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Avalon Malfoy's OC Information

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╰─▸ ☆ ❝Hello! Welcome to ☆Avalon's☆ Bio!


Table of Contents

◘ Basic Information


◘ Likes and Dislikes


✧Basic Info✧
Universe ✧ [Marauders era HP]

Name✧ [Avalon Fae Malfoy]

Nickname(s) ✧ [Ava, AvaFae, Vivi, Loni]

Blood Status ✧ [Pureblood]

Hogwarts House ✧ [Slytherin]

Identity ✧ [Lucius Malfoy's younger sister]

Age ✧ [16]

Year ✧ [6th]

Birthday ✧ [October 31st]

Height ✧ [5 feet 4 inches]

Weight ✧ [112 pounds]

Nationality ✧ [English]

Species ✧ [witch]

Sexual Orientation ✧ [bisexual]

Gender Identity ✧ [cis female]

Pronouns ✧ [she/her/hers]

Relationship(s) ✧ [single/monogamous]


+ playful, witty, intelligent, curious, unapologetically herself

= stubborn, mischievous, rebellious, jumps into situations without thinking first, sarcastic

- struggles with feeling incompetent, impatient, hot-headed, can't take compliments, feels like she can never mess up

✧Likes and Dislikes✧

Likes ✧ [Quidditch, DADA, Potions, reading, playing piano, exploring]

Dislikes ✧ [her family, prejudice, being compared to her brother, being touched without asking]

╰─▸ Bye-Bye! ❝ ☆

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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 3rd 2023 19:15

Wryn Jones' OC Information

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╰─▸ ☆ ❝Henlo! Welcome to ☆Wryn's☆ Bio!


Table of Contents

◘ Basic Info

◘ Likes and Dislikes

◘ More Info


✧Basic Info✧

Name✧ [Wryn Lysander Jones]

Status ✧ Little

Nickname(s) ✧ [Wrynni, WryLy (pronounced Ry-Lie), Angel, Baby Boy, Little One, Little Prince, Sweetheart, Bubba, Cutie, Good Boy, Mine (only when used by whoever he is in a relationship with), Pup]

Age ✧ [20]

Birthday ✧ [November 7th]

Height ✧ [5 feet 4 inches]

Weight ✧ [111 pounds]

Nationality ✧ [Born in Korea, but was adopted and raised in Queens, New York, USA]

Species ✧ [human]

Sexual Orientation ✧ [gay]

Gender Identity ✧ [cis male]

Pronouns ✧ [he/him/his]

Position ✧ [bottom]

Relationship(s) ✧ [single/monogamous]

✧Likes and Dislikes✧

Likes ✧ [stuffies-being a good boy for his caregiver-sweets (but not too many, he'll get tummyache!)-dancing-coloring/drawing-swimming-over-sized clothing]

Dislikes ✧ [bedtime (he wants to stay up and spend more time with his caregiver!)-being a brat (is only a brat when he is upset and doesn't know how to voice his needs/he is almost always the sweetest boy)-spicy foods-people being mad at or disappointed with him-messing up (he can be very hard on himself)-bullies-being underestimated]

✧More Info✧

[his little age is 2 years old to 6 years old, though he isn't little all the time-his love language is touch (hugs, kisses, cuddles, boops on the nose, holding hands, being carried around, etc.)-tends to put way too much pressure on himself-cares more for the well-being of others more than his own-would give the shirt off of his back and empty his pockets to help others-his other love language is words of praise/affirmation-tends to keep how he really feels to himself-loves to make others happy-he has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)-he is a dance major at NYU-he makes money by creating content online as a littlespace creator]

╰─▸ Bye-Bye! ❝ ☆

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0 | 0 Comments | May 20th 2023 19:59

Beau Dumont's OC Information

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╰─▸ ☆ ❝Henlo! Welcome to ☆Beau's☆ Bio!


Table of Contents

◘ Basic Info

◘ Likes and Dislikes

◘ More Info


✧Basic Info✧

Name✧ [Beau Pierre Dumont]

Status ✧ [N/A]

Nickname(s) ✧ [Pretty Boy]

Age ✧ [21-23]

Birthday ✧ [August 4th]

Height ✧ [5 feet 6 inches]

Weight ✧ [137 pounds]

Nationality ✧ [Paris, France]

Species ✧ [human]

Sexual Orientation ✧ [Homosexual]

Gender Identity ✧ [cis male]

Pronouns ✧ [he/him/his]

Position ✧ [sub-leaning switch (he won't admit it though)]

Relationship(s) ✧ [single/monogamous]

