Christopher (Chris) Deathrunner

Chris had a bright future as a necromancer. His mother was talented with the dark forces of magic that necromancer were known to use but she also liked to experiment as well one day after the twins were born her experiment killed her, it still wasn't known if this was an accident or sabotage.

Chris was the top of his class and considered the favorite for Professor Malestair. When Malestair disappeared people thought Chris would follow him in the betrayal of the school, when Chris didn't follow he was accused of being a spy.

Chris worked hard to prove this wasn't true and became kind of bitter, his choice name became Reaper for the order of the Fang. On one of his missions he found his old school and helped the old teachers aid become the new teacher and became the new teacher's aide, he protected the students going to class until the other teachers figure out how to raise the school up from the dark out it fell into.
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1 | Oct 27th 2022 16:09