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MiixedGalVaeh's Blog

My Character Description

Name: Nevaeh Jones
Age: 20
Birthday: April 3rd, 2003
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 135 lbs
Bra Size: 36 C Cups
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African American/ Caucasian American
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Occupation: College Student
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Rough play
Spit in mouth
Long deep passionate nasty sloppy tongue kissing
Rimming (Giving and Receiving)
Butt grabbing
Deep throating
C*m on face and in mouth
Face grabbing
Eye contact
Tongue sucking
Getting ate out
Toe sucking (Giving and Receiving)
Butt Smacking
Neck grabbing
Hard thrusting
Slow and passionate love making


Toilet play (no pee or poop)
Sick play (no taking care of you or me when sick)
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Plots !!

Plot 1: I’m your care taker and you’re an older vet who deals with ptsd, my job is to basically to keep you in shape but when I show up your memory is so foggy you mistake me to be your longtime now deceased wife as you confess your love to me and start making out with me, you let me know you’re ready to have a child and I realize that you’re about to breed me thinking I’m your young wife as I look around for some way to escape or get help but failing to find any form of escape or assistance.

Plot 2: When I travel to a foreign country with my boyfriend for the first time we both are extremely excited to get to know the land when we come across you, the only foreign man who can speak English, but as soon as we are about to ask you a few questions you let us know to do tradition first as you begin making out with me deeply, grabbing my ass as my mind fades out and I can’t help but enjoy this deep nasty long passionate kiss from a foreign stranger.

Plot 3: I was hired to keep the prisoners of this facility in nice shape since 5 inmates had passed over the past 2 months due to complications with their weight but when you pay off the guards to leave me alone with all of you I soon find myself at the mercy and pleasure of the inmates, pretty much their cum dump and toy now as my boyfriend sits and waits for me in his car.

Plot 4: While I’m out at the mall with my boyfriend I notice you’re picking up some items you bought from the store so I let my boyfriend know I’ll meet him at the store we planned on going to as he notices and smiles and agrees. I rush over to assist you only for you to show your gratitude in a more intimate way.

Plot 5: After me and my boyfriend and our friends van breaks down in the middle of nowhere you “the Butcher” hate trespassers, and strangers in general, but with the death of your wife you know you must continue your lineage, but you also know you don’t need my boyfriend and his best friend around so you plot to murder them and capture me hoping you can breed me and turn me into your new wife and birth giver.

Plot 6: Going to the bank with my boyfriend we were both excited to get a loan for our new house we planned to purchase. We figured we were deeply in love and we were young but ready to finally start a family but when you and your boys open fire and start shouting and letting everyone know not to move as you all demanded money. I use to work as an accountant at a bank and I see that the workers are frightened and don’t want to lose their jobs so I volunteer to help as you the leader take me away to the safe while your men keep everything under control and my boyfriend helplessly watches as you take me away, I had no idea that you not only wanted the money and wanted me to become your Bonnie to your Clyde as you decide to take what you wanted in the safe that includes me.

Plot 7: I agreed to help my boyfriend copy Chris Hansen’s to catch a predator, the plan was simple, I was to pretend to be underage and once you came over to my house I was to entertain you and keep pretending to be interested in you, I was to never let you even suspect that this was a trap and then I was to leave and my boyfriend and his best friend were suppose to come out and confront you, problem is they ended up and getting caught up with the police with an old police report on them harassing people at a Walmart, they tried to explain that I was inside my house with a predator at this moment but the police didn’t believe them as they arrested them leaving me to believe that they were coming and that I was to keep playing like I wanted you, I continued until I realized I was about to be bred by this ugly perverted pig.

Plot 8: After me and my boyfriend moved in next door to you I suspected something was off about you, you seemed like you were hiding something and your politeness seemed forced, I tried to explain to my boyfriend but to him I was just over reacting so I decided to wait for you to leave and I break into your house and begin searching for what it is you seemed to be hiding from us when we came over that first day, and once I made it to the basement and heard mumbling, whimpering and cries, I slowly opened the door as the crying got louder and I locked eyes with another woman who shielded herself before screaming into her gag and a shotgun fired off killing her in the process as I stared in horror and realized the door was rigged to a shotgun for any intruders, I tried to run and look for a phone only to find one but froze in horror as you entered your house and saw me inside and then you realized there was no crying coming form the basement, you were disappointed as you looked at me and let me know you need someone to carry your child for 9 months and now since I took that away from you, I was going to be your next child maker as you moved quickly to take me right then and there.

