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ToastedSlender's Blog

Aoki Harukoshi (The Futuristic Hacker)

Before we go into the bio it should be known that unlike the rest of my OC's which offer more freedom and customisation with plots, Aoki must be set in a Futuristic City. (This works better if it is Tokyo but not limited to Tokyo). Please read his backstory and all over details before proceeding to do a RP with this OC. :)

Name: Aoki Harukoshi
Nickname: The Hacker or Ghost

Origin: Shibu Street (Tokyo City Japan)

Age: 24
Date of Birth N/A
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Vers
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Freedom Fighter, Robber, Hacker.
Fears: Currently doesn't have any fears.
Secrets: Loves the adrenaline rush of crime, but prefers robbing those who deserve it.
Mental Disorder: None
Physical Disorders: None
Other Disorders: None

Species: Human
Eye colour: Plasma Blue
Hair colour: Blackish/Charcoal Grey.
Height: 6ft 3

Likes: Hacking, Computers, Nightlife, Old Time Bars, His Blade.
Dislikes: Rich Corps, Large Companies, Suits, Government Worshipers
Hobbies: Reading, Gaming, Programming Tec, Building new gadgets.

Good traits: Observative, Intelligent, Skilled with Tec, A Good Fighter, Good at roof top traversal.
Bad Traits: Wanted Criminal, Selfish, Will put himself before others, Most likely blocking you out as we speak.
Strength: His Extreme intelligent and heightened senses
Weakness: His Selfishness and lack of ability to trust others.
Education: Good.
Physical strength: 6/10
Emotional Strength 5/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Realistic.

Confidence: His Hacking Abilities.
Insecurities: Lack of Trust.
Personality: A level headed, hard working and in some ways good person. Despite his criminal background he is trying to make the world a better place. Often see's himself as a Hero rather than a Villain. Can be loving and kind to those he loves but often distances himself, very untrusting of new people!
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Brothers: N/A
Sisters: N/A

Drinks: Yes
Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Tattoos: Branded with multiple neon Tattoo's used to connect to systems.
Scars: Several from jobs gone wrong.
Piercings: No.

Background: Imagine a world completely controlled by Technology, everything is on the grid and that so called easy access Grid? It's owned by one of the biggest CORP companies of all time Stella Star Industries. The year is 3056 and everything is controlled by Tech. To cars, houses, planes, boats, toilets and even your clothing. You think this year is already bad for government control? This is worse! From the day you are born the Government watch over you, every move you make to find out your perfect role? More like how to work you to death. Greed runs Tokyo now.

In This Day and Age crime breaks out daily, not enough Cops to look out for the city, but that's how Stella Star likes it, Crime means more reason to use their tec, for 'Protection' Seems like everyone in this dam city is hopped up on some kinda tec from that screwed up greed factory. Who am I? you might be asking. Names Ghost. One of the men looking to expose the higher ups, of course that means everyone is out to get me. I started life as a rebel. Refused to be a Fisherman like the Government wanted me too broke the system and became wanted. No-one breaks the system. I use to run for a group, stealing gear from large off shore companies, They had me believe it was for peoples protection, but those snakes double crossed me! Turns out all the tec was going right to Stella Star! Shutting down their rivals, When I found out I ended them. My old Blade cut down those forked tongued cowards.

Now I roam the Streets, showing Tokyo that these "Hero's in Charge" Are no more than people taking advantage of their mind controlling Tec. And if you get in my way, I'll run you down too!

"Oh this old thing? It's a quantum magnetic Repulsion Blade, And yes I made it!"
"Getting in my way, might as well sign your will now"

"I have to show Tokyo what the world is coming too!"

"Corp Pig"

Vers or Plots that could work?

Rival Hacker - No Romance but an Intense rivalry
Lost Corp - A Corp man stumbles into The Hackers path, Hacker tries to convert him (Room For Romance or Drama ----> Betrayal?)
Cop and Hacker (Cop after the hacker, possibly fall in love or rivalry?)
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 16th 2023 17:24

Cheeko The Stylist

Name: Casper De Luca
Nickname: Cheeko

Origin: Italy

Age: 25
Date of Birth: 12/12/1997
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Vers
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Famous Italian Stylist
Fears: None.
Secrets: Has worked in a Mafia group and that's where Cheeko came from.
Mental Disorder: N/A
Physical Disorders: N/A
Other Disorders: N/A

Species: Human
Eye colour: Natural: Bright Blue Contacts: Deep Pink/Red
Hair colour: Silver/White
Height: 5ft 9

Likes: Outfits, Being Alone, Sitting in the Rain, Tattoos, Strong Coffee, Candle, The smell of burning Wood.
Dislikes: Sunny Days, Large groups, Social outings, Being told what to do.
Hobbies: Designing clothes, Reading, Brewing Strong Coffee.

