
Hey everyone, I've been giving it some thought lately, and I reckon it's time we lay down a few guidelines to keep things running smoothly around here.


Content Warning: Hey, just wanted to give you a heads up before you dive into this page. You might come across what we call "potentially extreme content," which could cover themes like graphic violence, explicit sexual content, depictions of self-harm, eating disorders, or other sensitive topics. I totally get that these topics aren't everyone's cup of tea, so if it's not your thing, that's totally okay! Your well-being is super important, so make sure to take care of yourself and prioritize what makes you feel comfortable and safe.


Mental health issues Paxton may be experiencing( don't mean he has them unless stated as being so) :
Anorexia Nervosa - we know for a fact that he has this
Self-Harm (Suicidal/Non-Suicidal Self-Injury) - we know for a fact
Fear of Abandonment - again this one
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Anxiety Disorders (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) -maybe unless its social anxiety
Depression -yes unless it more like bpd
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Social Anxiety Disorder - maybe unless just anxiety disorders
selective mutism - yes at times he has this

These mental health issues contribute to Paxton's complex personality traits and emotional struggles, including sensitivity, anxiety, self-harming behavior, unpredictability, and withdrawal. His inner turmoil and coping mechanisms reveal a deeply troubled individual grappling with profound emotional pain and psychological distress.


Genres that match Paxton's profile:

Psychological Thriller
Gothic Horror
Crime Fiction
Psychological Drama
MXM Romance only
Supernatural Suspense
Psychological Horror


Constructive Feedback: Provide feedback in a constructive and supportive manner

Respectful Communication: Let's make sure we talk to each other respectfully and kindly, always considering each other's feelings.

Collaboration: Stay open to working together and contributing to plots, making sure everyone pitches in fairly.

No Spamming: Feel free to stay connected, but let's try to avoid bombarding each other with messages for replies.. If I don't respond right away, I'll catch up with you soon! Also, please try to limit bumping posts to once every couple of days.

Quality Over Quantity: I prioritize quality here. Instead of writing a lot, focus on depth and substance in your posts. Also, if I'm putting effort into longer posts, I'd appreciate more than just a few lines in return. Let's make our interactions meaningful.

Friend Collector Rule: Quality Over Quantity. I prioritize forming genuine connections over accumulating a large number of acquaintances. It's not about the quantity of friends, but the quality of the relationships/stories we build. Let's focus on nurturing meaningful connections that enrich our experiences rather than simply collecting friends for the sake of numbers.

Additionally, to maintain an active and engaging community, if we haven't plotted or interacted in any way within a month, I may remove inactive connections. This ensures that our circle remains vibrant and dynamic, fostering genuine engagement and collaboration.
If you're the one who sends a friend request, I'd appreciate it if you could take the lead and send the first message. I believe in the importance of mutual communication, so you can count on me to reciprocate by doing the same. This approach ensures that our interactions start off on the right foot, maintaining a sense of balance and mutual respect from the outset.

Closing Rules

Before we wrap up,

let's circle back to our Content Warning. As we part ways, please keep in mind that our page may contain "potentially extreme content," including graphic violence, explicit sexual content, depictions of self-harm, eating disorders, or other sensitive topics. Your well-being matters, so if any of these themes make you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to prioritize your mental and emotional safety. Thank you for your attention and understanding.


Let's dive into our roleplaying adventures, weaving tales that bring our characters to life. That's a wrap for now. Got any ideas for our next adventure? Take care, and see you soon!"


Bio :-

Heart this
1 | Mar 22nd 2024 08:23