: His slender frame, weighted by self-imposed demons, often appears ghostly and fragile, as if one touch could shatter him into a thousand ethereal shards. Strangely, his arms are often wrapped in loose bandages, concealing unseen pain that festers beneath. As he writes in his journal, his skilful yet trembling skinny hands dance upon the pages, the ink capturing his tortured thoughts and bittersweet memories.
Face and hair: His eyes are sharp, like portals to worlds filled with darkness and despair, and they glimmer with a mixture of profound sadness and untamed imagination. Life might bend and bruise him, yet it also hones his uncanny ability to perceive secrets lurking in the shadows. His mournful countenance is etched with hollowed cheeks deeply shadowed by prolonged, sleepless nights. In the lightest of breezes, those cavernous cheekbones seem poised to buckle beneath the moon's embrace. His slender frame bears the marks of haunting experiences, from both reality and his unsettling imagination. White crescents of self-inflicted pain mar his arms, a haunting count of insidious battles etched upon his waxen flesh.
Clothes, adornments and belongings: A worn journal with an aged leather cover peeks out of his backpack, its pages an ever-growing writing.
His slender frame is wrapped in an oversized black hoodie, much of it now scarce fabric, disfigured by faded bloodstains that stubbornly linger as somber reminders of past agony. The garment's hemline is tattered, frayed, and smeared with faint splatters of ink and dried tears
Skills: His writing acts as a cathartic release, a conduit for his inner demons to bleed onto the page, wrapping readers in a shroud of unease and morose fascination as they journey through the twisted corridors of his mind.
Talents and interests: Paxton seeks solace in an old church, using journaling as therapy to cope with his inner struggles. In the eerie stillness of the old church, Paxton's whispers of sorrow mingle with the creaking of ancient wood. The dim light of a solitary candle flickers as he feverishly journals, the ink blotches on the pages mirroring the scars on his wrists and within his heart.

Likes and dislikes:
Paxton likes
Writing within his tattered leather journal is his most treasured possession, a vessel for his darkest thoughts and mysterious tales that haunt his mind, bound in a cloak of raw emotions. While he also finds solace in the church's eerie silence, where he can escape from the outside world and be alone with his thoughts, allowing the melancholy whispers of sorrow to blend with his own emotional turmoil.
The harsh bitterness of black coffee mixed with a hint of cinnamon is Paxton's go-to drink, reflecting his complex and dark nature. Each sip fuels his creativity for his haunting tales.
while he dislikes
Laughter it grates on Paxton's nerves, reminding him of the happiness he once had and lost. He recoils from the sound, feeling like an outsider to such joyous expressions.
Annoying Paxton to no end are empty promises, as they only serve to magnify the lingering sense of abandonment and disappointment in his young heart. Paxton despises sudden loud noises, as they startle him and trigger his anxiety, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Touch, whether accidental or intentional, sears his skin with the weight of remembered pain and stifled cries, closing him off further from the world around him.


Photo's dont take -


Guidelines :-

Heart this
6 | 0 Comments | Mar 10th 2024 05:58