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MultiFandomMadness's Blog

Lord Letreoux Faverael (Vampire OC)

Name: Letreoux Faverael

Age: over 100 years old

Gender: male

Personality: brash, cocky loves women and partying but also can be very serious

Appearance: in photo

Weapons: has many abilities he uses as weapons but no weapons

Powers: shadow warping, blood manipulation, hypnosis and levetation and can transform into a large bat or a cloud of leech like creatues

Bio: Born the only male to the Faverael bloodline, Letereoux grew bored of politics and the troubles of vampiric society, all he wanted to do was f*** women, party and get drunk! he did not care for others and his 7 deadly sisters of sin annoyed him so much and he rarely engaged with them.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 30th 2018 09:35

Peta Groban (Sci Fi OC)

Name: Peta Groban

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: cares for his crew mates and feels responsible for the safety of others and try's to help as much as he can but he has a short temper and can be angered easily

Skills: trained as a pilot mechanics and basic medical skills

Appearance: In photo

Weapons: standard issue laser pistol but mostly uses fists

Bio: Peta Groban wanted a fresh start, a new beginning away from Earth. he had spent many years as a combat pilot, his career led to fame and fortune...but all the lives lost and the pain it caused him got to him. PTSD has changed him, Peta applied to join a voyage to a new world to be colonised and is frozen waiting to wake up on the new world.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 28th 2018 05:34

Roland Dross (Western OC)

Name: Roland Peteros Dross

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Personality: enforces the law with no bias, he will kill if he needs to, betrayed his family and is forced to live with that every single day of his life

Appearance: In photo

Weapons: re purposed flintlock pistol, dual revolvers and a rifle and various knives

Bio: Roland Peteros Dross was born on the outskirts of society, his family was shunned by the growing population of the old west. as time went on Roland was forced to make a choice, fight for his people and his family or start a new life...he was only 14 and he chose the latter. he was adopted into society and by age 19 was a deputy to the sheriff. now Roland is one of the old Wests best sheriffs and law enforcers.
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 25th 2018 10:40

Trevor Gobold aka No Face

Name: Trevor Gobold

Age: 27

Gender: Male (but can change)

Personality: depends on the form he takes

Appearance: in photo but he can change his face to that of anyone he wants

Weapons: none but is a trained killer and is

Bio: Trevor Gobold aka The Face is a shapeshifting metahuman currently being held in Arkham Asylum for treatment, diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder, Trevor Gobold changes his personality many times and because of his condition he loves to imitate others, his face is almost featurless and he looks a bit like slenderman. Trevor Gobold was used by the US Government to infiltrate various organisations, when he was taken, held and tortured by the enemy he was marked as insane and sent to Arkham...thrown away like a used rubber.

Oblivious to his condition, he is hell bent on escaping Arkham and exacting revenge on those who betrayed him and tortured him.
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2 | 0 Comments | Oct 22nd 2018 09:32

Clown Trio member #3 Gut

Name: Gut

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Personality: Gut is the cruellest in the group, he really enjoys watching wild animals eat his victims, he even gets some sexual pleasure from it as he has two pitbull dogs he has trained to hunt down his victims, his laugh is very deep and bellows when he comes to town!

Appearance: is the largest clown in the group, he is overweight and wears a very basic fat clown mask with red hair.

Weapons: two highly aggressive pitbulls he uses to hunt his victims and a hatchet

Bio: Gut is the most likely clown to avoid direct confrontation, he lets his dogs Whack and Whacko off and watches them tear people to pieces as he watches.

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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 22nd 2018 04:25