Good traits: Very up to date with Fashion, Kind of a Genius.
Bad Traits: Shy, Bad with Emotions, Often seems dead inside.
Strength: His Style and Creativity
Weakness: His Lack of Emotional understanding.
Education: Good
Physical strength: 4/10
Emotional Strength 1/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Realistic

Confidence: His Work.
Insecurities: None.
Personality: Although he might appear Cold, Emotionless and Blanc, Cheeko is actually rather kind, despite the fact he is quite and never openly communicates with anyone, if you break through his silence he is rather loving. He might not understand emotions well but he has them. Years of working for the Mafia has just made them silent. He is protective of things he cares about and will easily throw a punch if needs be.
Mother: Roselina De Luca (Queen of De Luca Family)
Father: Romeo De Luca (King of De Luca Family)
Brothers: Alberto De Luca (Prince of De Luca Family)
Sisters: Jasmine De Luca (Princess of De Luca Family)

Drinks: Yes Normally strong Spirits.
Drugs: Has Dabbled but tends to avoid.
Smokes: Yes although he now tries to Vape
Tattoos: Several across his body, Each for a Story he has not been brave enough to tell.
Scars: A few from when his mafia days weren't his finest hour.
Piercings: Several from earrings to nipple piercings, he has them. Even one down in his No No Zone.

Background: The De Luca's where to begin. Known throughout the Italian Mafia as the Royals The De Luca's have been one of the biggest and most respected Mafia families from the very start. The De Luca's have their hands in as many money pots as possible. Illegal or Legal they don't care. Profit is Profit. And if business turns sour, you know you best sign your will.

Casper De Luca was the oldest son in the family, and made a promising candidate for being a figure head in the Family! He was brought up in a home filled with illegal activity, where seeing a gun branded by the De Luca Rose was an everyday occurrence. He wasn't a stranger to blood or Violence. In fact by the time he was Six he was able to drown out screams like it was common place. His Father and Mother always called Casper "Ghost" as he never spoke, they used that in his older ages as a scare tactic. During Caspers Teen Years he was in charge of debt collecting, and he was good at it. People always paid up to the Ghost...

But Cheeko wasn't like his family. He didn't enjoy crime, he wanted to take part in fashion. He loved it! found it to be something that he found calming and enjoyable. So he did. His Mother was happy enough to allow Cheeko to design the families new outfits but his Father looked away. As Cheeko began to reject his duties and focus on his own passion his father grew despiteful of his failure. So he focused on Cheekos younger brother, soon he became the new Prince of De Luca's.

One cold Night when Cheeko was 17 his father stormed in, and what he said stuck with Cheeko forever. "Casper!" He yelled in a ungodly tone. "You aren't no son of mine, you are a reject! A failure! A MISTAKE! Call yourself Cheeko kid cus you aren't no DE LUCA!" after he slammed the door. Casper or as he had now predicted Cheeko felt a pain in his heart. For the first time he spoke. "Down with the De Luca". That Night the family sat down for the usual meal. His Father glugging back on the finest of wines, but something wasn't right. He felt a sudden pain deep in his chest, struggling to breath he reached out for help, but he was met by the cold stare of his rejected son. If the Poison Cheeko had used that night wasn't as effective as it was, his father would of been able to say. "Cheeko, Cheeko did this!" But at last he couldn't... As the family sat in mourning, Cheeko just grinned. He had proven he was more than a washed up man.

As the Family slowly moved on Cheeko grew tired of his fancy house and one night he simply vanished. His father being the only one to know of the name Cheeko meant that Casper used Cheeko as a nickname. Changing his hair colour and eye colour, he was mere unrecognisable. His Mother had presumed her son had died and that was the end of Casper De Luca....but the beginning of the world famous Cheeko! To this day he still carries the golden ring in which contains the poison used to kill his father. Just in case someone underestimated him again.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 11th 2023 20:44

Nick Brown The Model (TW for BD and ED)

Name: Nick Brown
Nickname: Nicky!

Origin: USA - California

Age: 21
Date of Birth 1/01/2002
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Dom/Top
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Famous Model.
Fears: Being Forgotten, Not Looking "Good Enough", Putting on weight, Being Judged.
Secrets: Suffers some serve Body Dysmorphia, has had ED's in the past.
Mental Disorder: Body Dysmorphia, Anorexia, Anxiety.
Physical Disorders:
Other Disorders:

Species: Human
Eye colour: Blue/Greenish
Hair colour: Amber/Light Brown
Height: 6ft 1

Likes: Beaches, Sushi, Travelling, Hotels with Nice Views, Long walks, Coffee in small Cafes, Alone Time, Reading, Cooking, Rain.
Dislikes: Being Overcrowded, Being rushed, Being Judged, Being forced to wear an outfit he doesn't like, Busy Days.
Hobbies: Cooking, Reading, Walking, Modelling (kinda as it is more a career), Dabbled in Fishing.

Good traits: Kind, Compassionate, Romantic at times, Thoughtful.
Bad Traits: Over Thinks everything, Hides a lot of his pain and doubt, Struggles more than he let's on.
Strength: His Physical Strength but also his Will to keep pushing forward.
Weakness: His insecurities which slowly eat him alive.
Education: Average.
Physical strength: 9/10
Emotional Strength 4/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Optimistic.