Plot 9: You and your deformed looking family have lived in these woods unbothered for decades, you stumbled across me while me and my friends were camping and you fall Inlove as you remember that your family says to kill any intruders on sight so you one by one start killing my friends and once it’s only me left you bring me back to your home and plead to your family to allow you to keep me so you can have a wife like your father did. I screamed and begged for you all to let me go but your father agrees that his boy deserved his own girl as you happily take me back to your room so you can breed me.

Plot 10: Going to a concert was a great idea, my boyfriend and best friends loved the bands and vibe but when I end up dancing a bit to far away from them I lose them as I looked around only to end up being picked up and kissed deeply as I realized this was a freeuse concert meaning no matter how many times I said no or fought you the rules stand and I’m basically free to breed as my boyfriend shouts out for me looking to save me.

Plot 11: After witnessing your gang punking my boyfriend something took that good girl out of me as I felt excitement for the first time in my life, I was always raised to stay away from gang members and the only frame of reference I ever got was what I saw on tv so seeing you and your gang in person had me feeling confused as I finally decided to intervene and challenge your authority which you liked since you planned to f*** me in front of my boyfriend to teach him a lesson and to corrupt me and turn me into bad girl and possibly your Bonnie to your Clyde.

Plot 12: When I get pulled over while out in Texas visiting family with my boyfriend I’m really confused until I see you’re white and that you’ve taken my BLM magnet of the back of my car and show it to me as you decided you’re going to show me and my boyfriends life doesn’t matter and that our color answers to yours as you call us all kinds of slurs and beat him before you put him in the back of your patrol car and return to me so you can put me in my place on the empty country road, making my boyfriend watch.

Plot 13: After class me and my boyfriend who wasn’t so popular and was actually always at the butt of your bullying would always go hide out on the football field bleachers on college campus since no one ever came here, that was until you and a few of your Jock friends showed up and noticed us. We immediately got up to leave but when we tried to walk by you grabbed me this time as you let my boyfriend know you’re going to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget and you f*** my brains out on the turf while your buddies hold my boyfriend down and force him to watch while I can’t help but end up enjoying it.

Plot 14: You’re my boyfriends fat ugly best friend and you both have been friends for years but one day when the 3 of us are out my boyfriend gets into a fight with some stranger and gets arrested, I scream and tried to plead his case while you held me and told me everything was okay and that you got me, you’ve been Inlove with my since elementary now that we all went to the same college you thought I’d be available until I ended up dating your best friend and now that he was being arrested you knew I was emotional so you decided to take advantage of that as you hush me and finally softly kiss me while you enjoy the taste of my lips and mouth

Plot 15: I work at my local gym and you’ve become obsessed with me, you’re really fit and you’ve seen my fat boyfriend and decide you may have a chance but don’t know how to go about approaching me so you do it and get it over with anyways as I smiled and asked you if you needed anything while I was in the back area cleaning a machine and you let me know I’m what you want and pick me up kissing me deeply as you claimed

Plot 16 : After I get a call from you to come to the mall to pick up my sister who had been caught shoplifting I’m met with a dilemma as she’s very important to me, and she knows that I would do anything to protect her. Once I’m there I make my way to the security office where I entered the back room where she was at, giving her a hug as I tell her to come on but you, the big fat pervert of a security guard block our path as you let me know she’s not free to go and that if I want her to be able to leave without authorities coming and ruining her perfect little record I was to become yours and to let you breed me so I can carry your child. My little sister meant the world to me. So I don’t stop you from touching me and kissing on me while she watches in shock

Plot 17: I have been baby sitting your kid for years now and you have always hinted that you wanted another but you’re wife can no longer conceive. Today you decide to have a sit down with me and your wife as you both ask me to carry the child inside me as your surrogate, at first I was against the idea due to my boyfriend possibly not being okay with it but when I see all the money you’re offering me I decide I’m in as you guide me to the bedroom.
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