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TheHaunted's Blog

Ian Knox


Name: Ian Knox
Age: 24
Astrology: Aries
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Cis Male
Race: Caucasian
Species: human (flexible)


Height: 5’11
Build: Average, lean
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair color: Coppery/dirty blonde
Hairstyle: Messy, curly, tapered
Style: Grunge/punk


Traits: Humorous, flirtatious, boisterous, temperamental, fiery, stubborn, addictive, distant, flippant


Ian’s childhood was rough. His parents divorced before he was old enough to remember them together. His mother did her best on her own, but eventually loneliness got the better of her. She remarried when Ian was 5, the biggest mistake of both their lives. His stepfather was a severe alcoholic and a mean one. Every day he got home from school, Ian prayed his stepfather would be out cold on the couch. Because if he was asleep, he couldn’t hurt him. Hurt his mother…

He was 17 when his stepfather threw him out of the house, bruised and battered. From that day on he never went back home.

In the present, trauma had twisted Ian into someone he couldn’t recognize. He numbed his suffering with a number of substances, something his younger self would be ashamed of. He’d vowed never to touch a drop of alcohol after what his stepfather did to his family…but promises made by a child were harder to keep as a broken man.

He works various day jobs, anything he can find on or off the books to stay afloat. He can’t seem to hold down a job for long, his temper and no call no shows tend to turn off managers. At night he’s the lead singer and guitarist in a rock/indie band called The Haunted.
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[ Housekeeping ]

I work full time and have a partner, so I won’t be able to respond 24/7. That being said, please don’t harass me for replies. A check in after a week is alright but reminders everyday is a quick way to burn me out.

Responses can be slow, if you aren’t okay with waiting I understand!

I have had very bad experiences with sharing other social media and personal info, for that reason I won’t be doing either. I roleplay here in dms and only here! Please don’t ask for a discord.
I am selective with whom I write with because of my limited time

[ Style/length/genre ]

I write para-multipara depending on my energy and muse! I won’t write one liners or semi because I get bored quickly!

3rd person pov and past tense prefered

My favorite genres are: supernatural, fantasy, romance and drama! I get bored quickly with pure slice of life plots, so I prefer a splash of the abnormal or fantastical!

[ NSFW ]

I am alright with adult content and smut, I however prefer there be more to the plot than solely smut. I stay away from extreme taboos such as r*pe and inc*st.

Possible triggers for this character include, past childhood trauma, violence, self destruction and substance abuse.

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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 23rd 2023 16:16