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Eira Hikawa

23 Summers


Yuloria, Clan Okami

Current home:
Wherever the wind takes her

Human, Ice wielder

5ft 6”

Notable Features:

Natural silver-white hair that she had from birth, along with bright blue eyes and pale skin. She always has in her possession a sword of white decorated with blue snowflakes, along with a flute. Her fingertips have a shade of blue always, and, if her arms are revealed there are gently faded blue patterns that fade more towards her elbow.


She is highly educated on all that is good and fair in this world, knowing some of the modern languages. She is highly skilled in sword play, music and martial arts.

Misc Info:

Some would call her stoic upon first meeting with her. She is quiet, calculated, and speaks only when necessary, using the rest of the time to observe and calculate. She will often walk away from drama and would prefer to keep her own company, though many times she does not have a choice.


Pale skinned blue eyes and silver haired. She could easily fade into a snowy landscape which for her works incredibly well, given that is where she grew up. She will almost always be seen in a white robe, either with blue trimmings or blue snowflakes or butterflies embroidered into it, more often than not, being of her own handy work.


Born between a love match of two of the leading clan members. She had a very stable upbringing. Due to the purity of her blood and the fact she was seen as a high-class member of the clan though, her upbringing and her training was perhaps more strict than that of her fellow peers. It made her quiet, it made her conscious of her actions and also taught her the depths of their rules, which she memorized by the age of four.

She excelled with her peers in the art of swordplay, her sword becoming a part of her in a fight, and was aptly named Dōng mài (Wintervein). Her internal aura grew and grew but even she had trouble controlling it. She was a being of ice, and that ice threatened to overtake her sometimes, it would start upon her fingertips and proceed upwards in a beautiful pattern. This would however prove detrimental to her health and the ice would threaten to consume her, so she had to practice daily meditation to keep it under control. The ice has only since reached her elbow, and the gentle blue patterns remain upon her skin as proof of that.

One fateful day however fate would smile upon her, for it seemed her opposite was transported to the clan. The youngers brought in a female, her complete opposite, a wielder of fire and one just slightly older than she was it seemed, but held all the grace she herself did.

Due to being a trusted member of the clan, she was given the task to help train her, not only in their ways of language but also in sword art and combat. It seemed the female was much better at archery than sword work, so they focused on that, but between the two of them, they soon came to a stalemate when it came to hand-to-hand combat, matching each other perfectly. They formed a bond between them, at first it started with her being the strict teacher, but over time the phoenix warmed her way into Eira’s heart and they became inseparable, Eira could cool Enya off, and Enya could warm Eira up if the ice became too much, they were the perfect balance of Ying and Yang…..

Clan Details can be found here:
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 28th 2024 15:51

Enya Brandt

24 Summers



Current home:
She is a wanderer


5ft 4”

Notable Features:
Amber eyes, Beautiful Red, orange and gold tinted tresses that move and sway as if capturing the essence of fire within them. She has markings upon her arms and over her body that look to be similar to henna, but when her anger takes over, they glow with energy and produce a golden light, revealing the text to be that of her Phoenician language.

A child of two worlds, schooled until the age of 12 in her homeland, then schooled in the Okami clan until her early adulthood.

Misc Info:
Though of a fiery disposition, she is graceful, her talents of dancing are unrivalled in the clan and she always loved to put on fire dancing displays if ever they entertained.

A fiery woman, with flowing red hair, sunkissed skin and amber eyes. she favours the earthy colours and fabric that clings to her thin frame, but allows her movement. Most of her dresses are either backless or have little fabric to them in the back.


A beautiful, intelligent clan leaders daughter, predicted to be the one to lead the clan to prosperity, and yet she was the one that watched it burn. Ironic for those of the flame itself.

A darkness crossed the land, a sickness that grew within the hearts of a neighboring clan. While the two first worked together to try and combat said illness, eventually patience wore thin and the neighbouring clan attacked. The warriors clashed in a gruesome battle, which lasted many days, not only in the skies but also on the land. Enya’s father was on the front lines giving motivation to his warriors, but found a sword to his chest by the leader of the other clan. His wife, despite being with the women and children back in the main hub itself, went down with him being a fated pair, the pain was too great and she quickly succumbed to it.

Enya’s identity was not widely known to the neighbouring clan, so she, with the help of an elder woman managed to escape. They had time to get the young children away with the slightly older women, whilst the elders held back, but a couple worked as a diversion to throw the rest off the scent. Reluctantly, she flew away from the battle, flew away from everything she had known, over the sea and over more land until her wings couldnt fly anymore. Her resources had run dry at that point so she crash landed, just missing a cliff face and landing in the dry brush of a woodland.

A trail of embers followed her due to the fire in her wings which led a curious band of teenagers to find her nestled within the rock and mud that she had landed in, her fire slowly fading. They were able to wrap her up in cloth so she did not burn them, and take her into their clan territory, the leader being very intrigued as to who and what she was, having heard about the phoenix, but never having met one.

Though she was not of their clan, being an outsider and an orphan, she was accepted into the clan, working as hard as the rest of the students, learning their language, and learning how to control her powers. Through their testing and their help, she was able to both limit and gain her powers through her own willpower. Revealing and hiding her wings became second nature to her, but the one thing she could not help was her temper. Being of a fiery nature, it was easy to set her spark, her telltale signs showing within her skin and her eyes.