Confidence: His eyes
Insecurities: His Weight
Personality: Kind and Loving, Easy to Talk Too, Never see's himself as being a big shot, Very Down to Earth, Polite, Romantic, A little Awkward at Times.
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Brothers: N/A
Sisters: N/A

Drinks: Sometimes enjoys a Cocktail or Two
Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Tattoos: Has a small feather Tattoo behind his ear.
Scars: No
Piercings: Yes a couple ear piercings and a Belly button Piercing

Background: Nick Brown was born into a fairly better off family. Living in Upper California he had pretty much everything, but coming from a family that believed only the best thrive in the world, he was taught from an early age looks meant everything! During his early childhood Nick attended a private school where he competed in several sports clubs and showed interest in sports. Making his family extremely proud he thought his Carer would be going that way!

However this changed during his teenage years, When Nick switched to a public school, his family never understood it but in his words "He didn't want to feel better than the rest". It was around this time Nick realised his looks could attract people. But not the people he wanted. Up until recently Nick always assumed Girls was what he wanted, but after a mind changing experience with a shy boy in a locker room, he felt flutters and love. Nick kept it hidden for a while but finally came out to his family around the age of 19...

The Happy Endings vanish from this point on. His father instantly cut Nick out of his life, being forced to leave home he spiralled. Feeling such a powerful feeling of failure and rejection. With nowhere to go, he took a leap on an Add for young models. The sports he had done at a younger age had actually helped him, his body was perfect for underwear and swim suit modelling. As his career advanced he became well known as a rising Model all over California.

Time passed and Nick was now top of his game, but with fame came that deeper feeling of Failure, that he could never be the man his father wanted. So he decided to do a Middle finger to his toxic family. Coming out as a Openly Gay Model and supporting LGBTQIA+ events world wide. He had developed some serious body issues by now but hide this behind close lines, which brings us to present day.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jan 11th 2023 17:03

Rules and How I roleplay

I made some rules a while back but I wanted to update them for a few of my newer people. My rules are rather lay back but I do have a very set way of roleplaying. So please make sure to read and follow these updated rules. (Failure to do so may end in the roleplay being ended or me removing you. I will warn people too ^^)

1) I do not jump right into roleplays, to roleplay with me a OC with at most a small bio is needed but at best Reference Art too. I am not my OC, when you add me you will be talking to me, not an OC.

2) Come Prepared! Don't add me and then have no idea what you want to do, Give me a few ideas to work with or help me build one I don't mind, but I hate doing everything :P

3) Be kind and respectful. There is 0 reason to be cruel, use of Discrimination or starting drama. I have no tolerance for this.

4) Keep real life and roleplay life separate. It really helps.

5) Roleplays Need a story, i don't do ONE LINERS or short term roleplays.

6) I work as a Bar Keeper, my shift is 6hrs long and finish at 12am at night. So please respect I might be too tired or busy to reply right away.

7) Take time to read ALL my OC's I spend hours typing them up and add new ones almost every month. Don't just read the first one and be done with it.

8) Please try to use structural sentences when roleplaying, Instead of doing this *hugs* hi how you doing. Do this. "Heya" the boy said as he hugged the man. It makes reading a little easier for me.

9) If you don't like the roleplay, let me know why instead of just blocking me. I will be kind to return the favour.

10) Have fun and love you all ❤
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10 | 0 Comments | Mar 17th 2022 17:29

Minato The Prince

Name: Minato
Nickname: MinMin

Origin: Kingston

Age: 23
Date of Birth: N/A
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Switch.
Relationship Status: Single.
Occupation: Prince.
Fears: Being kept indoors and the Dark.
Secrets: Hates the Idea that he might be king.
Mental Disorder: N/A
Physical Disorders: N/A
Other Disorders: N/A

Species: Human
Eye colour: Light Brown
Hair colour: White
Height: 6ft

Likes: Woods, Reading, Birds and Golden Rings.
Dislikes: Dark, Spiders, Wine and Bullies.
Hobbies: Reading, Walking and Bird Watching.

Good traits: Kind Hearted, Smart, Curious, Loyal.
Bad Traits: Stubborn, Easily startled.
Strength: His Kindness and Intelligence
Weakness: He can be a little Cowardly at times.
Education: Excellent

Physical strength: 6/10
Emotional Strength 10/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Optimistic

Confidence: His eyes.
Insecurities: if he would ever be a good leader to the country.
Personality: A kind, warm hearted and loving member of the royal family. His intelligence and understanding makes him a passionate member to the family and he is rather popular with the common people. Taking his time to support them.
Mother: Lady Vanessa
Father: King Edward ||
Brothers: None
Sisters: None

Virgin: Yes
Turn Ons: Unknown
Turn Offs: Unknown.
Sensitive spots: His Neck.
Drinks: Yes
Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Tattoos: A rose on his right arm.
Scars: Yes Two large sword scars across his chest that make a X shape.
Piercings: No.

Background: Prince Minato is the only son of the royal family of Kingston being Gay was harsh on him as it meant he couldn't keep the family going, He was often worried about the way he would rule the land however he was known to help all people, going outside and working with everyone. He never saw himself as being higher up or better than anyone and had a heart of gold.
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3 | 0 Comments | Mar 10th 2022 15:31