Lanata D'Lambreigh



St. Etiennes, France

Current home:
She is a wanderer for now discovering herself.


5ft 5”

Notable Features:
Lilac eyes. A genetic mutation among her family. If she were ever caught in anything but her long sleeved dresses / tops, she would have numerous scars, especially upon her back.

Home Schooled of French tutorage.

Social Standing:
Born into a royal family years ago, she has a lot of wealth to her name, her family estate still up and running in France, although converted to a hospital, so the majority of her money goes to that. She is not rich enough to spend carelessly, but she will never have to work a day in her life, unless she chooses to.

Misc Info:
Born into a time where reputation was everything, Lanata is fluent in many of the ‘ modern languages’ along with those she had picked up in her years. She is of a quiet disposition, seeming meek and subservient, but she is also highly intelligent, knowing when to speak and when not to. She keeps her opinions to herself unless the other needs to know them. She is a very calm and collective woman, preferring to sit on the side-lines and watch conflict rather than participate herself. However, due to her gentle nature, she would protect the innocent where she could. For that very reason, she refuses to kill innocents, and only feeds enough to survive, making sure to keep the person alive with no memory of what had happened.

Appearance: Pale and soft skinned, with long black hair that is always kept down, unless attending a ball or an event of interest. She wears basic makeup to help outline her striking eyes, her preference is gold or bronze, sometimes this is changed up for dark black or smoky eyeshadow if she is truly looking to stand out.. She is a thin female, but will always be fully clothed, and would rarely be seen in ‘improper’ clothing, a trait she carries from her olden days.

She was born into nobility, a daughter to the Duke and Duchess of St Etienne, her mother being the sister to the king, although she was kept a secret, many believing she died at birth.

Lanata however, was born into hatred. Her father wished for a son to be the first child born, and not a daughter, so he came to loathe and ignore her. Even when his son was born 5 years later, he still regarded her as no more than an asset, even though that asset was never truly lost.

When Lana was 14, her mother grew ill and died several months later, despite everything Lana did for her. Her father, of course, blamed her for her mother's death, and she grew to be nothing more than a servant within the household. She had to lead a double life, when paraded at court by her father, she had to act as if nothing was amiss, despite the dreadfully close eye her father had upon her.

It was upon one dreary night that the true nature of her father was revealed. In one of his drunken stupors he finally showed the world that he had been hiding for many years. He attacked Lanata, not as a father should, but as an animal would. Everything changed that night. She does not speak of it, as it is very painful to think of, but it was a hell she lived through for the next five years.

What happened next was not written anywhere, nor was it predicted, especially on Lanas behalf. She was taken from her father, due to an old debt that had not been paid. One of many she had soon found out. She was taken to another region in France, a grand house lodged on the outskirts of the Jura mountains where she was practically held hostage by a madman of high class. He seemed to know what her father was, and what she herself had since become, and would try to use his own ways to purify her from the curse. But nothing worked. There would be evidence of many of the ways he tried to do so with her upon her body, her back being the main target, a web of lash marks, burns, engravings, all carved into her skin with silver instruments so they remained there for all eternity. She didn't know how long she endured this, but, as luck would have it, he soon found himself taking a long tumble off the cliff due to a mishap of his footing combined with suspicious substances and she was able to escape this monster.

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11 | Feb 3rd 2023 17:10