That was until she was paired with Eira, a pureblooded clan member with the most serene and calm persona, they were fire and ice, literally, and, as they said, opposites attracted. The two were able to work together and balance each other out, if one got too cold, she would be warmed up, and if one became too hot, she would be cooled down.

They trained together, in both weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, along with honing their abilities, only strengthening their bond, and cementing their friendship and sisterhood. When they came of age, they swore an oath to the other, to always be by their side, or, in times where they needed to part, to always find eachother…..
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 27th 2024 18:11


I hate to have to do this, but it seems I need to put in some ground rules.

* You add me, you talk, I add you, I will send the message, its common courtesy

*No one liners, pure smut rps or the like, it is heavily boring. Give me something to work with, plot that may lead to romance.

*If you add me and I do not accept, do not re-add me. If you try, you will be blocked.

*I work 50 hours a week, though i can be quite flexible with my responses, please do bear that in mind. If I have not responded to you within a week, please do give me a nudge. If you do not respond after two weeks with no reason, then the roleplay will be deleted and you will be removed from my friends list

*No god-modding. I'm fairly flexible with my rps so you want something to happen... attempt it, it might go through!

*I will not play this character you thought up because it is your fantasy. My character is my own, I've put time and effort into her and know her ins and out, please respect that.

*I am a third person roleplayer, so she/he and always set in the past, I will not do 1st person, I find it uncomfortable.

Otherwise, I'm fairly flexible on plots, branching out to different genres.

You want a younger version of Lana (18+ Only) I can do that! You want a real life version of her, we can discuss it, I'm not one to stick to the same genre!

You'll find I'm a lovely flexible person once you get to know me :D

For those who read to the end, let me know your preferred genre of music in your first message to me :)
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27 | 1 Comment | Feb 3rd 2023 17:20

Lanata D'Lambreigh



St. Etiennes, France

Current home:
She is a wanderer for now discovering herself.


5ft 5”

Notable Features:
Lilac eyes. A genetic mutation among her family. If she were ever caught in anything but her long sleeved dresses / tops, she would have numerous scars, especially upon her back.

Home Schooled of French tutorage.

Social Standing:
Born into a royal family years ago, she has a lot of wealth to her name, her family estate still up and running in France, although converted to a hospital, so the majority of her money goes to that. She is not rich enough to spend carelessly, but she will never have to work a day in her life, unless she chooses to.

Misc Info:
Born into a time where reputation was everything, Lanata is fluent in many of the ‘ modern languages’ along with those she had picked up in her years. She is of a quiet disposition, seeming meek and subservient, but she is also highly intelligent, knowing when to speak and when not to. She keeps her opinions to herself unless the other needs to know them. She is a very calm and collective woman, preferring to sit on the side-lines and watch conflict rather than participate herself. However, due to her gentle nature, she would protect the innocent where she could. For that very reason, she refuses to kill innocents, and only feeds enough to survive, making sure to keep the person alive with no memory of what had happened.

Appearance: Pale and soft skinned, with long black hair that is always kept down, unless attending a ball or an event of interest. She wears basic makeup to help outline her striking eyes, her preference is gold or bronze, sometimes this is changed up for dark black or smoky eyeshadow if she is truly looking to stand out.. She is a thin female, but will always be fully clothed, and would rarely be seen in ‘improper’ clothing, a trait she carries from her olden days.

She was born into nobility, a daughter to the Duke and Duchess of St Etienne, her mother being the sister to the king, although she was kept a secret, many believing she died at birth.

Lanata however, was born into hatred. Her father wished for a son to be the first child born, and not a daughter, so he came to loathe and ignore her. Even when his son was born 5 years later, he still regarded her as no more than an asset, even though that asset was never truly lost.

When Lana was 14, her mother grew ill and died several months later, despite everything Lana did for her. Her father, of course, blamed her for her mother's death, and she grew to be nothing more than a servant within the household. She had to lead a double life, when paraded at court by her father, she had to act as if nothing was amiss, despite the dreadfully close eye her father had upon her.

It was upon one dreary night that the true nature of her father was revealed. In one of his drunken stupors he finally showed the world that he had been hiding for many years. He attacked Lanata, not as a father should, but as an animal would. Everything changed that night. She does not speak of it, as it is very painful to think of, but it was a hell she lived through for the next five years.

What happened next was not written anywhere, nor was it predicted, especially on Lanas behalf. She was taken from her father, due to an old debt that had not been paid. One of many she had soon found out. She was taken to another region in France, a grand house lodged on the outskirts of the Jura mountains where she was practically held hostage by a madman of high class. He seemed to know what her father was, and what she herself had since become, and would try to use his own ways to purify her from the curse. But nothing worked. There would be evidence of many of the ways he tried to do so with her upon her body, her back being the main target, a web of lash marks, burns, engravings, all carved into her skin with silver instruments so they remained there for all eternity. She didn't know how long she endured this, but, as luck would have it, he soon found himself taking a long tumble off the cliff due to a mishap of his footing combined with suspicious substances and she was able to escape this monster.

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11 | 0 Comments | Feb 3rd 2023 17:10