✧Likes and Dislikes✧

Likes ✧ [fashion-photography (but he doesn't like taking pictures of himself, more so stuff like nature and random things he sees)-helping others-learning new things-friendly debates-art]

Dislikes ✧ [seeing those he cares for hurt or upset-being underestimated-dishonesty-singing in front of others (even though his voice is angelic)-being the center of attention]

✧More Info✧

[Works as an part time photographer while also attending college so he can actually get a degree in photography-is generally a very kind and goofy person, but if he's angered (which rarely happens because he's an extremely patient person) it never ends well because he always ends up extremely guilty and blames himself-he has severe issues with self image/making rude or mean comments and jokes about himself-he has anxiety disorder]

╰─▸ Bye-Bye! ❝ ☆

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0 | 0 Comments | May 16th 2023 21:56

Atticus Crawford's OC Information

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╰─▸ ☆ ❝Henlo! Welcome to ☆Atticus'☆ Bio!


Table of Contents

◘ Basic Info

◘ Likes and Dislikes

◘ More Info


✧Basic Info✧

Name✧ [Atticus Josiah Crawford]

Status ✧ [submissive]

Nickname(s) ✧ [Tic, Atti, AJ]

Age ✧ [23-25]

Birthday ✧ [June 14th]

Height ✧ [5 feet 7 inches]

Weight ✧ [142 pounds]

Nationality ✧ [New Orleans, Louisiana, USA]

Species ✧ [human]

Sexual Orientation ✧ [Homosexual]

Gender Identity ✧ [cis male]

Pronouns ✧ [he/him/his]

Position ✧ [submissive/bottom]

Relationship(s) ✧ [single/monogamous]

✧Likes and Dislikes✧

Likes ✧ [being with friends and family-arcades-skating rinks-strawberry milkshakes-animals-kids-working-drinking-partying]

Dislikes ✧ [bullies-kink shamers-showing negative emotions in front of others-his loved ones suffering-talking about his "daddy issues" (he'd rather just act on it)]

✧More Info✧

[Atticus is a wild spirit. Born and raised on the Bayou in Louisiana, he's an extremely friendly social butterfly who is kind to everyone and always tries to see the positive side of things. He brightens up every room he walks into and can make even the most unfriendly person smile at least he attempts to. He's goofy and and absolutely adorkable. He's a total klutz and has run into more glass doors than he'd like to admit. He has ADHD and is anxiety ridden, which medication could help, if he could just remember to take it. He loves pleasing people, which is how he realized he's a submissive in the first place. He is a * very * kinky individual. He is very energetic and easily excitable person, and his mind is always going a mile a minute. People have often referred to him as "fox-like". He works at an underground BDSM club as a bartender, but has never actually had a real dom. He's scened a few times, but nothing too serious. He has only ever experienced subspace once, with his ex, who was not a Dom and didn't understand what was happening, so he just got up and left. As you can probably imagine, it turned into subdrop very quickly. He hasn't gone down into subspace since then.]

╰─▸ Bye-Bye! ❝ ☆

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0 | 0 Comments | May 16th 2023 21:51

Olivia Paige Winchester Oc Information

Universe: Supernatural
Name: Olivia Paige Winchester
Nickname(s): Liv, Oli, Vi, Via, Livi, O.P.
Gender: Female
Identity: Younger sister of Sam and Dean Winchester
Age: 21
Species: Human Hunter
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: about 115 pounds
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eyes: brown
Hair: Medium length brown
Skin: Light
Personality: Find out
Backstory: Find out
Extra: Castiel gave her a locket for her 18th birthday. It was a heart with angel wings. He said it was to remind her that he was always looking over her. On the inside is one picture of Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, and herself. She never takes it off so she always has a little bit of Sam, Dean, Cass, and Jack with her at all times./She has the same tattoo that the boys have./She wears makeup, but she keeps it very natural and to a minimum unless she's working a job where more makeup is needed./She wears diamond earrings that her brothers got her for her 16th birthday./She keeps her lucky stone that Jack gave her in her pocket at all times. no matter how childish it may seem, she swears that it truly is lucky./Her main weapons include a dagger, a gun, and a bow and arrow, which she is very talented at using./She is very skilled at hand to hand combat, thanks to her brothers and her dad, John./Her brothers and Cass are extremely over-protective of her to the point where it almost drives her crazy./She is extremely protective of Jack. She sees him as a little brother of sorts./She's a natural badass./She owns a 1969 baby blue Ford Bronco which she calls "Sweetheart"./
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 24th 2019 22:49