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22 / Female / In a Relationship
**Warning**: Themes / Topics regarding graphic violence and s*xual intercourse will become somewhat of a trend in my roleplays. If you do not feel comfortable discussing or writing about such themes then I'll advice you to not pursue a roleplay with me; If so, I respect your boundaries and bid you a farewell with hopes that you are able to find what you're looking for. But if you decide to stay then please do prepare yourself for an frantic adventure, cause things are about to get wild.
Greetings and welcome to my profile.
To not waste much of your precious time, I have made a short list of key points that I am willing to share about myself (so you may have a better understanding of the person you'll be roleplaying with.) as well as another list that describes my skills and interests within the roleplaying sphere.
If there are any questions, do notify me as quickly as possible so we may sort it out and continue with our discussion.

About myself:
• Roleplaying experience: about 5 years (on and off)
• Currently trying to finish up my Bachelors degree and also working part-time with a lot of leisure time in between.
• Casual fan of anime, drama and horror related media with a slight morbid curiosity.
• English is not my first language; Dutch is. But will try to sound as fluent as possible.
• Luckily not ill in any way, shape or form.

About roleplaying:
• My preferences in genres are: Adult, Angst, Action, Adventure, Drama, Er*tica, Gore, Horror, Romance (not vanilla) and Thriller.
• I can be quite detailed depending on the provided information given within your reply.
• My roleplays will never be vanilla; It will always contain some horrid theme in regards to the characters or the setting itself.
• A good balance must be present between lighter and darker moments or else it will just become a predictable experience.
• I'm not against the usage of overpowered characters but let it be done tastefully or it will become a one-sided roleplay.
• I do have a description of my OC ready but since it's in a blank-slate state; Additional information will be made depending on the roleplay.
• You may expect a reply from me within the same day you send yours and I'll give you about 48 hours (2 days) to reply to mine.

Start roleplaying with members like PalaceOfDistortion!



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