Cheeko The Stylist

Name: Casper De Luca
Nickname: Cheeko

Origin: Italy

Age: 25
Date of Birth: 12/12/1997
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Vers
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Famous Italian Stylist
Fears: None.
Secrets: Has worked in a Mafia group and that's where Cheeko came from.
Mental Disorder: N/A
Physical Disorders: N/A
Other Disorders: N/A

Species: Human
Eye colour: Natural: Bright Blue Contacts: Deep Pink/Red
Hair colour: Silver/White
Height: 5ft 9

Likes: Outfits, Being Alone, Sitting in the Rain, Tattoos, Strong Coffee, Candle, The smell of burning Wood.
Dislikes: Sunny Days, Large groups, Social outings, Being told what to do.
Hobbies: Designing clothes, Reading, Brewing Strong Coffee.

Good traits: Very up to date with Fashion, Kind of a Genius.
Bad Traits: Shy, Bad with Emotions, Often seems dead inside.
Strength: His Style and Creativity
Weakness: His Lack of Emotional understanding.
Education: Good
Physical strength: 4/10
Emotional Strength 1/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Realistic

Confidence: His Work.
Insecurities: None.
Personality: Although he might appear Cold, Emotionless and Blanc, Cheeko is actually rather kind, despite the fact he is quite and never openly communicates with anyone, if you break through his silence he is rather loving. He might not understand emotions well but he has them. Years of working for the Mafia has just made them silent. He is protective of things he cares about and will easily throw a punch if needs be.
Mother: Roselina De Luca (Queen of De Luca Family)
Father: Romeo De Luca (King of De Luca Family)
Brothers: Alberto De Luca (Prince of De Luca Family)
Sisters: Jasmine De Luca (Princess of De Luca Family)

Drinks: Yes Normally strong Spirits.
Drugs: Has Dabbled but tends to avoid.
Smokes: Yes although he now tries to Vape
Tattoos: Several across his body, Each for a Story he has not been brave enough to tell.
Scars: A few from when his mafia days weren't his finest hour.
Piercings: Several from earrings to nipple piercings, he has them. Even one down in his No No Zone.

Background: The De Luca's where to begin. Known throughout the Italian Mafia as the Royals The De Luca's have been one of the biggest and most respected Mafia families from the very start. The De Luca's have their hands in as many money pots as possible. Illegal or Legal they don't care. Profit is Profit. And if business turns sour, you know you best sign your will.

Casper De Luca was the oldest son in the family, and made a promising candidate for being a figure head in the Family! He was brought up in a home filled with illegal activity, where seeing a gun branded by the De Luca Rose was an everyday occurrence. He wasn't a stranger to blood or Violence. In fact by the time he was Six he was able to drown out screams like it was common place. His Father and Mother always called Casper "Ghost" as he never spoke, they used that in his older ages as a scare tactic. During Caspers Teen Years he was in charge of debt collecting, and he was good at it. People always paid up to the Ghost...

But Cheeko wasn't like his family. He didn't enjoy crime, he wanted to take part in fashion. He loved it! found it to be something that he found calming and enjoyable. So he did. His Mother was happy enough to allow Cheeko to design the families new outfits but his Father looked away. As Cheeko began to reject his duties and focus on his own passion his father grew despiteful of his failure. So he focused on Cheekos younger brother, soon he became the new Prince of De Luca's.

One cold Night when Cheeko was 17 his father stormed in, and what he said stuck with Cheeko forever. "Casper!" He yelled in a ungodly tone. "You aren't no son of mine, you are a reject! A failure! A MISTAKE! Call yourself Cheeko kid cus you aren't no DE LUCA!" after he slammed the door. Casper or as he had now predicted Cheeko felt a pain in his heart. For the first time he spoke. "Down with the De Luca". That Night the family sat down for the usual meal. His Father glugging back on the finest of wines, but something wasn't right. He felt a sudden pain deep in his chest, struggling to breath he reached out for help, but he was met by the cold stare of his rejected son. If the Poison Cheeko had used that night wasn't as effective as it was, his father would of been able to say. "Cheeko, Cheeko did this!" But at last he couldn't... As the family sat in mourning, Cheeko just grinned. He had proven he was more than a washed up man.

As the Family slowly moved on Cheeko grew tired of his fancy house and one night he simply vanished. His father being the only one to know of the name Cheeko meant that Casper used Cheeko as a nickname. Changing his hair colour and eye colour, he was mere unrecognisable. His Mother had presumed her son had died and that was the end of Casper De Luca....but the beginning of the world famous Cheeko! To this day he still carries the golden ring in which contains the poison used to kill his father. Just in case someone underestimated him again.
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1 | Jan 11th 2023 20:44