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Phantom6's Blog

Erin Deathrunner

Erin was the first born in the Deathrunner family. Her mother came from earth after a fae from the summer court saved her. She was pregnant and didn't know to save her and the child the headmaster of Ravenwood and the life magic teacher at the time suspended the pregnancy.

When Erin found all this out she decided to take on her mother's legacy as an agent fur the order of the Fang. She became the one wolf working alone or with her siblings. She inherited her mother's house that she lived in before her marriage and was awarded another house by the Fang. Her third stepmother also gave her a house to spy on her but Erin was ever barely home, she chose to work always and was often ordered home to rest.

She found out who her father was in her mother's journals and decided she wouldn't tell him if she ever met him.
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2 | 0 Comments | Oct 27th 2022 19:02

Alura Deathrunner

Alura is the second oldest. She's calm and collected and sadly extremely logical. She enjoys politics so much that her father named her his successor instead of her older sister Erin.

Born as a magic user in ice Alura mastered it quickly and at the suggestion of the king in her quirks was sent to negotiate peace with the bears in Grizzlehiem where she found herself negotiating for more than just her king. She is now the ambassador between Grizzlehiem and Avalon.

Her work in the order of the Fang is also political her code name became ice queen. She negotiates truths and often stepped up when protecting leaders.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 27th 2022 17:59

Christopher (Chris) Deathrunner

Chris had a bright future as a necromancer. His mother was talented with the dark forces of magic that necromancer were known to use but she also liked to experiment as well one day after the twins were born her experiment killed her, it still wasn't known if this was an accident or sabotage.

Chris was the top of his class and considered the favorite for Professor Malestair. When Malestair disappeared people thought Chris would follow him in the betrayal of the school, when Chris didn't follow he was accused of being a spy.

Chris worked hard to prove this wasn't true and became kind of bitter, his choice name became Reaper for the order of the Fang. On one of his missions he found his old school and helped the old teachers aid become the new teacher and became the new teacher's aide, he protected the students going to class until the other teachers figure out how to raise the school up from the dark out it fell into.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 27th 2022 16:09

Deathrunner twins

Emily is the most hot-tempered of the twins but has worked hard to prove herself. When weird for our that her brother's teacher betrayed thief school and it was suspect that her brother Chris was involved in the betrayal her and her sister Ryan were bullied. So she fought back and no matter how many times she was knocked down she got back up. The order of the Fang and one of its members the Pharoah of Krokotopia noticed this. In the ring she was called the pheonix always rising from the ashes, the Order called her the Dragon. Though she didn't win every match she was one of the few with the most wins which made her a favorite. She was also close to the Order of the Fang headquarters so she often was asked to relay messages to her siblings.

Ryan was the opposite of her sister, though she too was bullied she ignored her bullies and focused on her studies. She like her professor enjoyed experiments and science. She grew to love forensics and was quickly recruited to Scotland Yard after graduation. The order gave her the name Titan for her control over storm magic.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 26th 2022 07:51

Natalie Deathrunner

Youngest of the siblings but definitely the most grounded. She and sweet this young wizard doesn't like getting into fights but if challenged she will go as far as she can to win.

Natalie has a great love for her oldest sister and was able to pull her from the clutches of Shadow magic. Erin more or less raised Natalie having graduated from Ravenwoof and have only done small missions for the order.

When Natalie first joined the order she was sent to Mooshu to determine the status of a certain key to a country in the Spiral that was locked away and hidden. During this mission she found the Jade Emporer almost dead at the hands of a plague Oni, the battle was hard on the little healer who's code name from the order was Dryad, but she won and the Emporer asked her to be his personal healer to which she agreed.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 26th 2022 07:28