Avalon Malfoy's OC Information

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╰─▸ ☆ ❝Hello! Welcome to ☆Avalon's☆ Bio!


Table of Contents

◘ Basic Information


◘ Likes and Dislikes


✧Basic Info✧
Universe ✧ [Marauders era HP]

Name✧ [Avalon Fae Malfoy]

Nickname(s) ✧ [Ava, AvaFae, Vivi, Loni]

Blood Status ✧ [Pureblood]

Hogwarts House ✧ [Slytherin]

Identity ✧ [Lucius Malfoy's younger sister]

Age ✧ [16]

Year ✧ [6th]

Birthday ✧ [October 31st]

Height ✧ [5 feet 4 inches]

Weight ✧ [112 pounds]

Nationality ✧ [English]

Species ✧ [witch]

Sexual Orientation ✧ [bisexual]

Gender Identity ✧ [cis female]

Pronouns ✧ [she/her/hers]

Relationship(s) ✧ [single/monogamous]


+ playful, witty, intelligent, curious, unapologetically herself

= stubborn, mischievous, rebellious, jumps into situations without thinking first, sarcastic

- struggles with feeling incompetent, impatient, hot-headed, can't take compliments, feels like she can never mess up

✧Likes and Dislikes✧

Likes ✧ [Quidditch, DADA, Potions, reading, playing piano, exploring]

Dislikes ✧ [her family, prejudice, being compared to her brother, being touched without asking]

╰─▸ Bye-Bye! ❝ ☆

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0 | Sep 3rd 2023 19:15