
[ Housekeeping ]

I work full time and have a partner, so I won’t be able to respond 24/7. That being said, please don’t harass me for replies. A check in after a week is alright but reminders everyday is a quick way to burn me out.

Responses can be slow, if you aren’t okay with waiting I understand!

I have had very bad experiences with sharing other social media and personal info, for that reason I won’t be doing either. I roleplay here in dms and only here! Please don’t ask for a discord.
I am selective with whom I write with because of my limited time

[ Style/length/genre ]

I write para-multipara depending on my energy and muse! I won’t write one liners or semi because I get bored quickly!

3rd person pov and past tense prefered

My favorite genres are: supernatural, fantasy, romance and drama! I get bored quickly with pure slice of life plots, so I prefer a splash of the abnormal or fantastical!

[ NSFW ]

I am alright with adult content and smut, I however prefer there be more to the plot than solely smut. I stay away from extreme taboos such as r*pe and inc*st.

Possible triggers for this character include, past childhood trauma, violence, self destruction and substance abuse.

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0 | Apr 23rd 2023 16:16