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Privateer's Blog


First Name: Kyong
Middle Name: Jin
Last Name: Sin
Nicknames: 'move, f***ing beggar!'
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Shiirhuang.
Sexuality: Unclear.
Species: Auriold.
Height: 1.83 cm.
Hair Color: Colour change-disease.
Parents: Sin Jung Oh
Pets: The old dog that comes to sleep between us beggars...
Relationship Status: Forever alone, probably...
Personality: Shy, unsure, naive.
Job: Begging.
House: A dark alley.

He was born a noble, good family with a very good reputation. Sin. His father, an ex Major in the army, had always very high expectations from him but regardless his hard work, he never seemed to do enough to satisfy him.
He tried very hard to adapt to what were his father's dreams for him but he so didn't like the idea to become a soldier and always be forced to be under the orders of someone. He would have prefered something else, he has never managed to tell him the truth though, about his dream to become teacher.
He was too shy and scared to tell him. He was always far from kind towards his youngest son, if he even disappointed him so much by telling him he didn't want to go for the military, what would he have done?

His fear for him prevented him to rebel and make him hear his voice.
Suddenly his father came, having great news. "You will join the Imperial Guards. There is a competition, they will take the best 50!"

He didn't know how to take it but he sure didn't look excited at the news. He tried to train, to be prepared for the examination, but he had no will at all.
When the day came, his father accompanied him to the place, there were a lot of young ones. Anyone looked more fitting and eager than him, even the parents.
The examination started, there were exactly 200 boys, 50 to be selected. When they went to see Kyong-jin's position, they saw he was the very last.
His father hit him hard in front of everyone. When they returned home, he continued to shout at him, offending him a lot, to the point he stood up and started to leave. Angry but in tears at the same time.
His father ran out but stopped in front of the house. He shouted. "DON'T EVER RETURN!"

He was 16 years old, since then he is a beggar in the streets of the Capital. he changed city, since he lived in another place before. He moved there, in hope to find fortune but it wasn't so. All doors seemed closed to him.
From time to time he goes to visit the Temple of Jeisin to eat. He sleeps in the streets with other beggars and finds his own situation very desperate. That's why he accepted without questions what that stranger proposed him.
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1 | 0 Comments | May 31st 2019 19:48

Oh poor young ones...

He joined at the Spring Palace as soon as possible and started to help, however he could. Even the Shinobi arrived, with Hiro. They still didn't settle anywhere and basically, they will exchange their help with a shelter. They brought the supplies they had and help to guard the place.

As the situation settles in the Palace, he makes a proposal to Jeonha. Seeing so many youngs, some not even able to read...he decides to ask the Emperor for the permission to take the young ones for a few hours every day, to give them lessons. Of course, with Yang's help as well. They can share the subjects.

They prepare a spot in the garden with a blackboard and the seats. Tsuyo will take the scientifical subjects, Yang the others.
The young ones are gathered there for the first lesson.
NoriYori, Yoshi, Mizu, Liang, ShuJin, Byeul (?) are there. Song is over 21 so he could avoid it, hehe.
NoriYori is still swearing with Shiko and Mizu about this. Yoshi minds his own business, feeling uneasy and edgy between all that youngs he doesn't even know well. He stands behind Noriyori and her group.
Liang walks alone, keeping distance from everyone. ShuJin is jumping around happily, being excited. He still doesn't know what school really is.
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1 | 9 Comments | Feb 26th 2019 09:12

Oh poor young ones...

He joined at the Spring Palace as soon as possible and started to help, however he could. Even the Shinobi arrived, with Hiro. They still didn't settle anywhere and basically, they will exchange their help with a shelter. They brought the supplies they had and help to guard the place.

As the situation settles in the Palace, he makes a proposal to Jeonha. Seeing so many youngs, some not even able to read...he decides to ask the Emperor for the permission to take the young ones for a few hours every day, to give them lessons. Of course, with Yang's help as well. They can share the subjects.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 26th 2019 09:12

Halloween Event

Yang and Tsuyo worked on the event and even if both were not pleased to have received this task, they worked hard and made a really nice job.
Tsuyo entrusted the paintings to Kyng Riddle that made a really awesome and realistic job. It is just like the Mad King Labyrint, mobs included but sweet rewards for the students.

It will be open for the entire month for the students. After their project got approved by the headmaster, they finally can open it to the students.
Tsuyo is actually excited about this. He wants to see the reaction of the young ones and hopes they will like what they did.

Tsuyo accompanies the first year class with Haru and all the others. They go to the main hall where the paintings with the different activities are.
He bows slightly to the headmaster then looks at his students. "These are the activities, there are different levels. For the oldest of you, they are all open. While for the children under 14 only the first three activities are open.
We have: 1 level, Race. 2 level, Clock Tower. 3 level, Reaper's Rumble. 4 level, Labyrint. 5 level, Lunatic Inquisition. 6 level, Ascent to Madness. Any question before you go?"
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2 | 18 Comments | Oct 26th 2018 17:09

Yama Tsuyo Ai

First Name: Tsuyo
Middle Name: Ai
Last Name: Yama
Nicknames: 'the heol I know?
Age: 970 but I look 16.
Place of Birth: Shiirhuang.
Sexuality: Anything.
Ethnicity: Eastern tribes.
Species: Auriold.
Height: 1.65 cm.
Hair Color: Colour change-disease.
Eye Color: Dark grey.
Piercings: Ears (, right eyebrow (
Tattoos: on my shoulder (, back (, butt cheek (, arm (
Parents: Hiroomi Yama
Pets: Meh, just for some worries, it is harmless, like me. Meet So. (
Relationship Status: Forever alone, what do you even care?
Spouse: Are you crazy?
Children: Heol no.
Personality: Ask me later... *rolls his eyes*

Job: For now, I work as teacher, science. Specialist in anatomy, but I have done any kind of job.
House: Well, I try to treat myself well. (
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1 | 1 Comment | Oct 18th 2018 06:13