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Privateer's Blog


He leaves Chen's place the morning after, greeting him properly and all, he doesn't run away. The night before, though, he didn't waste the chance to explore their place, just that he didn't find anything of value there, in terms of informations.
He is on hunt again. He ponders what he might do to get more informations and while listening to people's conversations around, he hears something interesting and decides to try. Maybe he can get a Lianxi badge legally? That would solve lots of issues.
He asks your character on the way where he can find the office. It is in the city hall, where Shige lives too. He acts charming and warm as usual, giving reassuring vibes overall.
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1 | 33 Comments | Nov 4th 2022 17:11


He is very intrigued by the portal. He has his mission clear, gather as many informations as possible about Lianxi, submitted feuds, weaknesses.
They don't allow him to take portals without an ID badge from either Lianxi or Xingxi, so he needs to come up with a way.
He waits for the guards to change, so they won't recognize his face and joins a group traveling to Lianxi, merchants. He reaches the other side and begins to wander around, near the center.
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1 | 31 Comments | Nov 2nd 2022 15:36

New character, new facts.

He is 28 years old.

He is 1.83 tall.

He likes necklaces and bracelets, he is always wearing some.

He has wings tattoo on his back.

He is a bit superficial and immature.

He has OCD* and borderline personality disorder**.

He is Zhan's first ex.

He works as privateer, the most important group in the Windy Islands.

He has a wind dragon named Xakas - winged but long, almost like an eastern dragon.

He is extremely TIDY.

He is thai, from 1910-1930 period.

They call him Crazy In Ass, on his back.

His elements are Knowledge and Secrets.

He was kidnapped on Earth from his adoptive thai family and sold to the Windy Islands. He was 12 years old and got immediately into the privateer field.

He has basically no family and it is unknown who his ancestors might be. *Yama Haru* - *Huang Lianbi*

His thai nickname was Yan but they gave him Yan Ling name because it was way simpler than his full thai name.

He is maybe one of the most knowledgable people about dragons at the moment.

Xakas' nickname is Terror of the Sea.

His little Island is named Shui.

His OCD is about the number 4.

* Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental and behavioral disorder in which an individual has intrusive thoughts and/or feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly to the extent where it induces distress or impairs general function;
**Mental illness that severely impacts a person’s ability to regulate their emotions. This loss of emotional control can increase impulsivity, affect how a person feels about themselves, and negatively impact their relationships with others.
Intense mood swings and feel uncertainty about how they see themselves. Their feelings for others can change quickly, and swing from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. These changing feelings can lead to unstable relationships and emotional pain. People with borderline personality disorder also tend to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad. Their interests and values can change quickly, and they may act impulsively or recklessly.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 30th 2022 11:41


She has mixed feelings about being there, she needs to get used but it is definitely better than being a slave in Xingxi.

Qi gives the Huangye a hand to settle in the inn. She keeps insisting to stay with him, wanting to serve him. She feels she has a debt towards Qi.
After giving a hand too, Qi orders her to take some free time. She has to obey and begins to explore Lianxi, holding Shayu in arms. She changed into Lianxi's clothes, a sleeveless, short hanfu, quite tight and revealing on her chest but she is confident.
She stops by the common houses, they are simple but she finds them very cute.
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1 | 5 Comments | Sep 12th 2022 15:49


She doesn't leave their residence, Qi told her not to and she is obeying. She has her baby back, so she is much calmer.
That she was gifted to Qi or not, she intends to serve him now, as her Khatun. He earned her respect, especially after he cured Shayu's cough.
She has just finished breastfeeding Shayu and put him to bed to rest. She walks out of the room and wanders their residence. She is nice and clean, with a Lianxi outfit, a dark green short hanfu, rather manly.
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1 | 26 Comments | Aug 17th 2022 15:42