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ToastedSlender's Blog

Introducing Hikaru the Angel

Name: Hikaru
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5ft 4
Weight: 8st
Wing span: 5ft
Power level (How strong he is estimated to be): 21,000
Power/Powers: Passive healing of life forms he choices, A unhuman like amount of speed and energy. Has the ability to slowly wear down his attackers energy landing a blast of deep light energy stunning them softly.
Attack style: Agile and Aggressive
Hair colour: Blue
Eye colour: blue
Outfit: Only a deep blue oversized hoodie
Weapon if any: Two small daggers
Backstory: Hikaru is the Angel of stardust, his body is made up of a soft lighting of silver star dust and skin which gives him a cute glow, born from the stars themselves it's clear in everything he does that light is in his heart. Despite being powerful he choices to use his powers to drain his attackers instead of killing them. Spending his days floating around bored and sleepy. All he really wants is love.
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4 | 0 Comments | Jan 21st 2021 15:11

Introducing Josh Namming

Name: Josh Namming
Nickname: Flower Boy

Origin: England

Age: 19
Date of Birth Feburary the 19th 2001
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Submissive
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Proud Owner of his florist stand in the market
Fears: Dirt, being alone, storms, the dark, cities, crowds, deep water, spiders, large birds, loud noises, social interactions.
Secerts: Has had a massive crush on Caden when he first showed up.

Mental Disorder: Clinical OCD, Anxiety and Paranioa
Physical Disorders: N/A
Other Disoerds: N/A

Species: Human
Eye colour: pale blue
Hair colour: blonde
Height: 5ft 2

Likes: Colourful scenery, walking in nature (if there is good paths), cleaning, flowers and blue tits (A bird species)
Dislikes: Mud, rain, any form of bacteria, large crowds, small spaces, rock music, anyone who is rude.
Hobbies: Animal Identification, floristry, coffee brewing, baking.

Good traits: Soft, intelligent, deeper understanding of human emotion, animals seem to love him, good cleaner and cook.
Bad Traits: Useless in any fight, way to akward, hides away, too small to share hoodies.
Strengh: his deep understanding of emotiion and nature makes him pretty powerful in knowledge.
Weakness: So scared of everything he would rather hide in bed.

Education: Good

Physical strength: 1/10
Emotional Stength 10/10
Pessiimistic/realistic/optimistic: Pessimistic

Confidence: He doesn't know the word
Insucerites: EVERYTHING!

Personality: A shy and fearful boy, his brain is both his strengh and total weakness. A deep understanding of the world and the way it works he could name any plant or creature with ease. Yet when matched with simple rain water he breaks down. Scared of more things then a night terror sufferer he can't deal with the ever changing world around him. Once you gain hiis trust you won't ever lose it, he would rather care for his love than his own life.

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Brothers: None
Sisters: None
Virgin: Yes
Turn Ons: Cum, Moans, Muscles
Turn Offs: Not much
Senstive spots: Neck, Thighs.
Drinks: Yes
Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Tattoos: a small flower on his finger
Scars: One on his head, under his hair
Piercings: No

Background: Josh Namming was born in the West of England in the city of Bristol. His Mother died during the birth and his dad had gone long before then. Josh was raised in a care center until he was 18. Luckily his mother left him enough money to study in her will yet he barely remembers getting it. He studied floristry and on his big 18th birthday. Him and a few mates wentto a few bars, he loved drinking and going out, however on thiis day he got mugged walking home, trying to fight back he slipped slamming his head hard against a wall. Moments later a man stopped them both that was the last he remembered. After the accident Josh was never the samme. He took a train and fled the city as he couldn't handle such things anymore. Heading to the country he set up his new life.


"Oh look a humble Jackdaw how magnificent"

"I'm so sorry, let me get you those roses right away"


"If i fall again, would you catch me"
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4 | 0 Comments | Apr 8th 2020 10:16

Little Update

Heya everyone, I just wanted to say I am always working on new OC's to make your RP Experience better and more engaging so this is what you should be able to see coming to my page soon.
-A Dominant Cop with a troubled past.
-A Ex army man with a sad past
-Another new Cutie ready for a world of love!
I hope to realise these characters soon but I'm very busy so stay tuned.
Also Both Ru and Alex have fantasy themes too so please enjoy investigating that.

Dev xxx
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 13th 2020 08:16

Mental Health (Feeling worthless when you arn't)

Heya all, I wanted to post some word of wisdom for a few people who might need to hear them. First of all, no one of these mental health blogs relate to my RP's to find that information please look down below at my blogs.

Chapter One- "Why does no one check on me?"
During my time of feeling left alone and dealing with my own mountain of Sh*t I often wondered why I was asking people who they felt but never the other around! Now during the time it was hard for me to really think logical. If you feel the same you might of heard you head say "Worthless" or other mean terms. Just remember not everyone is great at Empathy or might be so busy they don't think. They love you I know this!
Chapter Two- "Am I Worthless?"
Feeling Worthless is normal among us anti-social gamers or should I say Gaymers. Ok I'll stop! but anyhow's it is important to remember everyone has a purpose. Even if you can't find it on your own or even right now. I promise with time It will come.

Dev x
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0 | 1 Comment | Mar 9th 2020 14:56

How I Roleplay (All you need to know about Dev)

So First of all, I started roleplaying pretty early on because it gave me a way to express my feelings without having to actually tell people.
I normally like romance roleplays as I find the stories cute and interesting however due to my own sexuality IRL I do strictly keep this MXM I'm afraid.
I do not limit my roleplays to just gay guys though, I will also roleplay with girls and straight guys if they prefer a more action pact RP.
I am pretty diverse in the RP world having so many different OC's available; When I was around 16 I use to RP with a furry, No I am not one but I do still have to OC's just to prove to you that I am as diverse as they come xD.
I can also go dark with RP but that's only on request!
So that's pretty much all you got to know, If you wanna RP then my discord is at the end of this post!
Thanks for reading,
Dev x
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4 | 0 Comments | Mar 8th 2020 09:38